October 2023 special issue: Workplace Hazardous Products Program newsletter

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Launch of updated Guidance on the WHMIS supplier requirements

An updated Guidance on the WHMIS supplier requirements is now available on Canada.ca.

This is a refresh of the document formerly known as the “Technical Guidance”.

It is renamed, more accessible, and updated to reflect the amended Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR).

The “Technical Guidance” (Technical guidance on the requirements of the Hazardous Products Act (HPA) and the Hazardous Products Regulations (HPR) - WHMIS 2015 supplier requirements ) and its errata, clarification and amendments will remain available until the end of the HPR amendments transition period (December 2025).

New title

The new title still conveys its topic and audience but is shorter and easier to say, remember and reference online.

Available in HTML

This new format is available in HTML, which makes it easier to search and share and ensures accessibility for users of assistive reading devices.

The table of contents is hyperlinked for quick and direct access to content and easier navigation.

We hope you enjoy this improved user experience.

Updated content

This version contains updated guidance and consolidates several key content updates previously communicated, so that all the information is now in one single location.  

Key content updates include:


This guidance is intended to be an evergreen document. We will communicate any substantive updates via the Workplace Hazardous Products Program newsletter or via email.

We anticipate the first update to be related to the variances between the amended HPR and the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration Hazard Communication Standard (US OSHA HCS), once they are known.

Feedback welcome

If you have thoughts on this new version or find an error, please let us know at any time by emailing whmis-simdut@hc-sc.gc.ca.

Future newsletter content

Is there a topic that you would like us to include in a future newsletter? We would love to hear from you. Email us at whmis-simdut@hc-sc.gc.ca.

Important WHMIS websites

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