Scientific/Expert Advisory Committees

Completed or Active - Scientific Advisory Bodies

For materials from past meetings of active committees and for committees that are dormant, or whose mandate is completed, please contact Policy Bureau Enquires.

Scientific / Expert Advisory Committee Status
Anti-Infective Therapies (SAC-AIT) Mandate Completed
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence (SAC-BB) Mandate Completed
Cardiovascular Therapies (SAC-CvT) Cancelled
HIV Therapies (SAC-HIVT) Mandate Completed
Human Reproductive Therapies (SAC-HRT) Mandate Completed
Metabolic and Endocrine Therapies (SAC-MET) Mandate Completed
Musculoskeletal Therapies (SAC-MST) Cancelled
Neurological Therapies (SAC-NT) Cancelled
Non-prescription Drugs (SAC-NPD) Disbanded
Oncology Therapies (SAC-OT) Active
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Pharmacology (SAC-PSCP) Active
Respiratory and Allergy Therapies (SAC-RAT) Active

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