Re-evaluation Note REV2013-06, Special Review Initiation of 23 Active Ingredients

Pest Management Regulatory Agency
30 December 2013
ISSN: 1925-0649 (PDF version)
Catalogue number: H113-5/2013-6E-PDF (PDF version)

This notice is to advise that pursuant to subsection 17(2) of the  Pest Control Products Act (the Act), the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) will initiate special reviews related to registered pest control products containing the active ingredients included in Appendix I.

The PMRA has considered subsection 17(2) with respect to the active ingredients and has determined that this subsection's criteria have been met, namely that a member country of the  Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development prohibits all uses of this active ingredient for health or environmental reasons.

Once the aspects of the pest control products that prompted the special review have been evaluated, the PMRA will publish its proposed decision. Once its proposed decision is published, the public consultation, pursuant to section 28 of the Act, will take place.

At any point during the special reviews, pursuant to subsection 20(1)(b), should evidence become available demonstrating reasonable grounds to believe that one or more of the registered pest control products containing the active ingredients included in Appendix I endangers human health or the environment, the PMRA may cancel or amend the pest control product's registration.

Appendix I - Active Ingredients for which a Special Review is Being Initiated

Active Ingredients for which a Special Review is Being Initiated
Active Ingredient OECD Member Country
2,4-D Norway
Acephate European Union
Aminopyralid Norway
Atrazine European Union
Bromoxynil Norway
Carbaryl European Union
Chloropicrin European Union
Chlorthal-dimethyl European Union
Diazinon European Union
Dichlobenil European Union, Norway
Dichlorvos European Union
Difenoconazole Norway
Diphenylamine European Union
Fluazifop-P-butyl Norway
Fluazinam Norway
Hexazinone Norway
Imazapyr Norway
Linuron Norway
Paraquat European Union
Pentachlorophenol Switzerland, Japan
Quintozene European Union, Switzerland
Simazine European Union, Norway
Trifluralin European Union

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