Management Response and Action Plan - Audit of Health Canada’s Management of the Administration of the British Columbia Tripartite Framework Agreement - March 2017

Management Response and Action Plan
Audit of Health Canada's Management of the Administration of the British Columbia Tripartite Framework Agreement 
March 2017
Recommendation Management Response and Planned Management Action Deliverables Expected Completion Date Responsibility
Recommendation 1
It is recommended that the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister of the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch ensure the objectives and operating principles for the Director General - Vice President Committee are appropriately documented.

FNIHB will work with the FNHA to develop a terms of reference for this committee. Next meeting is anticipated in Fall 2017.

Draft Terms of Reference


March 31, 2017




Terms of Reference approved December 31, 2017 FNIHB–SADM
Recommendation 2
It is recommended that the Assistant Deputy Minister of the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch ensure a long-term strategy is developed and implemented to support continuity of service when the current Health Benefit agreement expires, should the FNHA not be in a position to assume full responsibility for the delivery of the benefits.
  1. FNIHB will work with Central Agencies to put in place the necessary authorities (Service Provision Authority and Vote Netted Revenue Authority) to enable the continued provision of services related to the management and delivery of health benefits for First Nation individuals resident in BC, until such time as the FNHA has identified and implemented an alternate solution.
  2. FNIHB will work with the FNHA to negotiate and put in place a new Health Benefits Services Agreement, to replace the current agreement which is set to expire in June 2017.

Seek authorities


March 31, 2017




Extend Health Benefits Services Agreement


June  30, 2017




Revenue Collection Authority June 30, 2017 FNIHB–SADM

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