Nutrition Labelling – Directory of Nutrition Facts Table Formats

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Organization: Health Canada

Published: 2016-12-14



Per HM (MM): a placeholder for the serving of stated size where HM is the household measure and MM is the metric measure. Note: In the case of a single-serving prepackaged product, the household measure is the entire package and the metric measure is the corresponding amount in grams or millilitres, as applicable.

##, ### and #### signs: a placeholder for the amount by weight, the number of Calories and, where applicable, the percentage of the daily value of nutrients per serving of stated size of the prepackaged product. The number of hashtags shown represents the number of numerals typically used for the value. These will vary depending on the manufacturer’s specific product and its composition.

Standard Format

Figure 1.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Long Description – Figure 1.1(E)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a rule below Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold. Percent Daily Value has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Fat is Saturated and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Saturated there is a plus symbol followed by Trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. It is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the Trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate is Fibre followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of Fibre followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Fibre is Sugars followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iron followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot. The terms a little and a lot are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

There is text around the exterior of the Nutrition Facts table image, which refers to the graphic specifications as follows:

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Normal width font
  • 8 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • All text within the table is enclosed by a box with a 0.5 point rule within 3 points of text
  • Thin rules are 0.5 point
  • Thick rules are 2.5 point
  • Rules are centered between text
  • In the percent daily value column, the numbers and percent symbol are in regular type with a space between the number and percent symbol
  • For the amount of nutrients, there is a space between the number and unit
  • All units are represented in the metric system and use the abbreviated form. For example, grams would be represented by the small letter g.
  • Non-indented nutrients are in bold type with amount in regular type
  • Indented nutrients and potassium, calcium and iron are in regular type

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Nutrition Facts heading: 13 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 9 point type with 11 point leading
  • Line under serving of stated size: 1 point rule
  • Calories: 10 point bold type with 14.5 point leading
  • Percent Daily Value subheading with asterisk: 6 point bold type with 9 point regular asterisk, asterisk with minus 2 point baseline shift
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule; 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 14.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: asterisk in 9 point with minus 2 point baseline shift; 6.5 point  condensed font with 13 point leading and with ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ in bold. There are two additional notes stating that the footnote may be displayed in normal width font and may appear on more than one line.

Figure 1.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E).

Long Description – Figure 1.1(F)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. The next line is pour MD (MD). There is a rule below Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol valeur quotidienne. Percent valeur quotidienne has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat per followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Lipides is saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is a plus sign followed by trans followed by a placeholder for the amount followed by a lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. It is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrates followed by a lowercase g. Indented on thenext line under Glucides is Fibres followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre  followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of Fibres followed by a percent symbol.  Indented on the next line under Fibres is Sucres followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholestérol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next item in the table is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next item is Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins, c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 1.1(F) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E).

There is text around the exterior of the Nutrition Facts table image, which refers to the graphic specifications as follows:

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Normal width font
  • 8 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • All text within the table is enclosed by a box with a 0.5 point rule within 3 points of text
  • Thin rules are 0.5 point
  • Thick rules are 2.5 point
  • Rules are centered between text
  • In the percent daily value column, the numbers and percent symbol are in regular type with a space between the number and percent symbol
  • For the amount of nutrients, there is a space between the number and unit
  • All units are represented in the metric system and use the abbreviated form. For example, grams would be represented by the small letter g.
  • Non-indented nutrients are in bold type with amount in regular type
  • Indented nutrients and potassium, calcium and iron are in regular type

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Nutrition Facts heading: 13 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 9 point type with 11 point leading
  • Line under serving of stated size: 1 point rule
  • Calories: 10 point bold type with 14.5 point leading
  • Percent Daily Value subheading with asterisk: 6 point bold type with 9 point regular asterisk, asterisk with minus 2 point baseline shift
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule; 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 14.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: asterisk in 9 point with minus 2 point baseline shift; 6.5 point condensed font with 13 point leading and with ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ in bold. There are two additional notes stating that the footnote may be displayed in normal width font and may appear on more than one line.

Figures 1.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 1.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 12.5 point leading

Figures 1.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 1.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 12.5 point leading

Figures 1.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 1.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules are reduced to 0.25 point.

Figures 1.5(E) and (F)

  • Follow Figures 1.1(E) and (F) except:
  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 11.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.

Figures 1.6(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 1.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 7.5 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 11.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules are reduced to 0.25 point.

Narrow Standard Format

Figure 2.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 2.1(E)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a rule below Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold. Percent symbol Daily is on top of Value. Percent Daily Value has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Fat is Saturated and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line there is a plus symbol followed by Trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. It is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the Trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate is Fibre followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of Fibre followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Fibre is Sugars followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.
The next line is Protein in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase.  There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iron followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, with ‘a little’ in bold. The next line is 15 percent symbol or more is a lot with ‘a lot’ in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 2.1(E) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Percent Daily Value sub heading: 6.5 point leading
  • Footnote: condensed font; 13 point leading on the first line and 7.5 point leading on the second line

Figure 2.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 2.1(F)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol valeur quotidienne in bold. Percent symbol valeur is on top of quotidienne. Percent valeur quotidiene has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Lipides is saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line there is a plus symbol followed by trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. It is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Glucides is Fibres followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g.  Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of Fibres followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Sucres followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sucres followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.
The next line is Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholésterol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase.  There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins, c’est peu, with ‘peu’ in bold. The next line is 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup, with ‘beaucoup’ in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 2.1(F) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Percent valeur quotidienne sub heading: 6.5 point leading
  • Footnote: condensed font;13 point leading on the first line and 7.5 point leading on the second line

Figures 2.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 2.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Heading: 11 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.

Figures 2.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 2.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.

Figures 2.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 2.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.

Bilingual Standard Format

Figure 3.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 3.1(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a thin rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold. Stacked under this is percent symbol valeur quotidienne. Both Percent Daily Value and percent valeur quotidienne are followed by  an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Fat, forward slash, Lipides is Saturated, forward slash, saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat, followed by a lower case g. Indented on the next line is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat, followed by lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of Fibre followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Fibre is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next two lines is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little,15 percent symbol or more is a lot and on the second line is an asterisk followed by  the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu , 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’, and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 3.1(B) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 14 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 11 point leading on first line and 10 point leading on second line. There is a note stating that serving of stated size may appear on the same line if space permits.
  • Percent valeur quotidienne sub heading: 7 point leading
  • A forward slash must appear between English and French terms with a space before and after the forward slash. For example, in this image, the arrow points to the Fibre.
  • Footnote: condensed font; 13 point leading on the first line and 7.5 point leading on the second line, with the terms a little, a lot, peu, and beaucoup in bold.

Figure 3.2(B)

Follow Figure 3.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • % Daily Value subheading: 6 point type with 6.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above

Figure 3.3(B)

Follow Figure 3.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • % Daily Value subheading: 6 point type with 6.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.

Figure 3.4(B)

Follow Figure 3.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • % Daily Value subheading: 6 point type with 6.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 11.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.

Figure 3.5(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 3.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 3.5(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a thin rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold. Stacked under this is percent symbol valeur quotidienne. Percent Daily Value has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Fat, forward slash, Lipides, is Saturated, forward slash, saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat, followed by a lower case g. Indented on the next line is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat, followed by lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides, is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of Fibre followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed bymg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next three lines is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is; the second line is: a lot forward slash asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu , 15 percent symbol ou; the third line is: plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’, and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 3.5(B) are the same as in Figure 3.1(B), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point
  • Thick rules are 2 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading on the first line and 8 point leading on second line Calories: 8 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Percent valeur quotidienne sub heading: 6.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above; 11.5 point leading where there is a thick
  • Calories rule above and 11 point leading if other thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point condensed font with 7 point leading and with ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ in bold.  

Figure 3.6(B)

Follow Figure 3.5(B) except:

  • % Daily Value subheading: 6 point leading
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading where there is a thin rule above; 10.5 point leading where there is a
    thick rule below the heading Calories above and 10 point leading if other thick rule above
  • Footnote: 10 point leading on first line where there is a thick rule above

Figure 3.7(B)

Follow Figure 3.5(B) except:

  • Heading: 9 point type with 9 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point leading on first line and 7 point leading on second line (if needed).
  • % Daily Value subheading: 6 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point leading where there is no rule; 7 point leading where there is a thin rule above;
    10 point leading where there is a thick rule below the heading Calories above and 9 point leading if other thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point leading where there is no rule and 9 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Top rule: reduced to 0.75 point.
  • Thick rules: reduced to 1.5 point.
  • Outer box: 0.25 point
  • Text inset: 1 point

Bilingual Horizontal Format

Figure 4.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Note: If additional information is declared in the Nutrition Facts table, the following apply:

  • Refer to Figure 19.1(B) for the order of presentation and use of indents.
  • Nutrients appearing at the top of each column may vary depending on how many and which nutrients are displayed
  • The number of nutrients in each column may vary
  • Group of non-indented nutrients and indented nutrients must be kept together in same column
Long Description – Figure 4.1(B)

The first column of the table starts with the heading Nutrition Facts left justified. The next line is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. The next line starts with an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table, followed by DV equal sign Daily Value. The next line is VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne. This is the end of the first column in the table.

Column 2 of the table starts with the right-justified subheading percent symbol DV forward slash  percent symbol VQ asterisk in bold. The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule under the subheading that spans the width of the column.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Fat, forward slash, Lipides is Saturated, forward slash, saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat, followed by a lower case g. Indented on the next line is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat, followed by lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of Fibre followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Fibre is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the column.

Below this line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote spans the bottom of columns 2 and 3 of the table. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash, asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins, c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’, and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold.

Column 3 of the table starts with the right-justified subheading percent symbol DV or percent symbol VQ asterisk in bold. The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule under the subheading that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed bymg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the column. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.
There is text around the exterior of the Nutrition Facts table image, which refers to the graphic specifications as follows:

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 7 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • All text within the table is enclosed by a box with a 0.5 point rule within 3 points of text
  • Thin rules are 0.5 point
  • Thick rules are 2 point
  • Rules are centered between text
  • In the percent daily value columns, the numbers and percent symbol are in regular type with a space between the number and percent symbol
  • The amount of nutrients is in regular type and there is a space between the number and unit
  • All units are represented in the metric system and use the abbreviated form. For example, grams would be represented by the small letter g.
  • Non-indented nutrients are in bold type and indented nutrients are in regular type
  • A forward slash must appear between English and French terms with a space before and after the forward slash. For example, in this image, the arrow points to forward slash between Protein and Protéines.

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 13 point bold type with 14 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 13 point leading on the first line and 9 point leading on the second line Calories: 9 point bold type with 13 point leading
  • Daily Value note: 6 point type with 11 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Nutrients in second column: 9 point leading where there is no rule and 13 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Nutrients in third column: 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Percent DV or percent VQ asterisk subheading: 6 point bold type with 9 point regular asterisk, asterisk with minus 2 point baseline shift
  • 5 point spacing before the thick rule under the sugars information in the second column and between the end of the thick rule in the second column and the beginning of the thick rule under the iron information in the third column
  • Footnote: 6 point regular type with 12 point leading

Figure 4.2(B)

Follow Figure 4.1(B) except:

  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 11 point leading
  • Daily Value note: 10 point leading on first line
  • Nutrients in second column: 6 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule and 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Nutrients in third column: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 4.3(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 4.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 4.3(B)

The first column of the table starts with the heading Nutrition Facts left-justified. The next line is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. The next line starts with an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table, followed by DV equal sign Daily Value. The next line is VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne. The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote. The footnote spans all three columns of the table. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash, asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins, c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms’ a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’, and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the first column in the table.

Column 2 of the table starts with the right-justified subheading percent symbol DV forward slash percent symbol VQ asterisk in bold. The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule under the subheading that spans the width of the column.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line, under Fat is Saturated, forward slash, saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat, followed by a lower case g. Indented on the next line is a  plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat, followed by lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line, under Carbohydrate  is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of Fibre followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line, under Fibre is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the column.

The third column starts with the right-justified subheading percent symbol DV forward slash  percent symbol VQ asterisk in bold. The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule under the subheading that spans the width of the column.

 The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed bymg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the column.

The format specifications for Figure 4.3(B), are the same as in Figure 4.1(B), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 10 point leading on the first line and 7.5 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 7.5 point bold type with 10 point leading
  • Daily Value note: 9 point leading
  • Nutrients middle column: 8 point leading where there is no rule and 11 point leading where there is a percent DV rule above
  • Nutrients third column: 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 4.4(B)

Follow Figure 4.3(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 9 point leading on first line and 7 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point leading
  • Daily Value note: 8 point leading on first line
  • Nutrients in second column: 7.5 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading if %DV rule above and 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Nutrients in third column: 9 point leading if %DV rule above and where there is a thin rule above; 10 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 4.5(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 4.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 4.5(B)

The first column of the table starts with the heading Nutrition Facts left justified. The next line is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product.

Column 2 of the table starts with the right-justified subheading percent symbol Daily Value asterisk in bold. The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. Stacked underneath percent symbol Daily Value is percent symbol valeur quotidienne. There is a thin rule under % valeur quoitidienne that spans the width of the column.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line, under Fat is Saturated, forward slash, saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat, followed by a lower case g. Indented on the next line is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat, followed by lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the protein information that spans continuously across columns 2, 3, and 4.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote. The footnote spans columns 2, 3, and 4 of the table. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash, asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins, c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’, and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold.

The third column starts with the right-justified subheading percent symbol Daily Value forward slash  percent symbol valeur quotidienne asterisk in bold. The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule under the subheading that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line, under Carbohydrate  is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of Fibre followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line  is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase.

The fourth column of the table starts with the right-justified subheading percent symbol DV forward slash  percent symbol VQ asterisk in bold. The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule under the subheading that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed bymg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.

