Terms of Reference – Federal/Provincial/Territorial Committee on Pest Management and Pesticides (FPT-CPMP)
1. Preamble
The Federal/Provincial/Territorial Committee on Pest Management and Pesticides (FPT-CPMP) is an intergovernmental body that works to strengthen federal/provincial/territorial relationships in the areas of pest management and pesticide regulation.
The FPT-CPMP focuses its effort on sharing information and fostering cooperation to support efficient and coordinated pesticide regulation and sustainable pest management.
The goals of sustainable pest management are to meet society’s needs for human health protection, food and fibre production and resource utilization and to conserve or enhance natural resources and the quality of the environment for future generations, in an economically viable manner. It is important that such an approach be continued in order to achieve mutually desired results efficiently, without regulatory conflict or duplication.
These Terms of Reference for the FPT-CPMP were accepted in September 2023.
2. Mandate
2.1 The FPT-CPMP will work to align pesticide and pest management regulatory and education activities across Canada by promoting:
- 2.1.1 Information exchange in the areas of pest management and pesticide regulation.
- 2.1.2 Cooperation, where appropriate, between federal, provincial and territorial governments on programs, policies and activities in the areas of pest management and pesticide regulation.
3. Membership
3.1 Members
The FPT-CPMP will have the following members:
- 3.1.1 A federal co-chair designated by Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (HC-PMRA).
- 3.1.2 Two representatives for each of the provincial and territorial governments as designated by their jurisdictions representing the Ministries with responsibilities related to the regulation of pesticides (for example, Health, Environment and Agriculture). The provincial/territorial co-chair will rotate between these members, as set out in section 4.2.3.
- 3.1.3 A representative designated by Environment and Climate Change Canada.
- 3.1.4 A representative designated by the Pest Management Centre of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
- 3.1.5 A representative designated by Natural Resources Canada
- 3.1.6 A representative designated by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- 3.1.7 A representative designated by the Pesticide Compliance Program of Health Canada’s Regulatory Operations and Enforcement Branch
- 3.1.8 Any additional representative(s) from provincial or federal governments may be accepted with the approval of the FPT-CPMP by majority vote.
3.2. Tenure
- 3.2.1 Members are designated for as long as required by their respective jurisdiction.
- 3.2.2 If a member’s term is ended by their jurisdiction, that jurisdiction will identify its replacement member in a timely manner and notify the Secretariat.
4. Roles and responsibilities
4.1 Members
The responsibilities of the FPT-CPMP members are to:
- 4.1.1 Work co-operatively towards achieving the objectives of the Terms of Reference.
- 4.1.2 Attend the FPT-CPMP meetings. If an FPT-CPMP member is unable to attend, a delegate may attend in their place after notifying the co-chairs and the secretariat.
- 4.1.3 Share information among FPT-CPMP members and their respective jurisdictions on relevant information on pesticides and pest management.
- 4.1.4 Lead designated projects and action items, as agreed by the FPT-CPMP.
- 4.1.5 Provide input and comments on proposed documents or issues in line with timelines set by the FPT-CPMP.
- 4.1.6 When major decisions are scheduled to be taken at a meeting, brief their respective senior officials in advance of the meeting to ensure they can represent their jurisdiction’s views at the meeting.
- 4.1.7 Report the Committee’s activities to their respective senior officials.
4.2. Co-Chairs
- 4.2.1 The FPT-CPMP co-chairs are responsible for overseeing and chairing meetings, as well as facilitating discussion among members. They ensure decisions are made in accordance with these terms of reference.
- 4.2.2 The FPT-CPMP is co-chaired by one federal (HC-PMRA) representative and one provincial/territorial representative.
- 4.2.3 The provincial/territorial co-chair rotates annually between provincial/territorial members of the FPT-CPMP, in accordance with Appendix A. The one-year term of the provincial/territorial co-chair starts on April 1st and runs to March 31st of the following year. The province or territory of the provincial/territorial co-chair shall host the annual meeting.
- 4.2.4 In the event the current provincial/territorial FPT-CPMP co-chairs are unable to perform their responsibilities, the FPT-CPMP co-chairs from the previous year will assume the role as their alternates.
