Submit questions or concerns about cannabis

On October 17, 2018, the Cannabis Act came into force. It puts in place a new, strict framework for controlling the production, distribution, sale and possession of cannabis in Canada.

The Cannabis Act seeks to:

  • prevent youth accessing cannabis
  • protect public health and public safety
  • deter criminal activity

This is done by imposing:

  • strict product safety and quality control requirements
  • minimum age and possession limits
  • serious criminal penalties for those who operate outside the legal framework

Several levels of government, law enforcement and other organizations in Canada have a responsibility in the implementation of the Cannabis Act.

You can submit questions and concerns about a cannabis site, product, service, accessory, promotion, or other aspects of laws and regulations regarding cannabis. Please review the table below, and direct your enquiry where appropriate.

Note: The information provided in the table below regarding municipal laws or bylaws and products or customer services of a federal licence holder is further subject to additional provincial and territorial practices and requirements, and the activities described may vary from one province/territory to another.

Contact information for cannabis related questions and concerns
Questions or concerns relating to Activities Contact
Provincial or territorial legislation or regulation Minimum age limits, possession limits, places cannabis may be used in public, cannabis retail availability and selection, and any general concerns related to wholesale and retail sale of cannabis. Contact provincial or territorial authority
Municipal laws or bylaws Zoning density, business licensing, building codes, nuisance and odour concerns, electrical and fire safety, or any other activity regulated by municipalities. Contact local municipality, local government or local authority
Products or customer services of a federal licence holder Concerns and questions relating to the product or service of federally regulated licence holders should be directed to the licence holder. Contact information can be found on the package of any cannabis product sold in Canada. Product or service questions or issues may include:
  • product quality (off-taste, aroma, or texture)
  • product weight (low product/package weight)
  • delays in shipping
  • billing and cost
  • issues related to a cannabis accessory (defective product)

Note: In the event that the above product or service questions or issues cannot be resolved with the federal licence holders, they can be directed to the province or territories (for non-medical cannabis products/services) or to Health Canada (for medical cannabis products/services).

Federal Licence Holders
Cannabis odours

Questions or concerns about cannabis odour control could include:

  • cannabis odours from a production site
    • commercial licence holder (cannabis or hemp)
    • personal or designated production for medical purposes
    • personal production for non-medical purposes (up to 4 plants)

Refer to the Cannabis and odour control page for more information.

For cannabis odours coming from a commercially licensed indoor facility: Contact the licence holder directly or report to Health Canada using the Cannabis Reporting Form (see link below).

For cannabis odours from any other cannabis production site: contact your local municipality or government, or your provincial or territorial authority
Suspected illegal activity Suspicion that someone may be growing or selling cannabis illegally or engaging in any other illegal activity with cannabis should be directed immediately to local law enforcement. Local Law Enforcement
Adverse reactions in humans (side effects of cannabis) All suspected adverse reactions to cannabis should be reported to Health Canada's Canada Vigilance Program. Report side effects from cannabis products
The practice of medicine (in relation to cannabis) Questions and concerns relating to the practice of medicine should be submitted to the appropriate provincial or territorial College of Physician and Surgeons.

Health Canada receives cannabis-related reports from consumers, health professionals, industry and the general public as it relates to its area of responsibility. For concerns and complaints that might represent a possible violation of the federal cannabis laws or regulations, individuals may contact Health Canada through the Cannabis Reporting Form.

Examples of concerns include:

  • product labelling (for example, missing mandatory health warning message)
  • product packaging (for example, shape that may be appealing to youth)
  • promotions (for example, cannabis radio commercial)
  • product quality (for example, mould, mite, powdery mildew, pesticides)
  • cannabis production site (for example, security concerns at a licensed site)

Issues relating to a cannabis accessory that is used to consume cannabis (for example, injury caused by malfunction) should be directed to Health Canada’s Consumer Product Safety Program using the following form: Report an incident involving a consumer product or cosmetic.

All reports will be reviewed to determine if they are within Health Canada's responsibilities. If so, they will be assessed and prioritized for action according to public health and safety risk. High-risk reports will receive priority attention.

Actions taken will be consistent with Health Canada's Compliance and Enforcement Policy for the Cannabis Act with the objective of achieving compliance using the most appropriate level of intervention. Not all reports will lead to a reply from Health Canada.

Additional information on the Cannabis Act and its Regulations can be found here: Cannabis in Canada.

Any additional questions or concerns can also be emailed to, or you can call Health Canada’s Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch call center at 1-866-337-7705.

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