The format specifications for Figure 4.5(B) are the same as in Figure 4.1(B), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 12 point leading on the first line and 7.5 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 7.5 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Daily Value subheading: 7 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading in the second and third columns where there is a thin rule above and 10.25 point leading in the fourth column

Simplified Standard Format

Figure 5.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 5.1(E)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a rule below Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold. Percent symbol Daily is on top of Value. Percent Daily Value has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin line under Fat that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin line under Carbohydrate that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the Protein that spans the width of the table.

The next four lines are the footnote: Not a significant source of saturated fat, trans fat, fibre, sugars, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, calcium or iron. There is a thin rule below this footnote.

The next two lines is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, with ‘a little’ in bold. The next line is 15 percent symbol or more is a lot with ‘a lot’ in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 5.1 (E) are the same as in  Figure 1.1 (E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Percent daily value subheading: 6.5 point leading
  • All footnotes: 6 point condensed fontwith 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 5.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 5.1(F)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol valeur quotidienne in bold. Percent symbol valeur is on top ofquotidienne. Percent Daily Value has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin line under Lipides that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin line under Glucides that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the Protéines that spans the width of the table.

The next four lines are the footnote:  Source négligeable de lipides saturés, lipides trans, fibres, sucres, cholestérol, sodium, potassium, calcium et fer. There is a thin rule below this footnote.

The next two lines is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, with ‘peu’ in bold. The next line is 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup with ‘beaucoup’ in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 5.1 (F) are the same as in Figure 1.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Percent valeur quotidienne subheading: 6.5 point leading
  • All footnotes: 6 point condensed fontwith 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13 point
  • leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 5.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 5.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 5.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 5.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 5.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 5.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules are reduced to 0.25 point

Figures 5.5(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 5.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 5.6(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 5.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 7.5 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11.5 point leading
    where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnotes: 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 10 point leading where there is a
    thick rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules are reduced to 0.25 point

Bilingual Simplified Standard Format

Figure 6.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 6.1(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a thin rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold. Stacked under this is percent symbol valeur quotidienne in bold. Percent Daily Value has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin line under the fat information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin line under the carbohydrate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next three lines are a footnote which says: Not a significant source of saturated fat, trans fat, fibre, sugars, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, calcium or iron. There is a thin rule below this footnote. The next three lines are a footnote which says: Source négligeable de lipides saturés, lipides trans, fibres, sucres, cholestérol, sodium, potassium, calcium et fer. There is a thin rule below this footnote.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, forward slash, asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, The next line is 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The text ‘a little’, ‘peu’, ‘a lot’, and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 6.1 (B) are the same as in Figure 1.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 14 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 10 point leading on second line
  • Percent valeur quotidienne sub heading: 6.5 point leading
  • A forward slash must appear between English and French terms with a space before and after the forward slash. For example, in this image, the arrow points to Fat.
  • All footnotes: 6 point condensed fontwith 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 6.2(B)

Follow Figure 6.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 6.3(B)

Follow Figure 6.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.

Figure 6.4(B)

Follow Figure 6.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 6.5(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 6.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 6.5(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a thin rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol DV forward slash percent symbol VQ, both in bold, followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin line under the fat information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin line under the carbohydrate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next three lines are the footnote: Not a significant source of other nutrients. forward slash, Source négligeable d’autres éléments nutritifs. There is a thin rule below this footnote.

The next two lines is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The first line starts with an asterisk followed by DV equal symbol Daily Value. The second line is  asterisk VQ equal symbol valeur quotidienne.

The format specifications for Figure 6.5 (B) are the same as in Figure 6.1 (B), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point
  • Thick rules are 2 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 6 point type with 8 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 8 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Daily Value subheading: 6 point bold type with baseline shift of minus 2 points, asterisk 9 point regular type with baseline shift of minus 4 points, compared to Calories baseline
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • All footnotes: 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 6.6(B)

Follow Figure 6.5(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 8 point leading on first line and 7.5 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 7.5 point type with 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 10.5 point leading where there is a
    thick rule below the heading Calories above
  • Footnote: 10.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 8 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above

Bilingual Simplified Standard Format – Single-serving Prepackaged Products

Figure 6.1.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 6.1.1(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a thin rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold. Stacked under this is percent symbol valeur quotidienne in bold. Percent Daily Value has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin line under the fat information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin line under the carbohydrate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, forward slash, asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, The next line is 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘peu’, ‘a lot’, and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 6.1.1 (B) are the same as in Figure 1.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below;

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 14 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 10 point leading on second line
  • Percent valeur quotidienne sub heading: 6.5 point leading
  • A forward slash must appear between English and French terms with a space before and after the forward slash. For example, in this image, the arrow points to Fat.
  • All footnotes: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above.

Figure 6.2.1(B)

Follow Figure 6.1.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 6.3.1(B)

Follow Figure 6.1.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.

Figure 6.4.1(B)

Follow Figure 6.1.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 6.5.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 6.1.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 6.5.1(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a thin rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol DV forward slash percent symbol VQ, both in bold, followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin line under the fat information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin line under the carbohydrate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next two lines is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The first line starts with an asterisk followed by DV equal symbol Daily Value. The second line is asterisk VQ equal symbol valeur quotidienne.

The format specifications for Figure 6.5.1 (B) are the same as in Figure 6.1.1 (B), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point
  • Thick rules are 2 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 6 point type with 8 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 8 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Daily Value subheading: 6 point bold type with baseline shift of minus 2 points, asterisk 9 point regular type with baseline shift of minus 4 points, compared to Calories baseline
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • All footnotes: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 6.6.1(B)

Follow Figure 6.5.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 8 point leading on first line and 7.5 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 7.5 point type with 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 10.5 point leading where there is a thick Calories rule above
  • Footnote: 10.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Bilingual Simplified Horizontal Format

Figure 7.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 4.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 7.1(B)

The first column of the table starts with the heading Nutrition Facts left justified and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. The next four lines are the Daily Value footnote. The first line of the footnote starts with an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little. The next line is 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash. The next line is 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu. The last line is 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. A little, a lot, peu, and beaucoup are in bold.

Right justified at the top of column 2 is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote in column one of the Nutrition Facts table. The next line is percent symbol valeur quotidienne. Both are in bold. There is a thin rule under percent symbol valueur quotidienne that spans the width of the column.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin line under the fat information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin line under the carbohydrate information that spans the width of thecolumn .

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the protein information that spans the width of the column .

The next three lines are a footnote which says: Not a significant source of saturated fat, trans fat, fibre, sugars, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, calcium or iron. There is a thin rule below this footnote. The next three lines are a footnote which says: Source négligeable de lipides saturés, lipides trans, fibres, sucres, cholestérol, sodium, potassium, calcium et fer. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table..

The format specifications for Figure 7.1 (B) are the same as in Figure 4.1(B), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Percent valeur quotidienne sub heading: 7 point leading
  • Nutrients: 10 point leading where there is the DV rule above and 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Thick rule is 2.5 point
  • All footnotes: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 13 point leading where there is Calories or a thick rule above and 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above

Figure 7.2(B)

Follow Figure 7.1(B) except:

  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 12 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 9 point leading where there is a thin rule below the % Daily Value subheading above and 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a Calories heading or thick rule above and 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above

Figure 7.3(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 7.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 7.3(B)

The first column of the table starts with the heading Nutrition Facts left-justified. The next line is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. The next line starts with an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of column two of the Nutrition Facts table.The asterisk is followed by DV equal sign Daily Value. The next line is asterisk VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne.

Column 2 of the table starts with the right-justified subheading percent symbol DV forward slash  percent symbol VQ asterisk in bold. The asterisk refers to the abbreviation of Daily Value and valeur quotidienne as indicated in Column 1. There is a thin rule under the subheading that spans the width of the column.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin line under the fat information that spans the width of thecolumn.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin line under the carbohydrate information that spans the width of thecolumn.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the protein information that spans the width of thecolumn.

The next three lines are a footnote which says: Not a significant source of other nutrients. forward slash Source négligeable d’autres éléments nutritifs. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 7.3 (B) are the same as in Figure 7.1 (B) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 8.5 point leading on the first line and 7.5 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 7.5 point bold type with 10.5 point leading
  • Daily Value note: 9 point leading
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 7.4(B)

Follow Figure 7.3(B) except:

  • Heading: 10.5 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point leading on first line and 7 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9.5 point leading
  • Daily Value note: 8 point leading on first line
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Bilingual Simplified Horizontal Format – Single-serving Prepackaged Products

Figure 7.1.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 4.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 7.1.1(B)

The first column of the table starts with the heading Nutrition Facts left-justified. The next line is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product.

Right justified at the top of column two  is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of column two of the Nutrition Facts table. The next line is percent symbol valeur quotidienne. Both are in bold. There is a thin rule under percent symbol valueur quotidienne that spans the width of the column.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin line under the fat information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin line under the carbohydrate information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the protein information that spans the width of the column.

The next three lines is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to by the asterisk at the top of column two. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘peu’, ‘a lot’, and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 7.1.1(B) are the same as in Figure 4.1(B) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

  • Percent valeur quotidienne sub heading: 7 point leading
  • Nutrients: 10 point leading where there is the DV rule above and 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Thick Rule is 2.5 point
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule, 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 7.2.1(B)

Follow Figure 7.1.1(B) except:

  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 12 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 9 point leading where there is a thin rule below the % Daily Value subheading above and 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 7.3.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 7.1.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 7.3.1(B)

The first column of the table starts with the heading Nutrition Facts left-justified. The next line is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product.\

Column 2 of the table starts with the right-justified subheading percent symbol DV forward slash percent symbol VQ asterisk in bold. The asterisk refers to the abbreviation of Daily Value and valeur quotidienne as indicated at the bottom of Column 2 in the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule under the subheading that spans the width of the column.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin line under the fat information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin line under the carbohydrate information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the protein information that spans the width of the column.

The next two lines is a footnote at the bottom of column two of the Nutrition Facts table. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by DV equal sign Daily Value. The next line is asterisk VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 7.3.1(B) are the same as in Figure 7.1.1(B) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 8.5 point leading on the first line and 7.5 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 7.5 point bold type with 10.5 point leading
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 7.4.1(B)

Follow Figure 7.3.1(B) except:

  • Heading: 10.5 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point leading on first line and 7 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Dual Format – Foods Requiring Preparation

Figure 8.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 8.1(E)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is open parenthesis about HM prepared close parenthesis. There is an arrow pointing to this information which says Does not apply in the case of combined foods open parenthesis B.01.406 open parenthesis 5 close parenthesis open parenthesis lower case a close parenthesis open parenthesis lower case roman numeral 2 close parenthesis close parenthesis. There is a rule below open parenthesis about HM prepared close parenthesis that spans the width of the table.

The next line starts with a blank cell with no information. Right justified in columns 2 and 3 are the subheadings As sold and Prepared. These are in bold. There is a double dagger symbol following Prepared which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There are two arrows pointing to the subheadings. The first says Subheadings describe the different forms of the food for which information is provided. The second says Replace open quotation mark Prepared, in bold, double dagger symbol close quotation mark with the amount of added food in the case of combined foods open parenthesis e.g. With ½ cup skim milk, in bold, close parenthesis.

Left justified on the next line is Calories, in bold, followed by a set of placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product as sold and prepared. There is a thick rule under the Calories information that spans the width of the table.

The next line starts with a blank cell with no information.  Centred above the columns 2 and 3 is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value, in bold, followed by an asterisk which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. The lowercase letter g is followed by a dagger symbol which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fat as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Saturated followed by a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the  next line is a plus symbol followed by Trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat followed by a lowercase g. There are placeholders in columns 2 and 3 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat as sold and prepared, which are right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Fibre followed by a placeholder for the amount of Fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified in columns 2 and 3 on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of Fibre per serving of the product as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Sugars followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified in columns 2 and 3 on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sugars per serving of the product as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sodium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of potassium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of calcium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iron followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of iron as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next six lines are the footnotes that were referred to earlier in the table description. The first line is the dagger symbol footnote which says: Amount in food as sold. The next line is the double dagger symbol footnote which says: HM of the added food adds set of placeholders for the amount of calories, followed by calories. The third line is: placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g, followed by fat open parenthesis placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g, followed by saturated fat, placeholder for the amount of trans fat followed by a lowercase g, followed by trans fat close parenthesis. The fourth line is: placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g, followed by carbohydrate open parenthesis placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g, followed by fibre, placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g, followed by sugars close parenthesis. The fifth line is: placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g, followed by protein, placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by a lowercase mg, followed by cholesterol, placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by a lowercase mg, followed by sodium. There is an arrow pointing to this footnote that says it is optional. There is a thin rule under this footnote that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote. It starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot. The terms ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

Outside the table, at the bottom right there is a curly bracket which links the optional double dagger footnote to a more detailed description of this footnote within a box. It reads: e.g. ½ cup skim milk adds 40 Calories, 6 lowercase g carbohydrate open parenthesis 6 lowercase g sugars, close parenthesis,4 lowercase protein and 65 lowercase mg sodium. These constituents are declared parenthetically.

The format specifications for Figure 8.1(E), are the same as in Figure 1.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Serving of stated size: 10 point leading on second line
  • As sold and prepared subheadings: 6 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Calories: 14 point leading
  • Percent Daily Value subheading with asterisk: 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule
  • All footnotes: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • All dagger and double dagger symbols in regular type, same point size as other text on same line, but in superscript position.

Figure 8.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 8.1(F)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is open parenthesis environ MD préparé close parenthesis. There is an arrow pointing to this information which says Does not apply in the case of combined foods open parenthesis B.01.406 open parenthesis 5 close parenthesis open parenthesis lower case a close parenthesis open parenthesis lower case roman numeral 2 close parenthesis close parenthesis. There is a rule below open parenthesis environ MD préparé close parenthesis that spans the width of the table.

