ARCHIVED - Results of the Health-Related Components of Categorization of the Domestic Substances List under CEPA 1999

Note on following worksheets:

         : Substances proposed as categorized "IN"

         : Other High Health Priorities (Other priorities identified in categorization but not meeting GPE, or P or B criteria)
P, B determinations provided by Environment Canada on June 30th, 2006

High Health Priorities for Action (July 27, 2006)
"Risk-Based Priorities":

GPE High Hazard (ID 1-36)
IPE High Hazard (ID 37-72)
FDA High Hazard (ID 73-93)
LPE High Hazard (ID 94-250)
High Hazard Petroleum Streams (ID 251-516)

Moderate Health Priorities for Action (July 27, 2006) "Exposure-Based Priorities":

GPE Moderate (ID 1-405)
IPE Moderate P and/or B (ID 406-490)
IPE Moderate requiring P and/or B decisions (ID 491-581)
Moderate Petroleum Streams (ID 582-631)
Moderate Petroleum Streams requiring P and/or B decisions (n = 10)

Substances not Requiring Further Work for Human Health at This Time (July 27, 2006)

Criteria Change
Previously Assessed/
Risk Managed
No Longer
on DSL
Low - PrevAssess NA NA NA NA 138 NA 138
Low - LowHaz 173 103 28 NA NA NA 304
Deprioritized NA NA 40 277 NA 3 320
TOTAL 173 103 68 277 138 3 762

Additional Substances for Consideration Post 2006 (July 27, 2006)

Some additional substances were prioritized for consideration on the basis of updates to weight of evidence hazard determinations in the simple hazard tool or as a result of changes to determinations of P and/or B. Next steps for these substances will be considered post September, 2006.

Maximal List Subgroups (July 27, 2006):

Maximal List Group Maximal List Subgroup Total
High High - GPE 36
High - IPE 36
High - FDA 21
High - LPE 157
Petrol. - High - GPE 65
Petrol. - High - IPE 99
Petrol. - High - LPE 102
Total: 516
Moderate Mod - GPE 405
Mod - IPE w/PB 85
Mod - IPE wo/PB 91
Petrol. - Mod - GPE 25
Petrol. - Mod - IPE w/PB 15
Petrol. - Mod - IPE wo/PB 10
Total: 631
Low Low - PrevAssess 138
Low - LowHaz * 304
Deprioritized 320
Total: 762
Post 2006 Total: 36

* (Note: 30 of these substances were also Deprioritized based on PBITeco changes)


1. Some substances are identified as a carcinogen or mutagen because the substance may contain substances of concern, examples:

≥ 0.1 % w/w benzene;
≥ 0.1 % w/w 1,3 –butadiene;
≥ 0.005 % w/w benzo[a]-pyrene;
≥ 3.0 % dimethylsulfoxide extractable.

2. Carcinogenicity is determined by one or more of the following criteria:

European Community

  • Category 1 (Known to be carcinogenic to humans)
  • Category 2 (Regarded as if carcinogenic to humans)
  • Category 3 (Causes concern for humans owing to possible carcinogenic effects)

Health Canada (Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality)

  • Group I (Carcinogenic to humans)
  • Group II (Probably carcinogenic to humans)
  • Groups IIIA and IIIB (Possibly carcinogenic to humans)

International Agency for Research on Cancer

  • Group 1 (Carcinogenic to humans)
  • Group 2A (Probably carcinogenic to humans)
  • Group 2B (Possibly carcinogenic to humans)

National Toxicology Program

  • Known to be a human carcinogen
  • Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen

United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) 1986 Carcinogenicity Guidelines

  • Group A (Human carcinogen)
  • Groups B1 and B2 (Probable human carcinogen)
  • Group C (Possible human carcinogen)

US EPA 2003 Carcinogenicity Guidelines

  • Carcinogenic to humans
  • Likely to be carcinogenic to humans
  • Suggestive evidence of carcinogenicity, but not sufficient to assess
  • Human carcinogenic potential

3. Developmental Toxicity is determined by one of the following criteria:

European Community

  • Category 1 (Known to cause developmental toxicity in humans)
  • Category 2 (Regarded as if they cause developmental toxicity in humans)
  • Category 3 (Causes concern for humans owing to possible developmental toxic effects)

4. Genotoxicity is determined by one of the following criteria:

European Community

  • Category 1 (Known to be mutagenic to humans)
  • Category 2 (Regarded as if mutagenic to humans)
  • Category 3 (Causes concern for humans owing to possible mutagenic effects)

5. Reproductive Toxicity is determined by one of the following criteria:

European Community

  • Category 1 (Known to impair fertility in humans)
  • Category 2 (Regarded as if they impair fertility in humans)
  • Category 3 (Causes concern for human fertility)

6. List of Acronyms and Abbreviations:

B - bioaccumulation/bioaccumulative
CAS RN - Chemical Abstracts Registry Number
ComHaz - Complex Hazard Tool
DSL - Domestic Substances List
FDA - Food and Drugs Act substances in commerce in 1984-1986 which were added to the DSL
GPE - Greatest Potential for Exposure
IPE - Intermediate Potential for Exposure
IThuman - inherently toxic to humans
LowHaz - Low Hazard
LPE - Lowest Potential for Exposure
P - persistence/persistent
PBITeco - persistent and/or bioaccumulative and inherently toxic to non-human organisms
PrevAssess - Previously Assessed or Risk Managed
SimHaz - Simple Hazard Tool
w - with
wo - without

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