Consulting on the future of chemicals management in Canada

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The Chemicals Management Plan (CMP) was introduced in 2006 to strengthen the integration across the Government of Canada's chemicals management programs, to address approximately 4,300 priority chemicals by 2020, and to address the hundreds of new substances that enter Canada each year. The CMP has since established Canada as a world leader in the sound management of chemicals.

Work on the future of the Government of Canada chemicals management activities is being informed by the report from the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development on the statutory review of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999). CEPA 1999 is the primary legislation under which the CMP operates. In June 2018, the Government submitted a follow-up report to the Committee, and committed to further consider a number of recommendations related to chemicals as part of its engagement on the future of chemicals management, which could inform legislative reform.


We will be consulting with stakeholders, the public, youth and indigenous groups, scientists and researchers, regulated parties, and national and international organizations so that the renewed approach to chemicals management is effective for all Canadians.

Consultations can take many forms, including dialogue with individuals, associations, organizations and other levels of government through online surveys and feedback forms, face-to-face discussions, focus groups, social media and other forums.

These consultations will build on feedback that we have already received, as well as lessons learned throughout the CMP. They will also help us improve our understanding on various topics.

Topics for consultation

Closed consultations

How to get involved

Please check back regularly for updates on consultations. New information will be posted, including instructions for providing feedback.

You can also subscribe to the (Chemical Substances) Website subscription service to receive updates on activities related to the CMP.

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