The next line starts with a blank cell with no information. Right justified in columns 2 and 3 are the subheadings Tel que vendu and Préparé. These are in bold. There is a double dagger symbol following Préparé which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There are two arrows pointing to the subheadings. The first says Subheadings describe the different forms of the food for which information is provided. The second says Replace open quotation mark Préparé, in bold,  double dagger symbol close quotation mark with the amount of added food in the case of combined foods open parenthesis e.g. Avec ½ tasse de lait écrémé, in bold, close parenthesis.

Left justified on the next line is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders in columns 2 and 3, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product as sold and prepared. There is a thick rule under the Calories information that spans the width of the table.

The next line starts with a blank cell with no information. Centred above columns 2 and 3 is the subheading percent symbol valeur quotidienne, in bold, followed by an asterisk which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. The lowercase letter g is followed by a dagger symbol which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fat as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the he next line is saturés followed by a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is a plus symbol followed by trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat followed by a lowercase g. There are placeholders in columns 2 and 3 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat as sold and prepared, which are right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Fibres followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified in columns 2 and 3 on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of Fibre as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the  next line is Sucres followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified in columns 2 and 3 on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sugars as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protéines, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholésterol, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sodium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of potassium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of calcium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of iron as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next six lines are the footnotes that were referred to earlier in the table description. The first line is the dagger symbol footnote which says: Teneur de l’aliment tel que vendu. The next line is the double dagger symbol footnote which says: MD d’aliment ajouté ajoute, followed by a placeholder for the amount of Calories followed by Calories.The third line is: placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g, followed by lipides open parenthesis placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g, followed by saturated fat, placeholder for the amount of trans fat followed by a lowercase g, followed by trans fat close parenthesis.. The fourth line is: placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g, followed by glucides open parenthesis placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g, followed by fibres, placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g, followed by sucres close parenthesis. The fifth line is: placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g, followed by protéines, placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by a lowercase mg, followed by cholésterol, placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by a lowercase mg, followed by sodium. There is an arrow pointing to this footnote that says it is optional. There is a thin rule under this footnote that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote. It starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘peu and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

Outside the table, at the bottom right there is a curly bracket which links the optional double dagger footnote to a more detailed description of this footnote within a box. It reads: e.g. ½ tasse de lait écrémé ajoute 40 Calories,, 6 lowercase g glucides open parenthesis 6 lowercase g sucres, close parenthesis and 4 lowercase g proteins et 65 lowercase mg sodium. These constituents are declared parenthetically.

The format specifications for Figure 8.1(F) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Serving of stated size: 10 point leading on second line
  • Tel que vendu and Préparé subheadings: 6 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Calories: 14 point leading
  • Percent valeur quotidienne subheading with asterisk: 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule
  • All footnotes: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • All dagger and double dagger symbols in regular type, same point size as other text on same line, but in superscript position.

Figures 8.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 8.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 8.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 8.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 8.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 8.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • As sold/prepared subheading: 11 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnotes: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 9 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules are reduced to 0.25 point

Figures 8.5(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 8.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnotes: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 9 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above

Figures 8.6(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 8.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 8 point leading on first line and 7.5 point leading on second line
  • As sold/prepared subheading: 11 point leading
  • Calories: 7.5 point type with 10 point leading
  • % Daily Value subheading: 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnotes: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 9 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules are reduced to 0.25 point

Bilingual Dual Format – Foods Requiring Preparation

Figure 9.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 9.1(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts forward slash Valeur nutritive in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis forward slash pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is About HM prepared forward slash environ MD préparé. There is an arrow pointing to this information which says Does not apply in the case of combined foods open parenthesis B.01.406 open parenthesis 5 close parenthesis open parenthesis lower case a close parenthesis open parenthesis lower case roman numeral 2 close parenthesis close parenthesis. There is a rule below About HM prepared forward slash environ MD préparé that spans the width of the table.

The next line starts with a blank cell with no information. Right justified in columns 2 and 3 columns are the subheadings As sold with te que vendu stacked below it and Prepared with Préparé stacked below it. These are in bold. There are double dagger symbols following Prepared and Préparé which refer to footnotes at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There are two arrows pointing to the subheadings. The first says Subheadings describe the different forms of the food for which information is provided. The second says Replace open quotation mark Prepared, in bold double dagger symbol close quotation mark and open quotation mark Préparé, in bold double dagger symbol close quotation mark with the amount of added food in the case of combined foods open parenthesis e.g. With ½ cup skim milk, in bold and Avec ½ tasse de lait écrémé, in bold close parenthesis. There is a thin rule under Tel que vendu and Préparé which spans the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line within the table is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders above columns 2 and 3, also in bold, for the amount of Calories as sold and prepared. There is a thick rule under the Calories information that spans the width of the table.

The next line starts with a blank cell with no information.  Centred above columns 2 and 3  is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value forward slash valeur quotidienne, in bold, followed by an asterisk which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat forward slash Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. The lowercase g is followed by a dagger symbol which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fat as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Saturated forward slash saturés followed by a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is a plus symbol followed by Trans forward slash trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat followed by a lowercase g. There are placeholders in columns 2 and 3 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat as sold and prepared, which are right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate forward slash Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by lowercase g. Indented on the  next line is Fibre forward slash Fibres followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fibre as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Sugars forward slash Sucres followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified in columns 2 and 3 on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sugars as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein forward slash Protéines, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol forward slash Cholésterol, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sodium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of potassium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of calcium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iron forward slash Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of iron as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next nine lines are the footnotes that were referred to earlier in the table description. The first line is the dagger symbol footnote which says: Amount in food as sold. forward slash Teneur de l’aliment tel que vendu. The next line is the double dagger symbol footnote which says: HM of the added food adds placeholder for calories, followed by Calories, placeholder for fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by fat open parenthesis placeholder for saturated fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by saturated fat. The third line is: placeholder for trans fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by trans fat close parenthesis, placeholder for carbohydrate followed by lowercase g, followed by carbohydrate open parenthesis placeholder for fibre, followed by lowercase g, followed by fibre, placeholder for sugars, followed by lowercase g, followed by sugars close parenthesis), placeholder for protein, followed by lowercase g, followed by protein. The fourth line is: placeholder for cholesterol, followed by lowercase mg, followed by cholesterol, placeholder for sodium, followed by lowercase mg, followed by sodium forward slash MD d’aliment ajouté ajoute The fifth line is: placeholder for calories, followed by Calories, placeholder for fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by lipides open parenthesis placeholder for saturated fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by lipides saturés, placeholder for trans fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by lipides trans close parenthesis. The sixth line is: placeholder for carbohydrate, followed by lowercase g, followed by glucides open parenthesis placeholder for fibre, followed by lowercase g, followed by fibres, placeholder for sugars, followed by lowercase g, followed by sucres close parenthesis), placeholder for protein, followed by lowercase g, followed by protéines. The seventh line is: placeholder for cholesterol, followed by lowercase mg, followed by cholésterol, placeholder for sodium, followed by lowercase mg, followed by sodium. There is an arrow pointing to this footnote that says it is optional. There is a thin rule under this footnote that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the beginning of the percent Daily Value footnote. It is an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, forward slash asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, The next line is 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms’ a little’, ‘peu’, ‘a lot’, and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

Outside the table, at the bottom right there is a curly bracket which links the optional double dagger footnote to a more detailed description of this footnote within a box. It reads: e.g. ½ cup skim milk adds 40 Calories, 6 lowercase g carbohydrate, open parenthesis 6 lowercase g sugars close parenthesis, 4 lowercase g protein, and 65 lowercase mg sodium forward slash ½ tasse de lait écrémé ajoute 40 Calories, 6 lowercase g glucides open parenthesis 6 lowercase g sucres close parenthesis, 4 lowercase g protéines et 65 lowercase mg sodium. These constituents are declared parenthetically.

The format specifications for Figure 9.1(B) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Serving of stated size: 10 point leading on second line
  • As sold and prepared subheadings: 6 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Tel que vendu and Préparé subheadings: 7 point leading
  • Calories: 14 point leading
  • Percent Daily Value subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule
  • All footnotes: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • All dagger and double dagger symbols in regular type, same point size as other text on same line, but in superscript position.

Figure 9.2(B)

Follow Figure 9.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 9.3(B)

Follow Figure 9.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 9.4(B)

Follow Figure 9.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 9.5(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 9.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 9.5(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts forward slash Valeur nutritive in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis forward slash pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is About HM prepared forward slash environ MD préparé. There is a rule below About HM prepared s forward slash environ MD préparé that spans the width of the table.

The next line starts with a blank cell with no information. Right justified in columns 2 and 3 are the subheadings As sold with te que vendu stacked below it and Prepared with Préparé stacked below it. These are in bold. There are double dagger symbols following Prepared and Préparé which refer to footnotes at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule under Tel que vendu and Préparé which spans the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line within the table is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders in columns 2 and 3, also in bold, for the amount of Calories as sold and prepared. There is a thick rule under the Calories information that spans the width of the table.

The next line starts with a blank cell with no information. Centred above columns 2 and 3 is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value forward slash percent symbol valeur quotidienne, in bold, followed by an asterisk which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat forward slash Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. The lowercase g is followed by a dagger symbol which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3  are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fat as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Saturated forward slash saturés followed by a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is a plus symbol followed by Trans forward slash trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans fat followed by a lowercase g. There are placeholders in columns 2 and 3 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat as sold and prepared, which are right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate forward slash Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Fibre forward slash Fibres followed by a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fibre as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Sugars forward slash Sucres followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified in columns 2 and 3 on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sugars as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein forward slash Protéines, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol forward slash Cholésterol, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sodium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of potassium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of calcium as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols.

The next line is Iron forward slash Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line in columns 2 and 3 are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of iron as sold and prepared. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next eight lines are the footnotes that were referred to earlier in the table description. The first line is the dagger symbol footnote which says: Amount in food as sold. forward slash Teneur de l’aliment tel que vendu. The next line is the double dagger symbol footnote which says: HM of the added food adds placeholder for calories, followed by Calories, placeholder for fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by fat The third line is: open parenthesis placeholder for saturated fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by saturated fat, placeholder for trans fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by trans fat close parenthesis, placeholder for carbohydrate followed by lowercase g, followed by carbohydrate The fourth line is: open parenthesis placeholder for fibre, followed by lowercase g, followed by fibre, placeholder for sugars, followed by lowercase g, followed by sugars close parenthesis), placeholder for protein, followed by lowercase g, followed by protein. placeholder for cholesterol, followed by lowercase mg, followed by cholesterol. The fifth line is: placeholder for sodium, followed by lowercase mg, followed by sodium forward slash MD d’aliment ajouté ajoute placeholder for calories, followed by Calories. The sixth line is: placeholder for fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by lipides, open parenthesis placeholder for saturated fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by lipides saturés, placeholder for trans fat, followed by lowercase g, followed by lipides trans close parenthesis. The seventh line is: placeholder for carbohydrate, followed by lowercase g, followed by glucides, open parenthesis placeholder for fibre, followed by lowercase g, followed by fibres, placeholder for sugars, followed by lowercase g, followed by sucres close parenthesis), placeholder for protein, followed by lowercase g, followed by protéines. The eighth line is: placeholder for cholesterol, followed by lowercase mg, followed by cholésterol, placeholder for sodium, followed by lowercase mg, followed by sodium. There is a thin rule under this footnote that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the beginning of the percent Daily Value footnote. It is an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, forward slash asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, The next line is 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘peu’, ‘a lot’, and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

Outside the table, at the bottom right there is a curly bracket which links the optional double dagger footnote to a more detailed description of this footnote within a box. It reads: e.g. ½ cup skim milk adds 40 Calories, 65 lowercase mg sodium, 6 lowercase g carbohydrate open parenthesis 6 lowercase g sugars close parenthesis, 4 lowercase g protein forward slash ½ tasse de lait écrémé ajoute 40 Calories, 65 lowercase mg sodium, 6 lowercase g glucides open parenthesis 6 lowercase g sucres close parenthesis et 4 lowercase g protéines. These constituents are declared parenthetically.

The format specifications for Figure 9.5(B) are the same as in Figure 9.1(B), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point
  • Thick rules are 2 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Nutrition Facts, Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading on the first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • As sold and prepared subheadings: 11 point leading where there is a rule above
  • Calories: 8 point bold type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above; 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 9.6(B)

Follow Figure 9.5(B) except:

  • As sold/prepared subheading: 10 point leading where there is a rule above
  • Calories: 11.5 point leading
  • % Daily Value subheading: 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 10.5 point leading where there is a
    thick rule above
  • Footnotes: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 9 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above

Aggregate Format – Different Kinds of Foods

Figure 10.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 10.1(E)

The table is divided into four columns. Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. On the same line and at the top of columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Food 1, Food 2 and Food 3. These are placeholders for the different name or flavour variations of the food. Below the Nutrition Facts heading, in the first column, is Per HM.  On the same line in columns 2, 3 and 4 and right justified is MM in parentheses. There is a rule below the Per HM and MM in parentheses subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Below Per HM is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product in columns 2, 3 and 4. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line below the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent symbol DV that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Amount and percent symbol DV subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, in bold followed in columns 2, 3 and 4 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat.. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Saturated followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4 by placeholders for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on  the next line there is a plus symbol followed by Trans, followed in columns 2, 3 and 4by placeholders for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There are also  placeholders, in columns 2, 3 and 4 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. These are followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate in bold followed in columns 2, 3 and 4by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase gIndented on thenext line is Fibre followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fibre. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on thenext line is Sugars followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sugars. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.
The next line is Protein in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Cholesterol in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule below the cholesterol information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sodium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Iron followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The line starts with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value.Right justified on the same line is another asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot. The terms ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 10.1(E) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Nutrition Facts heading: 10 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 8.5 point type with 10 point leading
  • Food 1, Food 2, Food 3 subheadings: 6 point bold type with 7 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point bold type with 13.5 point leading
  • Amount and Percent Daily Value subheading with asterisk: 6 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Footnote: 14 point leading
  • 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns.

