BMI Chart

The Body Mass Index (BMI) Nomogram is a graph that shows a person's Body Mass Index as the point on the chart nearest the dashed line (representing the Body Mass Index) where height (in inches or centimetres) and weight (in pounds or kilograms) intersect.

Height is shown on the x-axis in centimetres or inches, and weight is shown on the y-axis in kilograms or pounds.

Dashed lines, representing the Body Mass Index, are displayed on the graph as calculated by the formula of weight (in kilograms) divided by height squared (in metres).

To estimate BMI, locate the point on the chart where height and weight intersect. Read the number on the dashed line closest to this point. For example, if you weigh 69 kg and are 173 cm tall, you have a BMI of approximately 23, which is in Normal Weight.

You can also calculate your BMI using this formula:

BMI = weight(kg)/height(m)2

Health Risk Classification According to Body Mass Index (BMI)
Classification BMI Category (kg/m2) Risk of developing health problems
Underweight < 18.5 Increased
Normal Weight 18.5 - 24.9 Least
Overweight 25.0 - 29.9 Increased
Obese class I 30.0 - 34.9 High
Obese class II 35.0 - 39.9 Very high
Obese class III >= 40.0 Extremely high

Note: For persons 65 years and older the 'normal' range may begin slightly above BMI 18.5 and extend into the 'overweight' range.

Source: Health Canada. Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight Classification in Adults. Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada; 2003.

To clarify risk for each individual, other factors such as lifestyle habits, fitness level, and presence or absence of other health risk conditions also need to be considered.

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