Safe storage of cannabis

Storing cannabis responsibly helps keep everyone safe, especially children and pets. Accidental poisonings in children from edible cannabis are a serious risk.

This page has information on how to store your cannabis safely and responsibly.

Keep it up high and out of reach

Always store your cannabis locked away and out of sight and reach of children and pets.

Always store edible cannabis separately from regular food and drinks. Exercise particular caution with homemade edible cannabis and make sure to properly label it to be clear that it's not regular food.

Never leave cannabis unattended where children can access it.

Keep it in secure packaging

Choose legal edible cannabis products which:

Keep your legal cannabis products in their original packaging to keep them more secure.

Illegal edible cannabis products often:

Illegal "copycat" edible cannabis products

Keep it locked

Always store your cannabis in a secure cupboard using a strong childproof safety lock or latch.

Consider purchasing a lockbox or safe to store your cannabis.

Learn to recognize the signs of cannabis poisoning and what to do about it

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