Figure 10.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 10.1(F)

The table is divided into four columns. Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. On the same line and at the top of columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Aliment 1, Aliment 2 and Aliment 3. These are placeholders for the different name or flavour variations of the food. Below the Nutrition Facts heading, in the first column, is pour MD.  On the same line in columns 2, 3 and 4 and right justified is MM in parentheses. There is a rule below the pour MD and MM in parentheses subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Below pour MD is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product in columns 2, 3 and 4. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line below the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent symbol VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Amount and percent symbol DV subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is saturés followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line there is a plus symbol followed by trans followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There are also  placeholders, in columns 2, 3 and 4 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. These are followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Fibres followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on thenext line is Sucres followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sugars. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Cholestérol in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule below the cholesterol information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sodium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Fer followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The line starts with an asterisk followed by the letters VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne.Right justified on the same line is another asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 10.1(F) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Valeur nutritives heading: 10 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 8.5 point type with 10 point leading
  • Aliment 1, Aliment 2, Aliment 3 subheadings: 6 point bold type with 7 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point bold type with 13.5 point leading
  • Teneur and Percent VQ subheading with asterisk: 6 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Footnote: 14 point leading
  • 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns

Figures 10.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 10.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 13 point leading

Figures 10.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 10.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 13 point leading

Figures 10.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 10.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 12 point leading
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules to 0.25 point

Figures 10.5(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 10.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 12 point leading

Figures 10.6(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 10.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules to 0.25 point

Bilingual Aggregate Format – Different Kinds of Foods

Figure 11.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 11.1(B)

The table is divided into four columns. Left justified at the top of the first column and spanning into the second column is the heading Nutrition Facts, forward slash, Valeur nutritive in bold. On the next line and at the top of columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Food 1, Food 2 and Food 3. Stacked directly below are the French subheadings, Aliment 1, Aliment 2 and Aliment 3. These are placeholders for the different name or flavour variations of the food. Below the Nutrition Facts heading, in the first column, is Per HM and stacked below is pour MD.  On the same line in columns 2, 3 and 4 and right justified is MM in parentheses. There is a rule below the pour MD and MM, in parentheses, subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Below pour MD is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product in columns 2, 3 and 4. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold. Stacked directly below are the French subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ also in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent DV and percent VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Teneur and percent VQ subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Saturated, forward slash, saturés followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line there is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by 3 placeholders for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There are also placeholders, in columns 2, 3 and 4 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. These are followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fibre. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sugars. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule below the cholesterol information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sodium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value, forward slash, asterisk VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne. On the next line the footnote continues with asterisk 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash asterisk 5 percent ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 11.1(B) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Nutrition Facts/Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 8.5 point type with 7 point leading on the first line and 9 point leading on the second line
  • Food /Aliment subheadings: 6 point bold type with 8 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 9 point bold type with 14.5 point leading
  • Amount/Teneur and Percent Daily Value subheading with asterisk: 6 point bold type with 12 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Footnote: 14 point leading on the first line where there is a thick rule above and 7.5 point leading on the second line
  • 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns
  • Space before and after the forward slash which separates English and French terms

Figure 11.2(B)

Follow Figure 11.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 7 point leading on the first line and 8 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 11.3(B)

Follow Figure 11.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 7 point leading on the first line and 8 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 11.4(B)

Follow Figure 11.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 7 point leading on the first line and 8 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 11.5(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 11.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 11.5(B)

The table is divided into four columns. Left justified at the top of the first column and spanning into the second column is the heading Nutrition Facts, forward slash, Valeur nutritive in bold. On the next line and at the top of columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Food 1, Food 2 and Food 3. Stacked directly below are the French subheadings, Aliment 1, Aliment 2 and Aliment 3. These are placeholders for the different name or flavour variations of the food. Below the Nutrition Facts heading, in the first column, is Per HM and stacked below is pour MD.  On the same line in columns 2, 3 and 4 and right justified is MM in parentheses. There is a rule below the pour MD and MM, in parentheses, subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Below pour MD is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product in columns 2, 3 and 4. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold. Stacked directly below are the French subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ also in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent DV and percent VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Teneur and percent VQ subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Saturated, forward slash, saturés followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line there is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There are also placeholders, in columns 2, 3 and 4 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. These are followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fibre. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sugars. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule below the cholesterol information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sodium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value, forward slash, asterisk VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne. On the next line the footnote continues with asterisk 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash asterisk 5 percent ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 11.5(B) are the same as in Figure 11.1(B) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point
  • Thick rules are 2 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 7 point leading on the first line and 8 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 8 point bold type with 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 11 point leading on the first line where there is a thick rule above and 7 point leading on the second line

Figure 11.6(B)

Follow Figure 11.5(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type
  • Calories: 12 point leading
  • Amount/% DV subheading: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 10.5 point leading where there is a
    thick rule above
  • Footnote: 10 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Dual Format – Different Amounts of Food

Figure 12.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 12.1(E)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. On the next line is Per HM1, followed by open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis. There is a rule below the serving of stated size information that spans the width of the table.

In the next line below there is a blank cell with no information. Right justified on the same line are subheadings for 2 columns of information. There is a note outside the table with an arrow pointing to the subheading line which says: Subheadings specify the different amounts of the food for which information is provided. The first subheading is, HM1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis and the second is, HM2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis. These are in bold.  There is a thin rule under the blank cell and the subheadings which spans the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line within the table is Calories, in bold, followed by a set of placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per HM1 and HM2. There is a thick rule under the Calories information that spans the width of the table. Under the thick rule and right justified on the next line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value, in bold, followed by an asterisk which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. The lowercase g follows with a dagger symbol. This refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fat per HM1 and HM2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Saturated and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line, there is a plus symbol followed by Trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat per HM1 and HM2, which is right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by lowercase g. Indented on the next lineis Fibre and a placeholder for the amount of Fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fibre per HM1 and HM2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Sugars and a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sugars per HM1 and HM2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase.  There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sodium per HM1 and HM2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of potassium per HM1 and HM2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of calcium per HM1 and HM2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iron followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of iron per HM1 and HM2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is the dagger symbol footnote that was referred to earlier in the table description. It starts with the dagger symbol followed by Amount in HM1. There is a thin rule under this footnote that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table. Below this line and left justified is the percent Daily Value footnote. It starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little. On the next line, the footnote continues with: 15 percent symbol or more is a lot. The terms ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 12.1(E), are the same as in Figure 1.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • HM1 and HM2 subheadings: 6 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Calories: 14 point leading
  • Percent Daily Value subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule
  • All footnotes: 6 point regular type with 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above; 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 7 point leading where there is a no rule
  • All dagger symbols in regular type, same point size as other text on same line, but in superscript position.

Figure 12.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 12.1(F)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. On the next line is pour MD1, followed by open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis. There is a rule below the serving of stated size information that spans the width of the table.

In the next line below there is a blank cell with no information. Right justified on the same line are subheadings for 2 columns of information. There is a note outside the table with an arrow pointing to the subheading line which says: Subheadings specify the different amounts of the food for which information is provided. The first subheading is, MD1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis and the second is, MD2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis. These are in bold. There is a thin rule under the blank cell and the subheadings which spans the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line within the table is Calories, in bold, followed by a set of placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per MD1 and MD2. There is a thick rule under the Calories information that spans the width of the table.  Under the thick rule and right justified on the next line is the subheading percent symbol valeur quotidienne, in bold, followed by an asterisk which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. The lowercase g follows with a dagger symbol. This refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fat per MD1 and MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line, there is a plus symbol followed by trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat per MD1 and MD2, which is right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by lowercase g.Indented on the next line, is Fibres and a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fibre per MD1 and MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Sucres and a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sugars per MD1 and MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protéines, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholestérol, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase.  There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sodium per MD1 and MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of potassium per MD1 and MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of calcium per MD1 and MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of iron per MD1 and MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is the dagger symbol footnote that was referred to earlier in the table description. It starts with the dagger symbol followed by Teneur pour MD1. There is a thin rule under this footnote that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table. Below this line and left justified is the percent Daily Value footnote. It starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu. On the next line, the footnote continues with: 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 12.1(F), are the same as in Figure 1.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • MD1 and MD2 subheadings: 6 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Calories: 14 point leading
  • Percent valeur quotidienne subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule
  • All footnotes: 6 point regular type with 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above; 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 7 point leading where there is no rule
  • All dagger symbols in regular type, same point size as other text on same line, but in superscript position.

Figures 12.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 12.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 12.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 12.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 12.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 12.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Household measure subheading [HM1 (MM1) HM2 (MM2)]: 10 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • % Daily Value subheading: 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules to 0.25 point

Figures 12.5(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 12.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Household measure subheading [HM1 (MM1) HM2 (MM2)]: 10 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above

Figures 12.6(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 12.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Household measure subheading [HM1 (MM1) HM2 (MM2)]: 10 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 11 point leading
  • % Daily Value subheading: 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 9 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules to 0.25 point

Bilingual Dual Format – Different Amounts of Food

Figure 13.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 13.1(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts, forward slash, Valeur nutritive in bold. On the next line is Per HM1, followed by open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis forward slash, pour MD1, followed by open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis. There is a rule below the serving of stated size information that spans the width of the table.

In the next line below, there is a blank cell with no information. Right justified on the same line are subheadings for 2 columns of information. There is a note outside the table with an arrow pointing to the subheading line which says: Subheadings specify the different amounts of the food for which information is provided. The first subheading is, HM1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis and stacked below is MD1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis. The second subheading is, HM2, open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis and stacked below is MD2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis . These are in bold.  There is a thin rule under the blank cell and the subheadings which spans the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line within the table is Calories, in bold, followed by a set of placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. There is a thick rule under the Calories information that spans the width of the table. Under the thick rule and right justified on the next line is the percent Daily Value subheading in bold. It reads: percent symbol Daily Value, forward slash, percent symbol valeur quotidienne followed by an asterisk which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. The lowercase g follows with a dagger symbol. This refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fat per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented onthe next line is Saturated, forward slash, saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line, there is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2, which is right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by lowercase g.Indented on the next line, is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres and a placeholder for the amount of Fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fibre per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres and a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sugars per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase.  There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sodium per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of potassium per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of calcium per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of iron per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is the dagger symbol footnote that was referred to earlier in the table description. It starts with the dagger symbol followed by Amount in HM1, forward slash, Teneur pour MD1. There is a thin rule under this footnote that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table. Below this line and left justified is the percent Daily Value footnote. It starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, forward slash, asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu. On the next line, the footnote continues with: 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 13.1(B), are the same as in Figure 1.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2 subheadings: 6 point bold type with 12 point leading and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 14 point leading
  • Percent Daily Value subheading with asterisk: 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule
  • All footnotes: 6 point regular type with 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above; 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 7 point leading where there is no rule
  • All dagger symbols in regular type, same point size as other text on same line, but in superscript position.
  • Space before and after the forward slash which separates English and French terms

Figure 13.2(B)

Follow Figure 13.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 13.3(B)

Follow Figure 13.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 13.4(B)

Follow Figure 13.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13 point leading
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnotes: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above

Figure 13.5(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 13.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 13.5(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts, forward slash, Valeur nutritive in bold. On the next line is Per HM1, followed by open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis, forward slash, pour MD1, followed by open parenthesis MM1 close. There is a rule below the serving of stated size information that spans the width of the table.

On the next line down there is a blank cell with no information. Right justified on the same line are subheadings for 2 columns of information. The first subheading is, HM1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis and stacked below is MD1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis. The second subheading is, HM2, open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis and stacked below is MD2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis. These are in bold.  There is a thin rule under the blank cell and the subheadings which spans the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line within the table is Calories, in bold, followed by a set of placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. There is a thick rule under the Calories information that spans the width of the table. Under the thick rule and right justified on the next line is the percent Daily Value subheading in bold. It reads: percent symbol Daily Value, forward slash, percent symbol valeur quotidienne followed by an asterisk which refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. The lowercase g follows with a dagger symbol. This refers to a footnote at the bottom of the table. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fat per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Saturated, forward slash, saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line, there is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2, which is right justified and vertically centred against saturated and trans information on the left. There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by lowercase g.Indented on the next line , is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres and a placeholder for the amount of Fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of fibre per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. Indented on the next line is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres and a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sugars per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase.  There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of sodium per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of potassium per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of calcium per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line are placeholders for the percent Daily Value of iron per HM1/MD1 and HM2/MD2. The placeholders are followed by percent symbols. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is the dagger symbol footnote that was referred to earlier in the table description. It starts with the dagger symbol followed by Amount in HM1, forward slash, Teneur pour MD1. There is a thin rule under this footnote that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table. Below this line and left justified is the percent Daily Value footnote. It starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, forward slash, asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu. On the next line, the footnote continues with: 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 13.5(B) are the same as in Figure 13.1(B) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Nutrition Facts/Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • HM1 (MM1) / MD1 (MM1) and HM2 (MM2) / MD2 (MM2) subheadings: 11 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Percent Daily Value subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a thin rule and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule
  • All footnotes: 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 9.5 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • All dagger symbols in regular type, same point size as other text on same line, but in superscript position.

Figure 13.6(B)

Follow Figure 13.5(B) except:

  • Household measure subheading [HM1 (MM1) HM2 (MM2)]: 10 point leading
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 10.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnotes: 10.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 8.5 point leading where there is a thin rule above

Aggregate Format – Different Amounts of Food

Figure 14.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 14.1(E)

The table is divided into three columns.  Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold.  The word Nutrition is on the first line with the word Facts stacked directly underneath.  At the top of the second column and left justified is Per HM1 and stacked directly below it and on the same line as the word Facts is MM1 in parentheses.  At the top of the third column and left justified is Per HM2 and stacked directly below it and on the same line as the word Facts and MM1, in parentheses, is MM2 in parentheses.  There is a rule below the word Facts, MM1 in parentheses and MM2 in parentheses that spans the width of each column.  Note it is not a continuous line; there is a space between each of the columns.

