Health services and benefits

Explore all the health-related services and benefits offered in Canada.

Services and information

Nursing careers

Nursing opportunities in remote or isolated First Nations communities, how to apply

Primary health care

Primary health care system, its challenges and how it is being reformed and improved

Health care for First Nations and Inuit

Community care, health services and nursing care, Jordan's Principle, Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program, Non-insured health benefits (NIHB) for prescription drugs, dental and vision care

Canada Dental Benefit

Interim benefit for eligible families with children under 12 who do not have access to a private dental insurance plan

Health and well-being for Veterans

Resources on programs for veterans such as health insurance, long-term care and mental health services

Home and continuing care

Canada's role in supporting health services delivered at home, in the community and in long-term care facilities

Hospital care

Hospital care in Canada, how it fits into the health care system, the role of provincial and territorial governments in providing hospital care

Palliative care

Preparing for your future, making decisions about your care, resources, information for professionals, and what Canada's doing

Medical assistance in dying

About medical assistance in dying, the federal legislation and how the practice will be monitored

Quality of care

Quality of health care in Canada, how the Government of Canada is working to improve access, patient safety and wait times

Canadian Thalidomide Survivors Support Program

Support payments for Canadian thalidomide survivors, eligibility, how to apply


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