ARCHIVED - Canadian Community Health Survey, Cycle 2.2, Nutrition (2004): Income-Related Household Food Security in Canada: Supplementary Data Tables [Health Canada, 2007]

Income-Related Household Food Security in Canada
Supplementary Data Tables

Cat. H164-42/2007-1E-PDF
ISBN 978-0-662-45595-0


These data tables are a complement to Canadian Community Health Survey, Cycle 2.2, Nutrition (2004) - Income-Related Household Food Security in Canada. These tables provide detailed information on the income-related food security status of households in each of the 10 Canadian provinces as well as the Atlantic and Prairie regions in 2004. Tables S.1 through S.12 present information on food security status according to selected socio-demographic variables. Table S.13 provides information on the household food situation at the national and provincial levels and for the national sub-population of off-reserve Aboriginal households.

The findings are based on descriptive analyses of the food security data in the Canadian Community Health Survey, Cycle 2.2 (CCHS 2.2) Share File. The methodology related to the analyses is described in detail in the full report. While no interpretation accompanies the 13 data tables herein, readers are encouraged to consult the full report (in particular Section 2.5 and Section 3) for examples of how to interpret the CCHS 2.2 food security data.

List of Tables

Table S.1 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, Newfoundland and Labrador, 2004

Table S.2 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, Prince Edward Island, 2004

Table S.3 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, Nova Scotia, 2004

Table S.4 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, New Brunswick, 2004

Table S.5 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, Quebec, 2004

Table S.6 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, Ontario, 2004

Table S.7 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, Manitoba, 2004

Table S.8 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, Saskatchewan, 2004

Table S.9 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, Alberta, 2004

Table S.10 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, British Columbia, 2004

Table S.11 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, Atlantic Region, 2004

Table S.12 Income-related household food security status, by selected socio-demographic variables, Prairie Region, 2004

Table S.13 Household food situation in previous year, by household type, Canada, Aboriginal sub-population living off-reserve and Canadian provinces, 2004

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