Below the word Facts and under the rule is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per HM1 and HM2 in columns 2 and 3. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column.  Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information.  In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2 and 3 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold.  There is an asterisk after each percent DV that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.  There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Amount and percent DV subheading that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Fat in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Saturated followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line there is a plus symbol followed by Trans followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g.  There are also placeholders, in columns 2 and 3 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and centered against saturated and trans information on the left.  These are followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line is Fibre followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fibre followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.  Indented on the next line is Sugars followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sugars. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protein in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Cholesterol in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule below the cholesterol information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sodium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Iron followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description.  The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value. The next line the footnote continues with: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot.  The terms ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ are in bold.  This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 14.1(E) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.  This text is described below.

  • Nutrition Facts heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading on the second line
  • Serving of stated size: Per HM1 and Per HM2: baseline shift of minus 2 compared to Nutrition baseline; 8 point type with 11 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point bold type with 13 point leading
  • Amount/Percent DV subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 7 point leading on the second line
  • 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns

Figure 14.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 14.1(F)

The table is divided into three columns. Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold.  The word Valeur is on the first line with the word nutritive stacked directly underneath.  At the top of the second column and left justified is pour MD1 and stacked directly below it and on the same line as the word nutritive is MM1 in parentheses.  At the top of the third column and left justified is pour MD2 and stacked directly below it and on the same line as the word nutritive and MM1, in parentheses, is MM2 in parentheses.  There is a rule below the word nutritive, MM1 in parentheses and MM2 in parentheses that spans the width of each column.  Note it is not a continuous line; there is a space between each of the columns.

Below the word nutritive and under the rule is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories pour MD1 and MD2 in columns 2 and 3. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column.  Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information.  In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2 and 3 are the subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ in bold.  There is an asterisk after each percent VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.  There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Teneur and percent VQ subheading that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is saturés followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on  the next line there is a plus symbol followed by trans followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g.  There are also placeholders, in columns 2 and 3 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and centered against saturated and trans information on the left.  These are followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line is Fibres followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fibre. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Sucres followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sugars. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Cholestérol in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule below the cholesterol information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sodium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Fer followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description.  The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the letters VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne.  On the next line the footnote continues with: 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup.  The terms ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold.  This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 14.1(F) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.  This text is described below.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading on the second line
  • Serving of stated size: pour MD1 and pour MD2: baseline shift of minus 2 compared to Nutrition baseline; 8 point type with 11 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point bold type with 13 point leading
  • Teneur/Percent VQ subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 7 point leading on the second line
  • 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns

Figures 14.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 14.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 14.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 14.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 14.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 14.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 8 point leading
  • Amount/% DV subheading: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules to 0.25 point

Figures 14.5(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 14.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 14.6(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 14.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 8 point leading
  • Amount/% DV subheading: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules to 0.25 point

Bilingual Aggregate Format – Different Amounts of Food

Figure 15.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 15.1(B)

The table is divided into three columns.  Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive.  Both are in bold.  Right justified at the top of the first column is Per and stacked below it is par.   There is rule below this information that spans the width of the first column.  At the top of column 2 and left justified is HM1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis and stacked directly below it is MD1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis.   There is a rule below this information that spans the width of column 2.  At the top of the column 3, and left justified, is HM2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis and stacked directly below it is MD2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis.  There is a rule below this information that spans the width of column 3.

Left justified on the next line within the table is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per HM1 and HM2 in columns 2 and 3. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column.  Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line below the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information.  In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2 and 3 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold.  Stacked directly below are the French subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ also in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent DV and percent VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.  There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Teneur and percent VQ subheadings that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Saturated, forward slash, saturés followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line there is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g.  There are also placeholders, in columns 2 and 3 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and centered against saturated and trans information on the left.  These are followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fibre, Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sugars. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule below the cholesterol information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sodium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

On the next 2 lines is the percent Daily Value footnote, in English and French that was referred to at the beginning of the table description.  The footnote starts, on the first line, with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value.  This is followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot.  Left justified on the next line is asterisk followed by the letters VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold.  This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 15.1(B) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.  This text is described below.

  • Nutrition Facts/Valeur nutritive heading:  10 point bold type with 11 point leading on the second line
  • Serving of stated size: Per HM1 and HM2: baseline shift of minus 2 compared to Nutrition Facts baseline; 8 point type with 11 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point bold type with 13 point leading
  • Amount/Teneur and Percent DV/VQ subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 7 point leading on the second line
  • 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns
  • Space before and after the forward slash which separates English and French terms

Figure 15.2(B)

Follow Figure 15.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 15.3(B)

Follow Figure 15.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 15.4(B)

Follow Figure 15.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 6 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is thick rule above
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 15.5(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 15.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 15.5(B)

The table is divided into three columns.  Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive.  Both are in bold.  Right justified at the top of the first column is Per and stacked below it is par.   There is rule below this information that spans the width of the first column.  At the top of column 2, and left justified, is HM1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis and stacked directly below it is MD1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis.   There is a rule below this information that spans the width of the column.  At the top of column 3, and left justified, is HM2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis and stacked directly below it is MD2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis.  There is a rule below this information that spans the width of column 3.

Left justified on the next line within the table is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per HM1 and HM2 in columns 2 and 3. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column.  Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information.  In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2 and 3 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold.  Stacked directly below are the French subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ also in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent DV and percent VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.  There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Teneur and percent VQ subheadings that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Saturated, forward slash, saturés followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on  the next line there is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g.  There are also placeholders, in columns 2 and 3 for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and centered against saturated and trans information on the left.  These are followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule below the trans information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of fibre. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sugars. Each amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule below the cholesterol information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of sodium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column.  Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description.  The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value, forward slash, asterisk followed by the letters VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne.  Below on the next line is the statement: asterisk 5 percent symbol or less is a little, forward slash, asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu.  In the next line below the footnote continues with: 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold.  This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 15.5(B) are the same as in Figure 15.1(B) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point
  • Thick rules are 2 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Nutrition Facts/Valeur nutritive heading: 9 point bold type with 10 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: Per HM1 and HM2: baseline shift of minus 3 compared to Nutrition Facts baseline; 6 point type with 10 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 7.5 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Amount/Teneur and Percent DV/VQ subheading with asterisk: 11 point leading on the first line
  • Nutrients: 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a thin rule and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 15.6(B)

Follow Figure 15.5(B) except:

  • Amount/% DV subheading: 10 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Calories: 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 10.5 point leading where there is a
    thick rule above
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is thick rule above

Linear Format

Figure 16.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Number of lines of text may vary according to available display surface.
Texts of Figures 16.1(E) and (F) may be displayed adjacent to one another within the same box.

Long Description – Figure 16.1(E)

There are 5 lines of text within the table.  Left justified on the first line is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold followed by Per HM, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories per serving of the product, also in bold.

Left justified on the next 3 lines is a horizontal list of nutrients followed by placeholders for the amount of each nutrient followed in parentheses by the percent daily value of the nutrient per serving of the product.  Note: the percent daily value only applies to Fat, Saturated Fat plus Trans, Sugars, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Iron. Fat, Saturated Fat, Trans, Carbohydrate, Fibre, Sugars, and Protein are each followed by a lowercase g and Cholesterol, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Iron are each followed by a lowercase mg.  All of the nutrients are in bold type. The line breaks come after Cholesterol, Sodium, and Iron, including their amount and percent DV placeholders.

The last and 5th line of text is a legend and footnote. The legend is left justified and reads: percent symbol, equal sign, percent symbol Daily Value followed by an asterisk. Right justified in the same line is the footnote: asterisk 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot.  The terms ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

Number of lines of text may vary according to available display surface.
Texts of Figures 16.1(E) and (F) may be displayed adjacent to one another within the same box.

There is text around the exterior of the Nutrition Facts table image, which refers to the graphic specifications as follows:

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Normal width font
  • 7 point type  except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Calories and nutrients are all bold type
  • Serving of stated size, amount and percent symbol Daily Value in regular type
  • Text within the table is enclosed by a box with a 0.5 point rule within 3 points of text
  • Nutrient with associated amount and percent symbol DV on same line
  • In the percent daily value placeholder, there is a space between the number and percent symbol
  • For the amount of nutrients, there is a space between the number and unit

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Nutrition Facts heading: 10 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type
  • Calories: 8 point type
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading
  • Percent Daily Value asterisk: 9 point with minus 2 point baseline shift
  • Footnote: 6 point regular type, right justified

Figure 16.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Number of lines of text may vary according to available display surface.
Texts of Figures 16.1(E) and (F) may be displayed adjacent to one another within the same box.

Long Description – Figure 16.1(F)

There are 5 lines of text within the table.  Left justified on the first line is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold followed by pour MD, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories per serving of the product, also in bold.

Left justified on the next 3 lines is a horizontal list of nutrients followed by placeholders for the amount of each nutrient followed in parentheses by the percent daily value of the nutrient per serving of the product.  Note: the percent daily value only applies to Lipides, Lipides saturés plus trans, Sucres, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Fer.  Lipides, Lipides saturés, Trans, Glucides, Fibres, Sucres, and Protéines are each followed by a lowercase g and Cholestérol, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Fer are each followed by a lowercase mg.  All of the nutrients are in bold type. The line breaks come after Cholestérol, Sodium, and Fer, including their amount and percent DV placeholders.

The last and 5th line of text is a legend and footnote. The legend is left justified and reads: percent symbol, equal sign, percent symbol valeur quotidienne followed by an asterisk. Right justified in the same line is the footnote: asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beacoup, close parenthesis.  The terms ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

Number of lines of text may vary according to available display surface.
Texts of Figures 16.1(E) and (F) may be displayed adjacent to one another within the same box

There is text around the exterior of the Nutrition Facts table image, which refers to the graphic specifications as follows:

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Normal width font
  • 7 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Calories and nutrients are all bold type
  • Serving of stated size, amount and percent symbol Daily Value in regular type
  • Text within the table is enclosed by a box with a 0.5 point rule within 3 points of text
  • Nutrient with associated amount and percent symbol DV on same line
  • In the percent daily value placeholder, there is a space between the number and percent symbol
  • For the amount of nutrients, there is a space between the number and unit

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Nutrition Facts heading: 10 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type
  • Calories: 8 point type
  • Percent Daily Value asterisk: 9 point with minus 2 point baseline shift
  • Footnote: 6 point regular type, right justified

Figure 16.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 16.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type
  • Calories: 7 point type
  • Nutrients: 6 point type
  • Leading for all: 7 point

Simplified Linear Format

Figure 17.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 16.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 17.1(E)

There are 3 lines of text within the table.  Left justified on the first line is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold followed by per HM, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories per serving of the product, also in bold.  Right justified on the same line is percent symbol, followed by equal sign percent symbol Daily Value, followed by an asterisk.  The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.

Left justified on the second line is Fat, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat in parentheses.  The amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and the percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.  Following on the same line is Carbohydrate, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  Protein is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

The third line of text is a statement which says: Not a significant source of other nutrients.  Right justified on the same line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description.  The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot.  The terms ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ are in bold.  This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 17.1(E) are the same as in Figure 16.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.  This text is described below.

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point
  • Calories: 7.5 point
  • All footnotes: 6 point regular type with 8 point leading

Figure 17.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 16.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 17.1(F)

There are 3 lines of text within the table. Left justified on the first line is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold followed by pour MD, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories per serving of the product, also in bold. Right justified on the same line is percent symbol, followed by equal sign percent symbol valeur quotidienne, followed by an asterisk. The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.

Left justified on the second line is Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount and percent daily value of fat in parentheses. The amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and the percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Following on the same line is Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Protéines is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

The third line of text is a statement which says: Source négligeable d’autres éléments nutritifs. Right justified on the same line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 17.1(F) are the same as in Figure 16.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point
  • Calories: 7.5 point
  • All footnotes: 6 point regular type with 8 point leading

Figure 17.2(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 17.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 17.2(E)

There are 3 lines of text within the table. Left justified on the first line is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold followed by per HM, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories per serving of the product, also in bold.

Left justified on the second line is Fat, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount and percent daily value of fat in parentheses. The amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and the percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Following on the same line is Carbohydrate, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Protein is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

The third line of text is a statement which says: Not a significant source of other nutrients. Right justified on the same line is a legend which starts with percent symbol, equal sign, percent symbol Daily Value. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 17.2(E) are the same as in Figure 17.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed or normal width font
  • 6 point type except for heading and calories
  • Border around the table may be curved according to packaging needs

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Calories: 7 point or 6 point type, may be moved to second line
  • Leading: 7.5 point leading

Figure 17.2(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 17.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 17.2(F)

There are 3 lines of text within the table. Left justified on the first line is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold followed by pour MD, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories per serving of the product, also in bold.

Left justified on the second line is Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount and percent daily value of fat in parentheses. The amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and the percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Following on the same line is Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Protéines is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

The third line of text is a statement which says: Source négligeable d’autres éléments nutritifs. Right justified on the same line is a legend which starts with percent symbol, equal sign, percent symbol valeur quotidienne. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 17.2(F) are the same as in Figure 17.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed or normal width font
  • 6 point type except for heading and calories
  • Border around the table may be curved according to packaging needs

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Calories: 7 point or 6 point type, may be moved to second line
  • Leading: 7.5 point leading

Simplified Linear Format – Single-serving Prepackaged Products

Figure 17.1.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 16.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 17.1.1(E)

There are 3 lines of text within the table.  Left justified on the first line is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold followed by per HM, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories per serving of the product, also in bold. 

