Message from the Minister of Health – Food Allergy Awareness Month (May 2020)


Food allergies are a serious public health concern, and in some cases, can cause severe and even life-threatening reactions. With an estimated 2.6 million Canadians reporting at least one food allergy, chances are you or someone you know has one.

Each May, we recognize Food Allergy Awareness Month to increase Canadians' understanding of food allergies, and how to avoid and treat allergic reactions. Knowing what foods commonly cause allergies could save your life and the lives of those around you.

Eggs, milk, mustard, peanuts, seafood, sesame, soy, sulphites, tree nuts and wheat are the top 10 food allergens. If you think you might be allergic to any of these foods, or any other food, ask your health care professional about an allergy test.

There is no cure for food allergies, so the best way to protect yourself is to avoid foods to which you are allergic. Take precautions, such as reading food labels carefully, informing restaurants of your allergy when ordering food, and wearing a medical alert bracelet, if required. Most importantly, if you've been prescribed an epinephrine or adrenaline auto-injector, carry it with you at all times, and make sure you, your family, and your close friends and colleagues understand how to use it.

Following these tips is the best way to prevent allergic reactions. Visit our website to get more helpful advice to protect yourself and your family from allergic reactions.

The Honourable Patty Hajdu, P.C., M.P.

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