- 4.2.5 The federal co-chair is designated by HC-PMRA for as long as required by HC-PMRA.
- 4.2.6 In accordance with the Pest Management Advisory Council (PMAC) Terms of Reference (ToR), an FPT-CPMP provincial/territorial co-chair sits on PMAC of HC-PMRA for a one-year term. In the event the FPT-CPMP co-chair who is the PMAC member is unable to attend the PMAC meeting, the FPT-CPMP will designate a provincial/territorial alternate from the same province/territory.
- 4.2.7 The FPT-CPMP PMAC representative will represent the views of all federal/provincial members and will report back to FPT-CPMP members on the results of the meeting (while respecting the confidentiality provisions of the PMAC ToRs).
4.3 Secretariat
- 4.3.1 The Secretariat function of the FPT-CPMP is provided by HC-PMRA.
- 4.3.2 The Secretariat liaises with members and Health Canada and acts as a resource for members.
- 4.3.3 The Secretariat coordinates the administration of the FPT-CPMP including: preparing the meeting agenda; drafting meeting reports or records of decision for the members’ and the co-chairs’ approval; and updating web content for the FPT-CPMP on Health Canada’s website.
4.4 Commitment to confidentiality
To support their ability to provide well-informed input, FPT-CPMP members may receive and discuss information from Health Canada or other members that is confidential in nature.
- 4.4.1 At the discretion of the Secretariat and in consultation with the co-chairs, meetings of the FPT-CPMP may be:
- open only to FPT-CPMP members, and invited federal, provincial or territorial government staff (for example, as observers or presenters);
- open only to FPT-CPMP members, invited government staff and invited non-government presenters; or
- open only to FPT-CPMP members, invited government staff, invited non-government presenters and non-government observers.
- 4.4.2 Confidential materials and/or topics will not be discussed while non-government invited presenters or observers are in attendance.
- 4.4.3 If a document is confidential in nature, the Secretariat will identify that document according to the level to which it is protected under the Government of Canada’s Policy on Government Security.
- 4.4.4 Documents that are confidential in nature will be shared in accordance with the Government of Canada’s Policy on Government Security.
- 4.4.5 The FPT-CPMP co-chairs will ensure that everyone participating in a meeting, telephone discussion, e-mail exchange or other form of communication has received clear instructions on the confidentiality of the proceedings and any documents that may be shared.
- 4.4.6 An external observer or presenter to the FPT-CPMP may need to sign a Confidentiality Agreement before participating in a meeting. The agreement would prohibit the disclosure of any confidential information by any means (including social media) received through participation in the FPT-CPMP, including information received verbally or in writing through email correspondence, telephone calls, print materials, meeting discussions, etc.
- 4.4.7 All members are expected to protect and maintain confidentiality of any information divulged during the work of the FPT-CPMP that have been identified as confidential. Members must not discuss this information with persons not on the FPT-CPMP, or divulge information obtained from the work of the FPT-CPMP, including presentations made to it, outside their relevant government departments.
5. Management and administration
5.1 Transparency
- 5.1.1 Health Canada is committed to ensuring transparency as an operating principle. Consistent with Government of Canada principles of openness and transparency, meeting notes or reports are available upon request by contacting the HC-PMRA’s Pest Management Information Service.
5.2 Frequency and location of meetings
- 5.2.1 Meeting attendance is by invitation only. The invitations are sent by the Secretariat.
- 5.2.2 A quorum is required to hold a meeting or conference call. Quorum will be considered 50% of FPT-CPMP members plus 1 of the current co-chairs (or their alternate).
- 5.2.3 The FPT-CPMP will hold one annual meeting. Efforts will be made to have the annual meeting in person, unless there are extenuating circumstances. However, it may be held in a hybrid or virtual format where necessary.
- 5.2.4 In addition, the FPT-CPMP will hold virtual meetings once every two months.
- 5.2.5 The FPT-CPMP may also communicate, secretarially, or hold additional meetings, as required.