Left justified on the second line is Fat, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat in parentheses.  The amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and the percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.  Following on the same line is Carbohydrate, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  Protein is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

Left justified on the third line is the legend: percent symbol, followed by equal sign percent symbol Daily Value, followed by an asterisk.  The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. Right justified on the same line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to in the legend.  The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot.  The terms ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ are in bold.  This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 17.1.1(E) are the same as in Figure 16.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.  This text is described below.

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point
  • Calories: 7.5 point
  • Legend: 6 point regular type with 8 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type, right justified

Figure 17.1.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 16.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 17.1.1(F)

There are 3 lines of text within the table.  Left justified on the first line is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold followed by pour MD, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories per serving of the product, also in bold. 

Left justified on the second line is Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat in parentheses. The amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and the percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.  Following on the same line is Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  Protéines is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

Left justified on the third line is the legend: percent symbol, followed by equal sign percent symbol valeur quotidienne, followed by an asterisk.  The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. Right justified on the same line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to in the legend.  The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 17.1.1(F) are the same as in Figure 16.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.  This text is described below.

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point
  • Calories: 7.5 point
  • Legend: 6 point regular type with 8 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type, right justified

Figure 17.2.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 17.1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 17.2.1(E)

There are 3 lines of text within the table. Left justified on the first line is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold followed by Per HM, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories per serving of the product, also in bold.

Left justified on the second line is Fat, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat in parentheses. The amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and the percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Following on the same line is Carbohydrate, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Protein is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

Left justified on the third line is the legend: percent symbol, followed by equal sign percent symbol Daily Value. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 17.2.1(E) are the same as in Figure 17.1.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed or normal width font
  • 6 point type except for heading and calories
  • Border around the table may be curved according to packaging needs

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Calories: 7 point or 6 point type, may be moved to second line
  • Legend: 7.5 point leading

Figure 17.2.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 17.1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 17.2.1(F)

There are 3 lines of text within the table. Left justified on the first line is the heading valeur nutritive in bold followed by Per HM, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories per serving of the product, also in bold.

Left justified on the second line is Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount and percent Daily Value of fat in parentheses. The amount placeholder is followed by a lowercase g and the percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. Following on the same line is Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Protéines is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

Left justified on the third line is the legend: percent symbol, followed by equal sign percent symbol valeur quotidienne. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 17.2.1(F) are the same as in Figure 17.1.1(E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed or normal width font
  • 6 point type except for heading and calories
  • Border around the table may be curved according to packaging needs

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Calories: 7 point or 6 point type, may be moved to second line
  • Legend: 7.5 point leading

Presentation of Additional Information

Including all optional elements that may be declared in the Nutrition Facts table

Figure 18.1(E) 

See tables to sections B.01.401 and B.01.402 for wording alternatives

Text equivalent below

Note: Other than the order of presentation, the use of indents and the presentation of footnotes,
follow the format that is specified in the applicable figure of this Directory.

Long Description – Figure 18.1(E)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. The next line is Serving of stated Size, followed by HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. Stacked below on the next line is Servings Per Container followed by a placeholder for the number of servings. There is a rule below the Servings Per Container that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. This is followed by open parenthesis number symbol placeholder and letters lowercase k, uppercase J, close parenthesis. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold. Percent symbol Daily is on top of Value. Percent Daily Value has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories information that ends after the amount placeholder in parentheses; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Total Fat, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of total fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of total fat followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Saturated and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line there is a plus symbol followed by Trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. It is followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Omega-6 Polyunsaturated followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-6 polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Omega-3 Polyunsaturated followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Monounsaturated followed by a placeholder for the amount of monounsaturated followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the Monounsaturated information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Total Carbohydrate in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of total carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.

Indented on the next line is Dietary Fibre followed by a placeholder for the amount of dietary fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of dietary fibre followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Dietary Fibre is Soluble Fibre followed by a placeholder for the amount of soluble fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under soluble fibre is Insoluble Fibre followed by a placeholder for the amount of insoluble fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Sugars followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Sugar Alcohols followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugar alcohols followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Starch followed by a placeholder for the amount of starch followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the starch information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of cholesterol followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iron followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin A followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin A followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin A followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin A information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin C followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin C followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin C followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin C information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin D followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin D followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin D followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin D information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin E followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin E followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin E followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin E information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin K followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin K followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin K followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin K information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Thiamine followed by a placeholder for the amount of thiamine followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of thiamine followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the thiamine information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Riboflavin followed by a placeholder for the amount of riboflavin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of riboflavin followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the riboflavin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Niacin followed by a placeholder for the amount of niacin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of niacin followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the niacin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin B subscript 6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B subscript 6 followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B subscript 6 followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin B subscript 6 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Folate followed by a placeholder for the amount of folate followed by the symbol µ, a lowercase g and the letters DFE. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of folate followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the folate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin B subscript 12 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B subscript 12 followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B subscript 12 followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin B subscript 12 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Biotin followed by a placeholder for the amount of biotin followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of biotin followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the biotin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Pantothenate followed by a placeholder for the amount of pantothenate followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of pantothenate followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the pantothenate  information that spans the width of the table. The next line is Choline followed by a placeholder for the amount of choline followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of choline followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the choline information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Phosphorous followed by a placeholder for the amount of phosphorous followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of phosphorous followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the phosphorous information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iodide followed by a placeholder for the amount of iodide followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iodide followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the iodide information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Magnesium followed by a placeholder for the amount of magnesium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of magnesium followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the magnesium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Zinc followed by a placeholder for the amount of zinc followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of zinc followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the zinc information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Selenium followed by a placeholder for the amount of selenium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of selenium followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the selenium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Copper followed by a placeholder for the amount of copper followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of copper followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the copper information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Manganese followed by a placeholder for the amount of manganese followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of manganese followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the manganese information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chromium followed by a placeholder for the amount of chromium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chromium followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the chromium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Molybdenum followed by a placeholder for the amount of molybdenum followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of molybdenum followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the molybdenum information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chloride followed by a placeholder for the amount of chloride followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chloride followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thick rule under the chloride information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little and below it is, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot. The terms ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

Other than the order of presentation, the use of indents and the presentation of footnotes, follow the format that is specified in the applicable figure of this Directory.

There is text around the exterior of the Nutrition Facts table image with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

Outside the table, on the right side and in line with the Omega-6 Polyunsaturated and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated information within the table, there is a curly bracket followed by the word ‘or’, followed by a box which contains an alternative representation of the information. It reads: Polyunsaturated followed by a placeholder for the amount of polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g. On the next line and indented by 6 points is Omega-6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-6 followed by a lowercase g. On the next line and indented by 6 points is Omega-3 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-3 followed by a lowercase g.

There is a note with an arrow pointing to the Vitamin A line which says: If the available display surface is not adequate to accommodate any additional information beneath the mandatory declaration of potassium, calcium and iron, the remaining information may be moved to the upper right corner, enclosed by a box with a 0.5 point rule that shares its left rule with the table.

There is an arrow pointing to Soluble Fibre to indicate a 6 point indent.

Figure 18.1(F)

See tables to sections B.01.401 and B.01.402 for wording alternatives

Text equivalent below

Note: Other than the order of presentation, the use of indents and the presentation of footnotes,
follow the format that is specified in the applicable figure of this Directory.

Long Description – Figure 18.1(F)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. The next line is Portion, followed by MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. Stacked below on the next line is Portions par contenant followed by a placeholder for the number of servings. There is a rule below the Portions par contenant that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product.  This is followed by open parenthesis number symbol placeholder and letters lowercase k, uppercase J, close parenthesis.  Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol valeur quotidienne in bold. Percent symbol valeur is on top of quotidienne which is followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories information that ends after the amount placeholder in parentheses; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Total des lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of total fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of fat, followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on  the next line there is a plus symbol followed by trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. It is followed by a percent symbol.  Indented on the next line is polyinsaturés oméga-6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-6 polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the the next line is polyinsaturés oméga-3 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line is monoinsaturés followed by a placeholder for the amount of monounsaturated followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin rule below the monounsaturated information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Total des glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of total carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on thenext line is Fibres alimentaires followed by a placeholder for the amount of dietary fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of dietary fibre followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under Dietary Fibre is Fibres solubles followed by a placeholder for the amount of soluble fibre followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line under soluble fibre is Fibres insolubles followed by a placeholder for the amount of insoluble fibre followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line is Sucres followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol. Indented onthe next line is Polyalcools followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugar alcohols followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on thenext line is Amidon followed by a placeholder for the amount of starch followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the starch information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholestérol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of cholesterol followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine A followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin A followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin A followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin A information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine C followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin C followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin C followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin C information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine D followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin D followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin D followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin D information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine E followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin E followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin E followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin E information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine K followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin K followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin K followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin K information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Thiamine followed by a placeholder for the amount of thiamine followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of thiamine followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the thiamine information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Riboflavine followed by a placeholder for the amount of riboflavin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of riboflavin followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the riboflavin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Niacine followed by a placeholder for the amount of niacin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of niacin followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the niacin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine B subscript 6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B subscript 6 followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B subscript 6 followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin B subscript 6 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Folate followed by a placeholder for the amount of folate followed by the symbol µ, a lowercase g and the letters ÉFA. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of folate followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the folate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine B subscript 12 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B subscript 12 followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B subscript 12 followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin B subscript 12 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Biotine followed by a placeholder for the amount of biotin followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of biotin followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the biotin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Pantothénate followed by a placeholder for the amount of pantothenate followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of pantothenate followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the pantothenate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Choline followed by a placeholder for the amount of choline followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of choline followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the choline information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Phosphore followed by a placeholder for the amount of phosphorous followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of phosphorous followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the phosphorous information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iode followed by a placeholder for the amount of iodide followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iodide followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the iodide information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Magnésium followed by a placeholder for the amount of magnesium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of magnesium followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the magnesium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Zinc followed by a placeholder for the amount of zinc followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of zinc followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the zinc information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sélénium followed by a placeholder for the amount of selenium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of selenium followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the selenium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cuivre followed by a placeholder for the amount of copper followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of copper followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the copper information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Manganèse followed by a placeholder for the amount of manganese followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of manganese followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the manganese information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chrome followed by a placeholder for the amount of chromium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chromium followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the chromium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Molybdène followed by a placeholder for the amount of molybdenum followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of molybdenum followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the molybdenum information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chlorure followed by a placeholder for the amount of chloride followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chloride followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thick rule under the chloride information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu and below it is, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

Other than the order of presentation, the use of indents and the presentation of footnotes, follow the format that is specified in the applicable figure of this Directory.

There is text around the exterior of the Nutrition Facts table image with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.  This text is described below.

Outside the table, on the right side and in line with the polyinsaturés oméga-6 and polyinsaturés oméga-3 information within the table, there is a curly bracket followed by the word ‘or’, followed by a box which contains an alternative representation of the information.  It reads: Polyinsaturés followed by a placeholder for the amount of polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g.  On the next line and indented by 6 points is oméga-6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-6 followed by a lowercase g.  On the next line and indented by 6 points is oméga-3 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-3 followed by a lowercase g.

There is a note with an arrow pointing to the Vitamin A line which says: If the available display surface is not adequate to accommodate any additional information beneath the mandatory declaration of potassium, calcium and iron, the remaining information may be moved to the upper right corner, enclosed by a box with a 0.5 point rule that shares its left rule with thetable.

There is an arrow pointing to Fibres solubles to indicate a 6 point indent.

Bilingual Presentation of Additional Information

Including all optional elements that may be declared in the Nutrition Facts table

Figure 19.1(B)

