Medical device shortage: Taperguard Tracheal Tube With Stylet, Murphy Eye, Cuff Resting Diameter
The Taperguard Tracheal Tube With Stylet, Murphy Eye, Cuff Resting Diameter is currently reported as a medical device shortage under sections 62.21 to 62.26 of the Medical Devices Regulations. For a full list of shortages, refer to the List of shortages and discontinuations.
Posted on 2024-01-24Footnote 1
Type of report
Actual medical device shortage
Name of medical device (including any component, accessory or part that is in shortage, including the model name) if applicable
Taperguard Tracheal Tube With Stylet, Murphy Eye, Cuff Resting Diameter
Other names (for example trade name), if applicable
Package description (for example, packaging formats, sizes, quantities)
10 per pack
Class of medical device (I, II, III or IV), if known
Class II
Device identifier(s) (for example, serial number, catalogue number, part number, model number or unique device identifier)
Medical device licence number (for Class II, III and IV), if applicable
Authorization identification number (for devices authorized for importation or sale under an interim order made under section 30.1 of the Food and Drugs Act), if applicable
Single-use product
Importers that have reported the shortage (Names of importers listed who have reported the shortage separately from the manufacturer or who are reporting on behalf of the manufacturer in a delegated capacity), if applicable
Medtronic Canada ULC
Manufacturer's name
Covidien LLC
Manufacturer's mailing address
15 Hampshire Street
Mansfield, MA
Reason for shortage
Disruption of the manufacturing of a medical device
Increase in demand for the medical device
- Footnote 1
This date reflects when a shortage report is first posted online. This page includes specific information related to the device that is in shortage. Updates to the status and end date of a shortage can be found on the List of shortages webpage.
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