Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System reporting guide for cannabis cultivation, processing and sale for medical purposes licence holders: Overview

On this page

Who is this guide for

The information on these pages applies to the following licences:

These pages do not include information on monthly reporting for provincially and territorially authorized distributors and retailers. For this information, visit the Monthly reporting guide for provincial or territorial reporting authorities, distributors and retailers.

Foreword and disclaimer


Each federal licence holder is required to submit monthly reports and should be familiar with the Cannabis Act (the Act), the Cannabis Regulations (the Regulations) and the Cannabis Tracking System Order (the Order).

The purpose of the Act is to protect public health and public safety.

The oversight of the cannabis supply chain is a shared responsibility across multiple federal departments, provincial and territorial governments, industry and other stakeholders. One of Health Canada's responsibilities is to track the flow of cannabis to prevent its illegal inversion and diversion into and out of the regulated commercial system.


You should read these pages along with the Cannabis Act (the Act), the Cannabis Regulations (the Regulations) and the Cannabis Tracking System Order (the Order). If there are differences, the Act, the Regulations and the Order are correct.

This guide provides federal licence holders with information to help them complete and submit their reports in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS). Obligations to report to Health Canada are outlined under the Act, the Regulations and the Order.

Important: As part of Health Canada's data validation process, we may require clarification on the information submitted by reporting parties. Typically, we will seek additional information or clarifications via an email with a subject line that includes the following wording: "Monthly Report Clarification". We will send official communications and requests to the Responsible Person at the email address entered in the CTLS.

When to submit

Federal licence holders are required to submit their reports accurately and on time every month. You must submit these no later than the 15th day of each month.

Under the following situations, a referral may be made to Health Canada's Compliance and Enforcement Directorate and could result in enforcement action when:

The licence holder's Responsible Person is accountable for the timely submission of reports and the accuracy and completeness of the data. Section 37 of the Regulations includes more information on the expectations for the Responsible Person.

Important: Licence holders must submit a monthly report even if they have no sales or no inventory. There is a feature in the CTLS which conveniently allows the licence holder to confirm that there are no sales or no inventory, through the use of attestation boxes. For more information, refer to How to submit a report with no sales or inventory.

Contact us

If you have questions about submitting monthly reports through the CTLS, email Use the subject line "CTLS reporting" and include your Licence ID.

If your request pertains to an error message received during the submission process, provide as many details as possible including screenshots and, if the error was related to a file upload, a copy of the .csv file that could not be uploaded.

If you have feedback about this guide, email Use the subject line "Feedback on the monthly reporting guide".

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