See tables to sections B.01.401 and B.01.402 for wording alternatives

Text equivalent below

Note: Other than the order of presentation, the use of indents and the presentation of footnotes, follow the format that is specified in the applicable figure of this Directory.  The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 19.1(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive.  Both are in bold. The next line is Serving of stated Size, followed by HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis forward slash Portion followed by MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Servings Per Container followed by a placeholder for the number of servings and stacked below on the next line is Portions par contenant followed by a placeholder for the number of servings. There is a rule below the Portions par contenant that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. This is followed by open parenthesis number symbol placeholder and letters lowercase k, uppercase J, close parenthesis. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold. Stacked under this is percent symbol valeur quotidienne. Percent Daily Value has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thick rule under Calories information that ends after the amount placeholder in parentheses; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Total Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of total fat followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of fat followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line is Saturated, forward slash saturés and a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line there is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans followed by a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. There is a placeholder for the combined percent Daily Value for saturated and trans fat which is right justified and vertically centred against the saturated and trans information on the left. It is followed by a percent symbol.  Indented on the next line is Polyunsaturated, forward slash, polyinsaturés followed by a placeholder for the amount of polyunsaturated fat followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line under polyunsaturated is Omega-6, forward slash, oméga-6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-6 followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line under Omega-6 is Omega-3, forward slash, oméga-3 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-3 followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line is Monounsaturated, forward slash, monoinsaturés followed by a placeholder for the amount of monounsaturated followed by a lowercase g.  There is a thin rule below the monounsaturated information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Total Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of total carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. The next line is Dietary Fibre, forward slash, Fibres alimentaires followed by a placeholder for the amount of dietary fibre followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of dietary fibre followed by a percent symbol. Indented on the next line under dietary fibre is Soluble Fibre, forward slash, Fibres solubles followed by a placeholder for the amount of soluble fibre followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line under soluble fibre is Insoluble Fibre, forward slash, Fibres insolubles followed by a placeholder for the amount of insoluble fibre followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sugars followed by a percent symbol.  Indented on the next line is Sugar Alcohols, forward slash, Polyalcools followed by a placeholder for the amount of sugar alcohols followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line is Starch, forward slash, Amidon followed by a placeholder for the amount of starch followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the starch information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed by a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of cholesterol followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of sodium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin A, forward slash Vitamine A followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin A followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin A followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin A information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin C, forward slash Vitamine C followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin C followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin C followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin C information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin D, forward slash, Vitamine D followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin D followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of Vitamin D followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin D information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin E, forward slash, Vitamine E followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin E followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin E followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin E information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin K, forward slash, Vitamine K followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin K followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin K followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin K information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Thiamine followed by a placeholder for the amount of thiamine followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of thiamine followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the thiamine information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Riboflavin, forward slash, Riboflavine followed by a placeholder for the amount of riboflavin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of riboflavin followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the riboflavin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Niacin, forward slash, Niacine followed by a placeholder for the amount of niacin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of niacin followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the niacin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin B subscript 6, forward slash, Vitamine B subscript 6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B subscript 6 followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B subscript 6 followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin B subscript 6 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Folate followed by a placeholder for the amount of folate followed by the symbol µ, a lowercase g and the letters DFE, forward slash, and the letters ÉFA. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of folate followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the folate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin B subscript 12, forward slash, Vitamine B subscript 12 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B subscript 12 followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B subscript 12 followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the vitamin B subscript 12 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Biotin, forward slash, Biotine followed by a placeholder for the amount of biotin followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of biotin followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the biotin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Pantothenate, forward slash, Pantothénate followed by a placeholder for the amount of pantothenate followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of pantothenate followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the pantothenate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Choline followed by a placeholder for the amount of choline followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of choline followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the choline information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Phosphorous, forward slash, Phosphore followed by a placeholder for the amount of phosphorous followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of phosphorous followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the phosphorous information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iodide, forward slash Iode followed by a placeholder for the amount of iodide followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iodide followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the iodide information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Magnesium, forward slash, Magnésium followed by a placeholder for the amount of magnesium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of magnesium followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the magnesium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Zinc followed by a placeholder for the amount of zinc followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of zinc followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the zinc information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Selenium, forward slash, Sélénium followed by a placeholder for the amount of selenium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of selenium followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the selenium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Copper, forward slash, Cuivre followed by a placeholder for the amount of copper followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of copper followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the copper information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Manganese, forward slash, Manganèse followed by a placeholder for the amount of manganese followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of manganese followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the manganese information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chromium, forward slash, Chrome followed by a placeholder for the amount of chromium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chromium followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the chromium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Molybdenum, forward slash, Molybdène followed by a placeholder for the amount of molybdenum followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of molybdenum followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the molybdenum information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chloride, forward slash, Chlorure followed by a placeholder for the amount of chloride followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chloride followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thick rule under the chloride information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, forward slash, asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu and stacked below is, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, forward slash, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

Other than the order of presentation, the use of indents and the presentation of footnotes, follow the format that is specified in the applicable figure of this Directory. For the version of this figure with the language order reversed, please refer to the French Directory of Nutrition Facts Table.

There is text around the exterior of the Nutrition Facts table image with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.  This text is described below.

  • There is an arrow pointing to Polyunsaturated to indicate a 6 point indent.
  • There is an arrow pointing to Omega-6 to indicate a 12 point indent.
  • A forward slash must appear between English and French terms with a space before and after the forward slash. For example, in this image, the arrow points to the Dietary Fibre line.

Standard Format – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 20.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 20.1(E)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a rule below Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the  next line under Carbohydrate is Fibre and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibre is Sugars and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table. 

The next line is Sodium in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

Right justified on the next line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold. Percent Daily Value has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by  mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table. 

The next line is Iron followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol.   There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table. 

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, with a little in bold. The next line is 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, with a lot in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 20.1 (E) are the same as in Figure 1.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Percent Daily Value sub heading: 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule

Figure 20.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 20.1(F)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Glucides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Glucides is Fibres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibres is Sucres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table. 

The next line is Sodium in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

Right justified on the next line is the subheading percent symbol valeur quotidienne in bold. Percent valeur quotidienne has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table. 

The next line is Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table. 

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, with peu in bold. The next line is 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup, with beaucoup in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 20.1 (F) are the same as in Figure 1.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Percent valeur quotidienne sub heading: 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule

Figures 20.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 20.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above

Figures 20.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 20.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above

Figures 20.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 20.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 11.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules are reduced to 0.25 point.

Figures 20.5(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 20.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 11.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.

Figures 20.6(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 20.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 7.5 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 10.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • % Daily Value subheading: 11 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 10.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules are reduced to 0.25 point.

Narrow Standard Format – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 21.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 21.1(E)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a rule below Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate is Fibre and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibre is Sugars and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table. 

The next line is Sodium in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

Right justified on the next line is the subheading percent symbol DV in bold. Percent DV has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table. 

The next line is Iron followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table. 

The next line is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote. The line  starts with an asterisk followed by DV equal sign Daily Value. The next line starts with an asterisk followed by  5 percent symbol or less is a little, with a little in bold. The next line is 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, with a lot in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 21.1 (E) are the same as in Figure 1.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Percent DV sub heading: 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule
  • Footnote: 7.5 leading for the second and third line of text

Figure 21.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 21.1(F)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Glucides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Glucides is Fibres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibres is Sucres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table. 

The next line is Sodium in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

Right justified on the next line is the subheading percent symbol VQ in bold. Percent VQ has an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by  mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table. 

The next line is Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table. 

The next line is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote. The line starts with an asterisk followed by VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne. The next line starts with an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, with peu in bold. The next line is 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup, with beaucoup in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 21.1 (F) are the same as in Figure 1.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Percent VQ sub heading: 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule
  • Footnote: 7.5 leading for the second and third line of text

Figures 21.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 21.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Heading: 11 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above

Figures 21.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 21.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above

Figures 21.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 21.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.

Bilingual Standard Format – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 22.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 22.1(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a thin rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibre is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

Right justified on the next line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value, forward slash, percent symbol valeur quotidienne. Both percent Daily Value and percent valeur quotidienne are followed by an asterisk in bold. The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table. 

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table. 

The next two lines is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot and on the second line is an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu,  15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms a little, a lot, peu, and beaucoup are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 22.1 (B) are the same as in Figure 1.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 14 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 11 point leading on first line and 10 point leading on second line
  • A forward slash must appear between English and French terms with a space before and after the forward slash. For example, in this image, the arrow points to the Fibre.
  • Footnote: 13 point leading on the first line and 7.5 point leading on the second line , with the terms a little, a lot, peu, and beaucoup in bold. 
  • Daily Value sub heading: 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule

Figure 22.2(B)

Follow Figure 22.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above

Figure 22.3(B)

Follow Figure 22.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above.

Figure 22.4(B)

Follow Figure 22.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • % Daily Value subheading: 12 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 11.5 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above

Figure 22.5(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 22.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 22.5(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is par MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a thin rule below par MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the  next line under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides, is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the sugars information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

On the next line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value, forward slash, percent symbol valeur quotidienne.  Both percent Daily Value and percent valeur quotidienne are followed by an asterisk in bold. The asterisk refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. 

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. 

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the iron information that spans the width of the Nutrition Facts table. 

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more. The next line is: is a lot forward slash asterisk 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu,. The next line is: 15 percent symbol ou  plus c’est beaucoup. The terms a little, a lot, peu, and beaucoup are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 22.5 (B) are the same as in Figure 22.1 (B), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point
  • Thick rules are 2 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading on the first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above;11.5 point leading where there is a thick Calories rule above and 11 point leading where there is another thick rule above
  • Percent Daily Value sub heading: 11 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point regular type with 11 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading for the second and third lines

Figure 22.6(B)

Follow Figure 22.5(B) except:

  • Calories: 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading where there is a thin rule above; 10.5 point leading where there is a
    thick rule below the heading Calories above
  • % Daily Value subheading: 10 point leading
  • Footnote: 10 point leading on first line where there is a thick rule above

Figure 22.7(B)

Follow Figure 22.5(B) except:

  • Heading: 9 point type with 9 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point leading on first line and 7 point leading on second line (if needed).
  • Calories: 10 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point leading where there is no rule; 7 point leading where there is a thin rule above;
    10 point leading where there is a thick rule below the heading Calories above
  • % Daily Value subheading: 9 point leading
  • Footnote: 6 point leading where there is no rule and 9 point leading on first line where there is a
    thick rule above
  • Top rule: reduced to 0.75 point.
  • Thick rules: reduced to 1.5 point.
  • Outer box: 0.25 point
  • Text inset: 1 point

Bilingual Horizontal Format – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 23.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 4.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 23.1(B)

The first column of the table starts with the heading Nutrition Facts left justified. The next line is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories.

Column 2 of the table starts with left justified Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Sodium in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the columns 2 and 3.

Column 3 of the table starts with left justified Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides, in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the  next line under Fibre is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. 

Below the thick rule that spans the width of columns 2 and 3 and left justified in column 2 is Potassium, followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium  and mg in lowercase, followed by open parenthesis a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium percent symbol close parenthesis. This is followed by a bullet and Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium and mg in lower case, followed by open parenthesis a placeholder for percent Daily Value of calcium percent symbol close parenthesis. Next is a bullet and Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron and mg in lowercase, followed by open parenthesis a placeholder for percent Daily Value of iron percent symbol close parenthesis. There is a thin rule below the minerals information.

On the next 2 lines is the percent Daily Value legend and the percent Daily Value footnote, in English and French. On the first line is percent symbol equal sign percent symbol Daily Value followed by an asterisk.  On the same line there is another asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, with “a little” and “a lot” in bold. On the next line is percent symbol equal sign percent symbol valeur quotidienne followed by an asterisk.  On the same line there is another asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup, with “peu” and “beaucoup” in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 23.1 (B) are the same as in Figure 4.1 (B), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

  • Serving of stated size: 11 point leading on the first line
  • Calories: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Percent Daily Value legend and footnote: 10 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Bullet separating mineral nutrients: space before and after the bullet

Figure 23.2(B)

Follow Figure 23.1(B) except:

  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 23.3(B)

Follow Figure 23.1(B) except:

  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Thin rules: reduced to 0.25 point

Figure 23.4(B)

Follow Figure 23.1(B) except:

  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 9 point leading on first line and 7 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 7.5 point type with 9 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 8 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above and 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point leading where there is no rule and 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Thin rules: reduced to 0.25 point

Simplified Standard Format – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 24.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 24.1(E)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a rule below Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Fat that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Carbohydrate that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the Protein that spans the width of the table.

The next three lines are the footnote: Not a significant source of fibre, sugars, sodium, potassium, calcium or iron. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 24.1 (E) are the same as in Figure 1.1 (E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Nutrition Facts heading: 12 point bold type
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 13 point leading on the first line with thick rule above

Figure 24.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 24.1(F)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Lipides that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Glucides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Glucides that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the Protéines that spans the width of the table.

The next three lines are the footnote: Source négligeable de fibres, sucres, sodium, potassium, calcium et fer. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 24.1 (F) are the same as in Figure 1.1 (E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 12 point bold type
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 13 point leading on the first line with thick rule above

Figures 24.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 24.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 24.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 24.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 24.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 24.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules are reduced to 0.25 point

Figures 24.5(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 24.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 24.6(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 24.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 11.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 10 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules are reduced to 0.25 point

Bilingual Simplified Standard Format – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 25.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 25.1(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a thin rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Fat, forward slash, Lipides that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the Protein, forward slash, Protéines that spans the width of the table.

The next two lines are a footnote which says: Not a significant source of fibre, sugars, sodium, potassium, calcium or iron. There is a thin rule below this footnote.

The next two lines are a footnote which says: Source négligeable de fibres, sucres, sodium, potassium, calcium et fer. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 25.1 (B) are the same as in Figure 1.1 (E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 14 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 10 point leading for second line
  • A forward slash must appear between English and French terms with a space before and after the forward slash. For example, in this image, the arrow points to Fat.
  • Footnotes: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and  13 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 25.2(B)

Follow Figure 25.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 25.3(B)

Follow Figure 25.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on first line and 9 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 9 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.

Figure 25.4(B)

Follow Figure 25.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 25.5(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 25.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 25.5(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. There is a thin rule below pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories. There is a thick rule under Calories that ends after the amount placeholder; it does not span the width of the table.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Fat, forward slash, Lipides that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the Protein, forward slash, Protéines that spans the width of the table.

The next two lines are a footnote which says: Not a significant source of other nutrients. There is a thin rule below this footnote.

The next two lines are a footnote which says: Source négligeable d’autres éléments nutritifs. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 25.5 (B) are the same as in Figure 25.1 (B) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point
  • Thick rules are 2 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 6 point type with 8 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 8 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above.
  • Footnotes: 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above.

Figure 25.6(B)

Follow Figure 25.5(B) except:

  • Calories: 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 10.5 point leading where there is a
    thick rule below the heading Calories above
  • Footnote: 10 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 8 point leading where there is a
    thin rule above

Bilingual Simplified Horizontal Format – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 26.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 4.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 26.1(B)

The first column of the table  starts with the heading Nutrition Facts left justified and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories.

Left justified at the top of column 2 is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Fat, forward slash, Lipides that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the Protein, forward slash, Protéines that spans the width of the column.

The next two lines are a footnote which says: Not a significant source of fibre, sugars, sodium, potassium, calcium, or iron. There is a thin rule below this footnote.

The next two lines are a footnote which says: Source négligeable de fibres, sucres, sodium, potassium, calcium et fer. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 26.1 (B) are the same as in Figure 4.1(B), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Calories: 14 point leading
  • Nutrients: 11 point leading where there is a thin rule above
  • Thick rule is 2.5 point
  • Footnotes: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 13 point leading where there is a  thick rule above

Figure 26.2(B)

Follow Figure 26.1(B) except:

  • Heading: 10 point type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 12 point leading on first line and 8 point leading on second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 10 point leading
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above

Figure 26.3(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 26.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 26.3(B)

The first column of the table  starts with the heading Nutrition Facts left justified and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Per HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is pour MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories.

