Directory of Nutrition Facts Table Formats for Edible Cannabis

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The Directory of Nutrition Facts Table Formats for Edible Cannabis is incorporated by reference as part of the Cannabis Regulations.


##, ### and #### signs: a placeholder for the amount by weight, the number of calories and, where applicable, the percentage of daily value of nutrients per immediate container of edible cannabis. The number of hashtags shown represents the number of numerals typically used for the value. These will vary depending on the manufacturer’s specific product and its composition.

(…): a placeholder for the nutrients that are permitted to appear in the “not a significant source of” statement.

General Format Specifications

Figure 1: Bilingual Format
Figure 1 – Long description

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts followed by a common slash followed by Valeur nutritive all in bold.

The next line is Per container followed by a common slash followed by Par contenant followed by an open and close parenthesis that contains a placeholder.

The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per container of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol DV followed by a common slash followed by percent symbol VQ. Percent DV and VQ have an asterisk to the right that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts Table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat followed by a common slash followed by Lipides followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol.

Indented on the next line under Fat is Saturated followed by a common slash followed by saturés followed by a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g.

Indented on the next line under Saturated is a plus symbol followed by Trans followed by a common slash followed by a plus symbol followed by trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat followed by a lowercase g.

There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. It is followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Carbohydrate followed by a common slash followed by Glucides followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.

Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate is Fibre followed by a common slash followed by Fibres followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fibre followed by a percent symbol.

Indented on the next line under Fibre is Sugars followed by a common slash followed by Sucres followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Protein followed by a common slash followed by Protéines followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

The next line is Cholesterol followed by a common slash followed by Cholestérol followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase.

The next line is Sodium followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Iron, followed by a common slash followed by Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is a space before the next line.

The next line after the space is the statement Not a significant source of. This is followed by an open and close parenthesis that contains three periods followed by a common slash.

The next line is the statement Source négligeable de. This is followed by an open and close parenthesis that contains three periods.

Indented on the next line under the statement Source négligeable de is an asterisk followed by DV followed by an equal symbol followed by Daily Value followed by a common slash. This is the Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description.

Indented on the next line is an asterisk followed by VQ followed by an equal symbol followed by valeur quotidienne. This is the Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts Table.

  1. Heading: Bold type
  2. Calories: Bold type
  3. Indented nutrients
  4. Non-indented nutrients
  5. Statement: Permitted, not required to appear in the nutrition facts table
  6. Black border that is a solid line of 1 point that has an inset of at least 6 points on all sides
  7. Value centred against saturated + trans information on left
  8. Space between number and unit
  9. Space between number and % sign

Note: The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Figure 2(E): Unilingual English Format
Figure 2(E) – Long description

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold.

The next line is Per container followed by an open and close parenthesis that contains a placeholder.

The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per container of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol DV. Percent DV has an asterisk to the right that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts Table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol.

Indented on the next line under Fat is Saturated followed by a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g.

Indented on the next line under Saturated there is a plus symbol followed by Trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat followed by a lowercase g.

There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. It is followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Carbohydrate followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.

Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate is Fibre followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fibre followed by a percent symbol.

Indented on the next line under Fibre is Sugars followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Protein followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

The next line is Cholesterol followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase.

The next line is Sodium followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Iron followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is a space before the next line.

The next line after the space is the statement Not a significant source of. This is followed by an open and close parenthesis that contains three periods.

Indented on the next line under the statement Not a significant source of is an asterisk followed by DV followed by an equal symbol followed by Daily Value. This is the Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts Table.

This Nutrition Facts Table has the same format specifications as in Figure 1. General format specifications also apply.

Note: Same format specifications as Figure 1. General format specifications also apply.

Figure 2(F): Unilingual French Format
Figure 2(F) – Long description

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold.

The next line is Par contentant followed by an open and close parenthesis that contains a placeholder.

The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per container of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol valeur quotidienne. Percent valeur quotidienne has an asterisk to the right that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts Table.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol.

Indented on the next line under Lipides is saturés followed by a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g.

Indented on the next line under saturés is a plus symbol followed by trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat followed by a lowercase g.

There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. It is followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Glucides followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.

Indented on the next line under Glucides is Fibres followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of Fibres followed by a percent symbol.

Indented on the next line under Fibres is Sucres followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Protéines followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

The next line is Cholestérol followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase.

The next line is Sodium followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is a space before the next line.

The next line after the space is the statement Source négligeable de. This is followed by an open and close parenthesis that contains three periods.

Indented on the next line under the statement Source négligeable de is an asterisk followed by VQ followed by an equal symbol followed by valeur quotidienne. This is the Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts Table.

This Nutrition Facts Table has the same format specifications as in Figure 1. General format specifications also apply.

Note: Same format specifications as Figure 1. General format specifications also apply.

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