Public Engagement, Research and Analysis Division,
Public Engagement Unit: |
Public Engagement, Research and Analysis Division,
Stakeholder Registry (CSIMS) Team: |
- Support internal user/external stakeholder use of CSIMS, including new user accounts and technical assistance
- Guide internal users on how to use CSIMS to engage with stakeholders, including:
- advice on how to invite stakeholders to e-consultations, webinars, town halls, and technical consultations
- assistance getting stakeholders into CSIMS
- Provide information sessions and on-request training sessions to internal users
Strategic Communications Directorate |
- Provide guidance, advice, coordination and services that support effective communications to Canadians
- Determine the communication products that will be required to support a public engagement activity and collaborate with the project lead to develop them (that is, communication plans, news releases, media lines, Q&As, social media posts)
Digital Communications: |
- Provide step-by-step guidance on the process for publishing online
- Offer guidance and advice on the development and preparation of documents to be published online, including consultation profile pages
- Liaise with CPAB Public Engagement Unit to ensure new consultations are published on Consulting with Canadians, and in the stakeholder registry (CSIMS)
- Coordinate the web publishing of the opening and closing of consultations and their associated documents on
Social Media: (Contact Strategic Communications) |
- Provide guidance and advice on how to publish engagement opportunities on social media channels
- Liaise with Creative Services for images, videos and other creatives that are to be used with social media posts
- Manage and monitor all social media channels
Creative Services |
- Provide professional designs for print and electronic communication products and as well as video production services that may be used in the development of public engagement documents
- Provide advice on contracting with external production and design companies and ensure compliance with Treasury Board guidelines and regulations