Task Force on Marijuana Legalization and Regulation - Summary of Expertise, Experience, and Affiliations and Interests


The following table summarizes the information about expertise, experience, and affiliations and interests relevant to the Task Force on Marijuana Legalization and Regulation mandate declared by Task Force members. Health Canada considered these declarations as part of the appointment process.

This summary is available as part of Health Canada's commitment to be transparent about the membership of its advisory bodies. 

Assessment of affiliations and interests prior to each meeting

Prior to each committee meeting, the Task Force Chair will assess each member’s affiliations and interests, including direct financial interests, as they may apply to agenda items. Based on this review, they will decide, if necessary, to limit a member’s participation in all or part of the meeting agenda, and will inform the member of this decision. As well, on receipt of the meeting agenda, members are expected to review their own affiliations and interests against agenda items and advise the Chair and Secretariat if they see a potential cause for concern regarding the integrity and objectivity of their participation.

Members are expected to report promptly any changes in their circumstances as reported on the Affiliations and Interests Declaration Form to the Secretariat and the Chair of the Task Force. Health Canada also asks members to review their affiliations and interests declaration on an annual basis.

In accordance with sections 3.2 to 3.6 of the Health Canada Policy on External Advisory Bodies, a person with a direct financial interest in a matter on the Task Force agenda may not participate in discussions with respect to that item, but they may participate in discussions regarding policy, management, or program development as they relate to the mandate of the advisory body.

Indicated Sector and Expertise/Experience


  • Legal
  • Government
  • Public Health
  • Law Enforcement
  • Research/Academia
  1. Direct financial interests

    Current employment, investments in companies, partnerships, equity, royalties, joint ventures, trusts, real property, stocks, shares, or bonds that relate to the mandate of the advisory body.

  2. Indirect financial interests
    1. Within the past five years, payment from the regulated industry for work done or being done, including past employment, contracts, or consulting; or financial support, including research support, personal education grants, contributions, fellowships, sponsorships, and honoraria.Footnote 1
    2. Within the past five years, materials, discounted products, gifts, or other benefits, or attendance at meetings where all or part of the travel and accommodation costs were provided by a party with an interest in the mandate of the advisory body.Footnote 2
    3. Within the last three years, grants or other funding from a party with an interest in the mandate of the advisory body to any of the organizations where you are currently employed or participate in internal decision making.Footnote 3
  3. Intellectual interests
    1. Within the last five years, any formal advice or opinion to industry, a government organization, or a non-government organization.
    2. Within the last five years, any published or publicly stated point of view.
    3. Current professional or volunteer affiliations, such as membership of professional societies, lobbying, public interest, or advocacy groups.
  4. Other

    Any other affiliations and interests or potential circumstances that might give a well-informed member of the public reasonable grounds for concern regarding the integrity and objectivity of your participation

Summary of responses from Task Force members regarding their interests and affiliations
Name Indicated Sector and Expertise/Experience Summary of Responses
Direct financial interests Indirect financial interests Intellectual interests Others

The Honourable A Anne McLellan P.C., O.C., A.O.E.


Legal, Government (Federal)

Public Policy, Public Safety, Justice

1. No


2b. No

2c. No

3a. No

3b. No

3c. No

4. No

Senior advisor with Bennett Jones, a law firm in Edmonton since 2006. The firm represents some clients with interests in the legal marijuana business. 

In the past, Ms. McLellan has served as:

  • Minister of Natural Resources and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians from November 1993 to June 1997
  • Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada from June 1997 to January 2002
  • Minister of Health from January 2002 to December 2003; and
  • Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness from December 2003 to January 2006.

Dr. Mark A Ware

Vice Chair

Research/Academia, Public Health

Medical cannabis policy; Research on pain medicine

1.  Yes

2a. Yes

2b. Yes

2c. Yes

3a. Yes

3b. Yes

3c. Yes

4. No

Executive director of the Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids (CCIC) (2008 – present), and Scientific director (2000 - 2006).

Currently serving a two-year term as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the International Association for Cannabinoids Medicines (IAMC).Previous to this, Dr. Ware was a member of the Board of Directors for the same organization. The organization issued a declaration on the right to access cannabis medicines. Dr. Ware was not a signatory of this declaration.

Has received grant funding from a licensed producer to conduct a clinical trial.

In the past five years, Dr. Ware has received speaker’s fees from a number of health care, legal, and medical organizations.

In November 2015 Dr. Ware appeared on an edition of “McGill Talks” on Canal Savoir, in which he stated his position on cannabis legalization.

Member of the Health Canada Expert Advisory Committee regarding the development of an Information for Health Care Professionals document (2012-2013).

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