Help on forms
Quick Links
On this page
- Requirements for using the form
- Saving your form
- Viewing your form
- Features of the form
- Differences between some common browsers
Requirements for using the form
To use the form you must be connected to the internet with a browser such as:
- Chrome Version 28 or higher
- Firefox Version 18 or higher
- Internet Explorer Version 11 or higher
- Safari Version 9 or higher
- Opera Version 12 or higher
Saving your form
You should save your form as a .hcxs file on your computer after you have completed and submitted it.
Include the case and submission numbers in the file name to help you easily find your form again.
These numbers are created once you click the "Proceed to Submit" button in the form on-line.
You may save your incomplete form at any time and upload it later to complete and submit.
Save your form using these instructions:
- Click on "Save my form".
Viewing your form
To view a form saved in the .hcxs format, follow these instructions.
- Click on the link that corresponds to the type of form you would like to view.
- An empty form will appear. If the form is not empty, click F5/refresh to clear it. Scroll down the empty form to the section titled "How to view/edit".
- Use the "Choose File/Browse" button to select the .hcxs file you saved on your computer before.
- Click on the "Upload Information" button.
- The information will be presented in the online form. You may now review, change and re-submit the form as needed.
Features of the form
Attaching pictures or documents
You can attach digital files to submit with your form. If you are submitting a change to a form by uploading a previously submitted form, we suggest that you delete the attached digital files that have already been submitted to avoid duplication.
Restricted file types for attachments
You cannot submit certain executable files (for example, programs and .exe files) or compressed files (for example .ZIP files).
Submitting the form
What happens when you click on <Submit Online>:
- The form will check that all mandatory fields are filled in and in the required format. If you DO have errors on your form, you will see an interactive list of your errors at the top of the form. Click on each hyperlinked error message to be taken to the exact field in the form that you need to change.
- Once your form passes that check, a pop up message appears with the heading "Confirmation" and the message "Confirmation: Online submission was successful. Assigned Case Number(s) is/are: YYYY-###### and assigned Submission Number is: yyyy-mm-dd-#####".
- That case number and submission number will also appear at the bottom of your form.
Maximum file size
If your completed form including attached digital files is larger than 70MB you will see an error message and be unable to submit. If this happens to you, follow these steps:
- Submit attached digital files up to 70MB on your first form
- Note the case number you receive when you submit that form
- Go to the "Additional Documents" web form and attach the additional digital files and enter the case number.
Differences between some common browsers
You may find a difference between the instructions in the form and what you see in your browser when attaching files or saving a form. Different web browsers may use different labels for their buttons.
- Uses the label <Choose Files> to find files that you want to attach
- Right clicking on "Download online form information" uses the term "Save Link As…"
Internet Explorer
- Uses the label <Browse…> to find files that you want to attach
- Right clicking the link to download and save the web form data will open a prompt where you can select either "Save" or "Save As…"
- Uses the label <Browse…>
- Right clicking the link to download online form information uses the term "Save Link As…"
- Uses the label <Browse…>
- The calendar widget requires you to click on the checkmark to confirm your entry, or the X to close the widget.
- Right clicking the link to download and save the online form information will start the download
- Uses the label <Choose File>
- Right clicking the link to download and save the online form information uses the term "Download Linked File"
Page details
- Date modified: