Type of report(s)Footnote 2
Status of report(s)
Type of shortage(s)
Anticipated medical device shortage
Actual medical device shortage
Scope of shortage(s)
Provincial or territorial
Other names (for example, trade name), if applicable
Description of the device: Package description (for example, packaging formats, sizes, quantities) (required)
Description of the device: Single-use product (required)
Class of medical device (I, II, III or IV), if known
Medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV) (required)
Note: Please indicate N/A for Class I devices or for devices that have authorization identification number(s)
Authorization identification number(s) for Class I to IV devices authorized by Health Canada for importation or sale under another interim order made under section 30.1 of the Food and Drugs Act (required)
Note: Please indicate N/A for Class II, III and IV devices that have medical device licence number(s) or for Class I devices without authorization identification number(s)
Labelled/licensed indications (conditions or reasons for using the device) for the medical device, if known
Reason for shortage
Please select
Disruption of the manufacturing of a medical device
Device was subject to a recall
Delay in shipping of a medical device
Increase in demand for the medical device
Licensing issues (e.g. cancellation of a licence)
Export restrictions
Other - Reason for shortage
Anticipated or actual start date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD) (required)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Anticipated or actual start date of shortage
Estimated end date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Estimated end date of shortage
Confirmation (required)
By checking this box the reporter acknowledges that an anticipated end date for this shortage has been provided or is confirmed as currently unknown.
Report additional device shortages
Device 2
Other names (for example, trade name), if applicable
Description of the device: Package description (for example, packaging formats, sizes, quantities)
Description of the device: Single-use product
Class of medical device (I, II, III or IV), if known
Device identifier(s) (for example, catalogue number, part number, model number or unique device identifier) Footnote 4
Medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV)
Note: Please indicate N/A for Class I devices or for devices that have authorization identification number(s).
Authorization identification number(s) for Class I to IV devices authorized by Health Canada for importation or sale under another interim order made under section 30.1 of the Food and Drugs Act
Note: Please indicate N/A for devices that have medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV) or for Class I devices without authorization identification number(s).
Labelled/licensed indications (conditions or reasons for using the device) for the medical device, if known
Reason for shortage
Please select
Disruption of the manufacturing of a medical device
Device was subject to a recall
Delay in shipping of a medical device
Increase in demand for the medical device
Licensing issues (e.g. cancellation of a licence)
Export restrictions
Other - Reason for shortage
Anticipated or actual start date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Anticipated or actual start date of shortage
Estimated end date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Estimated end date of shortage
By checking this box the reporter acknowledges that an anticipated end date for this shortage has been provided or is confirmed as currently unknown.
Device 3
Other names (for example, trade name), if applicable
Description of the device: Package description (for example, packaging formats, sizes, quantities)
Description of the device: Single-use product
Class of medical device (I, II, III or IV), if known
Device identifier(s) (for example, catalogue number, part number, model number or unique device identifier) Footnote 4
Medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV)
Note: Please indicate N/A for Class I devices or for devices that have authorization identification number(s).
Authorization identification number(s) for Class I to IV devices authorized by Health Canada for importation or sale under another interim order made under section 30.1 of the Food and Drugs Act
Note: Please indicate N/A for devices that have medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV) or for Class I devices without authorization identification number(s).
Labelled/licensed indications (conditions or reasons for using the device) for the medical device, if known
Reason for shortage
Please select
Disruption of the manufacturing of a medical device
Device was subject to a recall
Delay in shipping of a medical device
Increase in demand for the medical device
Licensing issues (e.g. cancellation of a licence)
Export restrictions
Other - Reason for shortage
Anticipated or actual start date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Anticipated or actual start date of shortage
Estimated end date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Estimated end date of shortage
By checking this box the reporter acknowledges that an anticipated end date for this shortage has been provided or is confirmed as currently unknown.
Device 4
Other names (for example, trade name), if applicable
Description of the device: Package description (for example, packaging formats, sizes, quantities)
Description of the device: Single-use product
Class of medical device (I, II, III or IV), if known
Device identifier(s) (for example, catalogue number, part number, model number or unique device identifier) Footnote 4
Medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV)
Note: Please indicate N/A for Class I devices or for devices that have authorization identification number(s).
