Message from the Minister of Health - National Nursing Week - May 7-13, 2018


There is almost no one in Canada who has not benefitted from the care of a nurse at some point in their life. The largest group of health professionals in our country, nurses are the primary point of care for many Canadians. Every year, National Nursing Week honours nurses for their myriad contributions to the well-being of Canadians.

The theme of this year’s National Nursing Week — “Yes, this is Nursing” — speaks to the ever evolving role of nurses in both traditional and non-traditional settings, and the opportunities presented by digital technologies and social media. Our government is committed to working closely with provinces, territories and the health care community to ensure that our health care system continues to adapt to the needs of Canadians.

This week – and every week – I want to thank nurses across Canada for their dedication and commitment to providing excellent care. I invite all Canadians to join me in celebrating nursing and all that nurses do to keep us healthy.

The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Health

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