Report a side effect (adverse reaction) to cannabis: Consumers or patients
Everyone who becomes aware of or experiences a side effect (adverse reaction) to a cannabis product, whether using it for medical or non-medical purposes, is strongly encouraged to report it. You may also report a side effect to cannabis based on a suspicion. This does not necessarily mean the cannabis caused the reaction. If in doubt, report the side effect.
You are also encouraged to consult with your health care practitioner for help with:
- managing side effects
- completing the Side effect reporting form
This is especially important if you're using cannabis products for medical purposes and may:
- have serious health conditions
- be using different drugs or health products
View the printable version of the Side effect reporting form. You can also report by telephone by calling 1-866-234-2345 (toll-free).
Note: All personal information you submit is protected under the Privacy Act. This includes information related to the identity of the consumer or patient and the identity of the person who is reporting the information (reporter).
You are encouraged to report to Health Canada any side effect regardless of:
- its source (for example, legal, illegal or unknown)
- its use with other suspect or concomitant products
- whether it's used for medical or non-medical purposes
The Report a side effect form requires a Drug Identification Number (DIN), a Natural Product Number (NPN) or a product name in Section D. For side effects involving cannabis, you only need to provide the cannabis product name, or any available information if the product name is unknown (for example, cannabis vape).
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