Authorization identification number(s) for Class I to IV devices authorized by Health Canada for importation or sale under another interim order made under section 30.1 of the Food and Drugs Act
Note: Please indicate N/A for devices that have medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV) or for Class I devices without authorization identification number(s).
Labelled/licensed indications (conditions or reasons for using the device) for the medical device, if known
Reason for shortage
Please select
Disruption of the manufacturing of a medical device
Device was subject to a recall
Delay in shipping of a medical device
Increase in demand for the medical device
Licensing issues (e.g. cancellation of a licence)
Export restrictions
Other - Reason for shortage
Anticipated or actual start date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Anticipated or actual start date of shortage
Estimated end date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Estimated end date of shortage
By checking this box the reporter acknowledges that an anticipated end date for this shortage has been provided or is confirmed as currently unknown.
Device 5
Other names (for example, trade name), if applicable
Description of the device: Package description (for example, packaging formats, sizes, quantities)
Description of the device: Single-use product
Class of medical device (I, II, III or IV), if known
Device identifier(s) (for example, catalogue number, part number, model number or unique device identifier) Footnote 4
Medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV)
Note: Please indicate N/A for Class I devices or for devices that have authorization identification number(s).
Authorization identification number(s) for Class I to IV devices authorized by Health Canada for importation or sale under another interim order made under section 30.1 of the Food and Drugs Act
Note: Please indicate N/A for devices that have medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV) or for Class I devices without authorization identification number(s).
Labelled/licensed indications (conditions or reasons for using the device) for the medical device, if known
Reason for shortage
Please select
Disruption of the manufacturing of a medical device
Device was subject to a recall
Delay in shipping of a medical device
Increase in demand for the medical device
Licensing issues (e.g. cancellation of a licence)
Export restrictions
Other - Reason for shortage
Anticipated or actual start date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Anticipated or actual start date of shortage
Estimated end date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Estimated end date of shortage
By checking this box the reporter acknowledges that an anticipated end date for this shortage has been provided or is confirmed as currently unknown.
Device 6
Other names (for example, trade name), if applicable
Description of the device: Package description (for example, packaging formats, sizes, quantities)
Description of the device: Single-use product
Class of medical device (I, II, III or IV), if known
Device identifier(s) (for example, catalogue number, part number, model number or unique device identifier) Footnote 4
Medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV)
Note: Please indicate N/A for Class I devices or for devices that have authorization identification number(s).
Authorization identification number(s) for Class I to IV devices authorized by Health Canada for importation or sale under another interim order made under section 30.1 of the Food and Drugs Act
Note: Please indicate N/A for devices that have medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV) or for Class I devices without authorization identification number(s).
Labelled/licensed indications (conditions or reasons for using the device) for the medical device, if known
Reason for shortage
Please select
Disruption of the manufacturing of a medical device
Device was subject to a recall
Delay in shipping of a medical device
Increase in demand for the medical device
Licensing issues (e.g. cancellation of a licence)
Export restrictions
Other - Reason for shortage
Anticipated or actual start date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Anticipated or actual start date of shortage
Estimated end date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Estimated end date of shortage
By checking this box the reporter acknowledges that an anticipated end date for this shortage has been provided or is confirmed as currently unknown.
Device 7
Other names (for example, trade name), if applicable
Description of the device: Package description (for example, packaging formats, sizes, quantities)
Description of the device: Single-use product
Class of medical device (I, II, III or IV), if known
Device identifier(s) (for example, catalogue number, part number, model number or unique device identifier) Footnote 4
Medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV)
Note: Please indicate N/A for Class I devices or for devices that have authorization identification number(s).
Authorization identification number(s) for Class I to IV devices authorized by Health Canada for importation or sale under another interim order made under section 30.1 of the Food and Drugs Act
Note: Please indicate N/A for devices that have medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV) or for Class I devices without authorization identification number(s).