5.3 Deliberations
- 5.3.1 Decision-making is by consensus. Voting will only be used if consensus cannot be reached. Each member has one vote. A committee vote of two thirds in attendance, as long as there is quorum, must be attained to reach a decision.
5.4 Travel and expenses
- 5.4.1 HC-PMRA will pay the costs of translation services and administrative support incurred for the annual meeting and the virtual meetings every two months, as well as certain other administrative costs related to the good functioning of the FPT-CPMP (including meetings scheduled under Section 5.2.5) and its subcommittees (for example, shipping, postage.).
- 5.4.2 The host province/territory will pay the cost of room rentals, equipment rentals, and additional support incurred for the annual meeting.
- 5.4.3 FPT-CPMP members will pay the costs incurred for their travel to the annual meeting or any other meeting, including transportation, accommodation, local transport (for example, taxi, shuttle), meals, etc.
- 5.4.4 Invited non-members are responsible for all of their travel costs incurred to attend the annual meeting.
5.5 Non-members
Involvement of non-members, including observers and presenters, in FPT-CPMP meetings and activities will be by invitation only, at the discretion of the co-chairs.
- 5.5.1 Observers
The co-chairs may allow individuals, organizations, or members of the general public to observe a meeting or part of a meeting. Observers will not be permitted to provide input on agenda items or participate in the discussions, unless specifically invited to do so by the co-chairs.
When there are non-government observers in attendance, as part of the opening remarks at an FPT-CPMP meeting, the chair will:- identify, by name and organization, the people attending all or part of the meeting as observers;
- state the requirements and expectations regarding any confidential matters being discussed at the meeting; and
- clarify that observers may not participate in the discussions, either by speaking or by otherwise expressing their support for or disagreement with what is being said, unless specifically invited to do so by the co-chairs (the co-chairs may ask observers who do not respect these rules to leave the meeting).
- 5.5.2 Invited presenters
The co-chairs may invite individuals with particular expertise or experience to provide input on a specific topic or agenda item. Invited presenters may participate in the discussions if the co-chairs specifically invite them to do so, but they do not participate in the formulation of Committee decisions.
5.6 Subcommittees
- 5.6.1 The FPT-CPMP may appoint subcommittees to more efficiently and effectively address and resolve specific issues and to make recommendations to the FPT-CPMP. The Terms of Reference of existing subcommittees is available upon request by contacting the Secretariat.
- 5.6.2 Each subcommittee will be led by one provincial/territorial co-chair designated by the FPT-CPMP and one federal co-chair designated by the HC-PMRA. A subcommittee co-chair could be a non FPT-CPMP member provided that at least one member of the FPT-CPMP sits on the subcommittee.
- 5.6.3 A subcommittee may include members from any provincial or territorial jurisdiction as required to fulfill its mandate.
- 5.6.4 The subcommittee co-chairs are invited to attend all FPT-CPMP meetings to provide updates on their work to the FPT-CPMP committee.
- 5.6.5 Subcommittee co-chairs are responsible for providing the FPT-CPMP with regular updates at the FPT-CPMP meetings and/or annual meeting. Also, subcommittee co-chairs must provide an annual report and a work plan for discussion and approval at the FPT-CPMP annual meeting.
- 5.6.6 Subcommittees may establish linkages and share materials that are not identified as confidential with other organizations with a similar mandate.
- 5.6.7 The FPT-CPMP will determine if the subcommittee has fulfilled its mandate and can dissolve.
5.7 Review
- 5.7.1 The Secretariat will initiate an evaluation of the FPT-CPMP every five years and will work with the co-chairs to review the mandate, activities, Terms of Reference, and relevance of the FPT-CPMP to ensure that it continues to meet ongoing needs.
Appendix A
FPT Committee on Pest Management and Pesticides: Provincial/Territorial co-chairs rotation
The term of the provincial/territorial co-chair starts on April 1st until March 31st of the following year and the annual meeting is hosted by the province/territory the provincial/territorial co-chair represents. If a province/territory is unable to co-chair, then the next province/territory on the list will assume the role of the co-chair.
British Columbia
Newfoundland & Labrador
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories
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