Notification of Cosmetics

Notification of Cosmetics: Overview

The following table shows the 3 types of flags used in this document and the Guide for Cosmetic Notifications.

Important: Key or cautionary information to know

Information: Supplementary information like quotes and legal references

Tip: Suggestions for people to do in order to comply with the regulations

On this page

  1. What is a cosmetic
  2. Why do you need to notify a cosmetic
  3. Regulatory requirements
  4. Notification process
  5. What products are subject to Cosmetic Notification
  6. Contact us

1. What is a cosmetic

Section 2 of the Food and Drugs Act defines a "cosmetic" as:

"Any substance or mixture of substances manufactured, sold or represented for use in cleansing, improving or altering the complexion, skin, hair or teeth, and includes deodorants and perfumes."

2. Why do you need to notify a cosmetic

Notifications allow Health Canada to monitor cosmetics sold in Canada, making it easier to address any safety concerns or issues that arise.

Manufacturers and importers are responsible for making sure their cosmetics meet the requirements of the Food and Drugs Act and its Cosmetic Regulations.

3. Regulatory requirements

3.1 Notification requirements

According to section 30 of the Cosmetic Regulations, all manufacturers and all importers must notify Health Canada within 10 days after they first sell a cosmetic in Canada. Failure to notify may result in a product being denied entry into Canada or removed from sale.

3.2 Updating information

Section 31 of the Cosmetic Regulations requires manufactures and importers to update and resubmit a Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF) when there are changes. Some examples of changes include:

  • modification of the cosmetic formulation
  • update to product name
  • new company name, address or contact information
  • discontinuation of sale

4. Notification process

4.1 What information must be provided in the Cosmetic Notification

The completed Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF) provides specific product information to Health Canada, including:

  • product brand and name
  • the name and address of the person who submits the cosmetic notification
  • manufacturing and importing information
  • label contact information
  • type of product (leave-on or rinse-off) *New*
  • area of application
  • function of the cosmetic
  • form of the cosmetic (for example: cream, gel or powder.)
  • ingredients of the cosmetic
  • concentration of each ingredient

Information: There is no fee associated with the cosmetic notification process.

Any personal information provided to Health Canada in a cosmetic notification is protected under the provisions of the Privacy Act.

4.2 Submit a cosmetic notification

To notify a new cosmetic, amend an existing notification, or discontinue the sale of a cosmetic, you must fill out and submit a Cosmetic Notification Form (CNF) to Health Canada.

Notify, amend or discontinue a cosmetic

4.3 Submit additional documents

To submit additional documents related to your cosmetic after a notification has been sent, such as copies of the labels or inserts, use the Transport Form for Submitting Additional Documents to Health Canada.

You should review the Guide for Cosmetic Notifications to ensure your cosmetic notification form is completed correctly.

Do you need help submitting your HTML form? See Help on Forms.

If you experience any issues with submitting your form, please contact us at for assistance.

Important: Submission of the CNF does not constitute approval for sale by Health Canada, agreement that the product is classified as a cosmetic nor that the product complies with all legislative requirements.

Manufacturers and importers are responsible for making sure their cosmetics meet the requirements of the Food and Drugs Act and its Cosmetic Regulations.

If there are concerns with a submitted notification or product, such as unknown ingredients, missing information, safety issues, or improper classification, Health Canada will inform the notifier of those concerns. Failure to respond may result in compliance action.

5. What products are subject to Cosmetic Notification

All cosmetics sold in Canada must be notified to Health Canada.

In instances where the classification of a product is not clear, Health Canada will classify the product on a case by case-by-case basis, considering factors such as:

  1. Representation: The product is represented for sale to serve a cosmetic function, such as cleansing, moisturizing, lubricating, perfuming or altering the hair, skin or teeth of humans.
  2. Composition of the product: Although the composition of a product alone does not necessarily determine its classification, the presence of an ingredient, or its concentration, may make the product unsuitable for classification as a cosmetic.
  3. Level of action: Cosmetics are normally applied to an external part of the body and not absorbed below the skin to achieve their cosmetic effect.

In addition, the following elements are considered to determine the classification of a product:

  • Cosmetics can be applied to the skin around the eyes but products applied directly into the eyes are not cosmetics.
  • With the sole exception of tattoo ink, products that are administered through ingestion, inhalation or injection (such as, intramuscular, subcutaneous or intravenous) are not classified as cosmetics.

Further information regarding classification may be found in the Guidance on the Classification of Products at the Cosmetic-Drug Interface

Information: Test-marketed cosmetics must meet all relevant regulatory requirements, including notification.

6. Contact us

If you can't find the information you need on our website, contact the Consumer Product Safety Program at the link below: Contact us — Consumer Product Safety Program — Health Canada -

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