Labelled/licensed indications (conditions or reasons for using the device) for the medical device, if known
Reason for shortage
Please select
Disruption of the manufacturing of a medical device
Device was subject to a recall
Delay in shipping of a medical device
Increase in demand for the medical device
Licensing issues (e.g. cancellation of a licence)
Export restrictions
Other - Reason for shortage
Anticipated or actual start date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Anticipated or actual start date of shortage
Estimated end date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Estimated end date of shortage
By checking this box the reporter acknowledges that an anticipated end date for this shortage has been provided or is confirmed as currently unknown.
Device 8
Other names (for example, trade name), if applicable
Description of the device: Package description (for example, packaging formats, sizes, quantities)
Description of the device: Single-use product
Class of medical device (I, II, III or IV), if known
Device identifier(s) (for example, catalogue number, part number, model number or unique device identifier) Footnote 4
Medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV)
Note: Please indicate N/A for Class I devices or for devices that have authorization identification number(s).
Authorization identification number(s) for Class I to IV devices authorized by Health Canada for importation or sale under another interim order made under section 30.1 of the Food and Drugs Act
Note: Please indicate N/A for devices that have medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV) or for Class I devices without authorization identification number(s).
Labelled/licensed indications (conditions or reasons for using the device) for the medical device, if known
Reason for shortage
Please select
Disruption of the manufacturing of a medical device
Device was subject to a recall
Delay in shipping of a medical device
Increase in demand for the medical device
Licensing issues (e.g. cancellation of a licence)
Export restrictions
Other - Reason for shortage
Anticipated or actual start date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Anticipated or actual start date of shortage
Estimated end date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Estimated end date of shortage
By checking this box the reporter acknowledges that an anticipated end date for this shortage has been provided or is confirmed as currently unknown.
Device 9
Other names (for example, trade name), if applicable
Description of the device: Package description (for example, packaging formats, sizes, quantities)
Description of the device: Single-use product
Class of medical device (I, II, III or IV), if known
Device identifier(s) (for example, catalogue number, part number, model number or unique device identifier) Footnote 4
Medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV)
Note: Please indicate N/A for Class I devices or for devices that have authorization identification number(s).
Authorization identification number(s) for Class I to IV devices authorized by Health Canada for importation or sale under another interim order made under section 30.1 of the Food and Drugs Act
Note: Please indicate N/A for devices that have medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV) or for Class I devices without authorization identification number(s).
Labelled/licensed indications (conditions or reasons for using the device) for the medical device, if known
Reason for shortage
Please select
Disruption of the manufacturing of a medical device
Device was subject to a recall
Delay in shipping of a medical device
Increase in demand for the medical device
Licensing issues (e.g. cancellation of a licence)
Export restrictions
Other - Reason for shortage
Anticipated or actual start date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Anticipated or actual start date of shortage
Estimated end date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Estimated end date of shortage
By checking this box the reporter acknowledges that an anticipated end date for this shortage has been provided or is confirmed as currently unknown.
Device 10
Other names (for example, trade name), if applicable
Description of the device: Package description (for example, packaging formats, sizes, quantities)
Description of the device: Single-use product
Class of medical device (I, II, III or IV), if known
Device identifier(s) (for example, catalogue number, part number, model number or unique device identifier) Footnote 4
Medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV)
Note: Please indicate N/A for Class I devices or for devices that have authorization identification number(s).
Authorization identification number(s) for Class I to IV devices authorized by Health Canada for importation or sale under another interim order made under section 30.1 of the Food and Drugs Act
Note: Please indicate N/A for devices that have medical device licence number(s) (for Class II, III and IV) or for Class I devices without authorization identification number(s).
Labelled/licensed indications (conditions or reasons for using the device) for the medical device, if known
Reason for shortage
Please select
Disruption of the manufacturing of a medical device
Device was subject to a recall
Delay in shipping of a medical device
Increase in demand for the medical device
Licensing issues (e.g. cancellation of a licence)
Export restrictions
Other - Reason for shortage
Anticipated or actual start date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Anticipated or actual start date of shortage
Estimated end date of shortage (YYYY-MM-DD)
Pick a date from a calendar for field: Estimated end date of shortage
By checking this box the reporter acknowledges that an anticipated end date for this shortage has been provided or is confirmed as currently unknown.
Manufacturer's name (required)
Manufacturer's mailing address
Number and name of street (required)
Postal code/Zip code
Country (required)