Left justified at the top of column 2 is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Fat, forward slash, Lipides that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides that spans the width of the column.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thick rule under the Protein, forward slash, Protéines that spans the width of the column.

The next three lines are a footnote which says: Not a significant source of other nutrients, forward slash, source négligeable d’autres éléments nutritifs. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 26.3 (B) are the same as in Figure 26.1 (B) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 11 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type with 10.5 point leading on the first line and 7.5 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 7.5 point bold type with 11.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above. 
  • Footnotes: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above.

Figure 26.4(B)

Follow Figure 26.3(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 9.5 point leading on first line
  • Calories: 10.5 point leading

Aggregate Format – Different Kinds of Foods – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 27.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 27.1(E)

The table is divided into four columns. Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. On the same line and at the top of columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Food 1, Food 2 and Food 3. These are placeholders for the different name or flavour variations of the food. Below the Nutrition Facts heading, in the first column, is Per HM. On the same line in columns 2, 3 and 4 and right justified is MM in parentheses. There is a rule below the Per HM and MM in parentheses subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Below Per HM is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product in columns 2, 3 and 4. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent DV that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Amount and percent DV subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Fat in bold followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate is Fibre followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the  next line under Fibre is Sugars followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protein in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of sodium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Iron followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The line  starts with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value.  Right justified on the same line is another asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot. The terms ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 27.1(E) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Nutrition Facts heading: 10 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 8.5 point type with 10 point leading
  • Food 1, Food 2, Food 3 subheadings: 6 point bold type with 7 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point bold type with 13.5 point leading
  • Amount and Percent Daily Value subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above 
  • Footnote: 14 point leading
  • 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns.

Figure 27.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 27.1(F)

The table is divided into four columns. Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. On the same line and at the top of columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Aliment 1, Aliment 2 and Aliment 3. These are placeholders for the different name or flavour variations of the food. Below the Nutrition Facts heading, in the first column, is pour MD. On the same line in columns 2, 3 and 4 and right justified is MM in parentheses. There is a rule below the pour MD and MM in parentheses subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Below pour MD is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product in columns 2, 3 and 4. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Amount and percent DV subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by  placeholders for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g.  Indented on the next line under Glucides is Fibres followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibres is Sucres followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of sodium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Fer followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The line starts with an asterisk followed by the letters VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne.Right justified on the same line is another askterisk followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 27.1(F) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 8.5 point type with 10 point leading
  • Aliment 1, Aliment 2, Aliment 3 subheadings: 6 point bold type with 7 point leading
  • Calories: 9 point bold type with 13.5 point leading
  • Teneur and Percent VQ subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above 
  • Footnote: 14 point leading
  • 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns.

Figures 27.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 27.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 13 point leading

Figures 27.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 27.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 13 point leading

Figures 27.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 27.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 11.5 point leading
  • Amount/% DV subheading: 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 12 point leading
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules to 0.25 point

Figures 27.5(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 27.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 12 point leading

Figures 27.6(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 27.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Amount/% DV subheading: 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 11 point leading
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules to 0.25 point

Bilingual Aggregate Format – Different Kinds of Foods – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 28.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 28.1(B)

The table is divided into four columns. Left justified at the top of the first column and spanning into the second column is the heading Nutrition Facts, forward slash, Valeur nutritive in bold. On the next line and at the top of columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Food 1, Food 2 and Food 3. Stacked directly below are the French subheadings, Aliment 1, Aliment 2 and Aliment 3. These are placeholders for the different name or flavour variations of the food. Below the Nutrition Facts heading, in the first column, is Per HM and stacked below is pour MD. On the same line in columns 2, 3 and 4 and right justified is MM in parentheses. There is a rule below the pour MD and MM, in parentheses, subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Below pour MD is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product in columns 2, 3 and 4. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold. Stacked directly below are the French subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ also in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent DV and percent VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Teneur and percent VQ subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.
Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibre, forward slash, Fibres is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

On the next 2 lines is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote, in English and French. The first line starts with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value.  On the same line there is another asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, with ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ in bold. On the next line is an asterisk followed by  the letters VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne.  On the same line there is another asterisk  followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup, with ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 28.1(B) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Nutrition Facts/Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type
  • Serving of stated size: 8.5 point type with 9 point leading on the second line
  • Food /Aliment subheadings: 6 point bold type with 8 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 9 point bold type with 14.5 point leading
  • Amount/Teneur and Percent DV subheadings: 12 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above 
  • Legend and footnote: 14 point leading on the first line where there is a thick rule above and 7.5 point leading on the second line
  • 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns
  • Space before and after the forward slash which separates English and French terms

Figure 28.2(B)

Follow Figure 28.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 7 point leading on the first line and 8 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above

Figure 28.3(B)

Follow Figure 28.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 7 point leading on the first line and 8 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above

Figure 28.4(B)

Follow Figure 28.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7.5 point type with 7 point leading on the first line and 8 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 8 point type with 13.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule and 12 point leading where there
    is a thick rule above

Figure 28.5(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 28.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 28.5(B)

The table is divided into four columns. Left justified at the top of the first column and spanning into the second column is the heading Nutrition Facts, forward slash, Valeur nutritive in bold. On the next line and at the top of columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Food 1, Food 2 and Food 3. Stacked directly below are the French subheadings, Aliment 1, Aliment 2 and Aliment 3. These are placeholders for the different name or flavour variations of the food. Below the Nutrition Facts heading, in the first column, is Per HM and stacked below is pour MD. On the same line in columns 2, 3 and 4 and right justified is MM in parentheses. There is a rule below the pour MD and MM, in parentheses, subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Below pour MD is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product in columns 2, 3 and 4. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2, 3 and 4 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold. Stacked directly below are the French subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ also in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent DV and percent VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Teneur and percent VQ subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibre, forward slash, Fibres is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns. The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2, 3, and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed, in columns 2, 3 and 4, by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

On the next 2 lines is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote, in English and French. The first line starts with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value.  On the same line there is another asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, with ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ in bold. On the next line is an asterisk followed by the letters VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne.  On the same line there is another asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup, with ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 28.5(B) are the same as in Figure 28.1(B) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point
  • Thick rules are 2 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 8 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 8 point bold type with 13 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Legend and footnote: 6 point type with 11 point leading on the first line where there is a thick rule above and 7 point leading on the second line

Figure 28.6(B)

Follow Figure 28.5(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point leading on the first line and 8 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 12 point leading
  • Amount/% DV subheading: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 10.5 point leading where there is
    a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 10 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Aggregate Format – Different Amounts of Food – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 29.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 29.1(E)

The table is divided into three columns. Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. The word Nutrition is on the first line with the word Facts stacked directly underneath. At the top of the second column and left justified is Per HM1 and stacked directly below it and on the same line as the word Facts is MM1 in parentheses. At the top of the third column and left justified is Per HM2 and stacked directly below it and on the same line as the word Facts and MM1, in parentheses, is MM2 in parentheses.  There is a rule below the word Facts, MM1 in parentheses and MM2 in parentheses that spans the width of each column. Note it is not a continuous line; there is a space between each of the columns.

Below the word Facts and under the rule is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per HM1 and HM2 in columns 2 and 3. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2 and 3 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent DV that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Amount and percent DV subheading that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Fat in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate is Fibre followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibre is Sugars followed, in columns 2 and 3, by placeholders for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protein in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Iron followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

On the next 2 lines is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote. The first line starts with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value. The second line starts with an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot. The terms ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 29.1(E) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Nutrition Facts heading: 10 point bold type with 10 point leading on the second line Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on the second line Calories: 9 point bold type with 13.5 point leading
  • Amount/Percent DV subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above 
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 7 point leading on the second line
  • 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns

Figure 29.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 29.1(F)

The table is divided into three columns. Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. The word Valeur is on the first line with the word nutritive stacked directly underneath. At the top of the second column and left justified is pour MD1 and stacked directly below it and on the same line as the word nutritive is MM1 in parentheses. At the top of the third column and left justified is pour MD2 and stacked directly below it and on the same line as the word nutritive and MM1, in parentheses, is MM2 in parentheses. There is a rule below the word nutritive, MM1 in parentheses and MM2 in parentheses that spans the width of each column. Note it is not a continuous line; there is a space between each of the columns.

Below the word nutritives and under the rule is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories pour MD1 and MD2 in columns 2 and 3. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2 and 3 are the subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Teneur and percent VQ subheading that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Glucides is Fibres followed, in columns 2 and 3, by placeholders for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibres is Sucres followed, in columns 2 and 3, by placeholders for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Fer followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

On the next 2 lines is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote. The first line  starts with an asterisk followed by the letters VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne. The second line starts with an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu,  15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 29.1(F) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Valeur nutritive heading: 10 point bold type with 10 point leading on the second line Serving of stated size: 8 point type with 10 point leading on the second line
  • Calories: 9 point bold type with 13.5 point leading
  • Teneur/Percent VQ subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above 
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 7 point leading on the second line 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns

Figures 29.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 29.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 29.3(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 29.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 29.4(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 29.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12 point leading
  • Amount/% DV subheading : 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules to 0.25 point

Figures 29.5(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 29.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 6 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 7 point type with 11.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figures 29.6(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 29.1(E) and (F) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 6 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 7 point type with 10.5 point leading
  • Amount/% DV subheading : 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Thick rules are reduced to 2 point and thin rules to 0.25 point

Bilingual Aggregate Format – Different Amounts of Food – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 30.1(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 30.1(B)

The table is divided into three columns. Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. Right justified at the top of the first column is Per and stacked below it is par.   There is rule below this information that spans the width of the first column. At the top of column 2 and left justified is HM1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis and stacked directly below it is MD1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis.   There is a rule below this information that spans the width of column 2. At the top of the column 3, and left justified, is HM2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis and stacked directly below it is MD2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis. There is a rule below this information that spans the width of column 3. 

Left justified on the next line within the table is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per HM1 and HM2 in columns 2 and 3. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2 and 3 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold. Stacked directly below are the French subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ also in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent DV and percent VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Teneur and percent VQ subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides, is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres followed, in columns 2 and 3, by placeholders for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibre, forward slash, Fibres is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the potassium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

On the next 2 lines is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote, in English and French. The first line starts with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value. On the same line there is another asterisk  followed by 5 percent symbol or less is a little, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot. On the next line is an asterisk followed by the letters VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne. On the same line there is another asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 30.1(B) are the same as in Figure 1.1(E) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Nutrition Facts/Valeur nutritive heading:  10 point bold type with 10 point leading on the second line
  • Serving of stated size: Per HM1: 8 point type with 10 point leading on the second line
  • Outside of the table, to the right of and in line with HM2 (MM2) and MD2 (MM2), there is a thick curly bracket with the word or pointing to alternate text. The alternate text is enclosed in a box, and is separated into three columns. Left justified at the top of the first column is Per, forward slash,  par. On the next line down under the Per information there is a blank cell with no information. There is rule below this cell that spans the width of the first column. At the top of column 2 and left justified is HM1, forward slash, MD1 and stacked directly below it is open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis.   There is a rule below this information that spans the width of column 2. At the top of column 3, and left justified, is HM2, forward slash, MD2 and stacked directly below it is open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis. There is a rule below this information that spans the width of column 3. 
  • Calories: 9 point bold type with 13.5 point leading
  • Amount/Teneur and Percent DV/VQ subheading with asterisk: 12 point leading on the first line and 7 point leading on the second line
  • Nutrients: 12 point leading where there is a thin rule above 
  • Footnote: 6 point type with 13 point leading where there is a thick rule above and 7 point leading on the second line
  • 5 point spacing between the rules in each of the columns
  • Space before and after the forward slash which separates English and French terms
  • “A little”, “a lot”, “peu” and “beaucoup” in bold

Figure 30.2(B)

Follow Figure 30.1(B) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 30.3(B)

Follow Figure 30.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 7 point type with 9 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 7 point type with 8 point leading where there is no rule; 11 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 13.5 point leading where there is thick rule above
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 30.4(B)

Follow Figure 30.1(B) except:

  • All text is in condensed font
  • Serving of stated size: 6 point type with 8 point leading
  • Calories: 8 point type with 12.5 point leading
  • Nutrients: 6 point type with 7 point leading where there is no rule; 10 point leading where there is
    a thin rule above and 12.5 point leading where there is thick rule above
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 30.5(B)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 30.1(B) except as otherwise indicated.
The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 30.5(B)

The table is divided into three columns. Left justified at the top of the first column is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. Right justified at the top of the first column is Per and stacked below it is par.   There is rule below this information that spans the width of the first column. At the top of column 2, and left justified, is HM1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis and stacked directly below it is MD1 open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis. There is a rule below this information that spans the width of the column. At the top of column 3, and left justified, is HM2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis and stacked directly below it is MD2 open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis. There is a rule below this information that spans the width of column 3. 

Left justified on the next line within the table is Calories, in bold, followed by placeholders, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per HM1 and HM2 in columns 2 and 3. There is a thick rule under Calories and the placeholders that spans the width of each column. Note, it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

On the next line down under the Calories information there is a blank cell with no information. In the same line under the amount of Calories placeholders in columns 2 and 3 are the subheadings Amount and Percent symbol DV in bold. Stacked directly below are the French subheadings Teneur and Percent symbol VQ also in bold. There is an asterisk after each percent DV and percent VQ that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a thin rule below the blank cell with no information and under each Teneur and percent VQ subheadings that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.
Left justified on the next line is Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of fat followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the fat information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides is Fibre, forward slash, Fibres followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Fibre, forward slash, Fibres is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the sugars information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the protein information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Sodium in bold followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule below the sodium information that spans the width of each column. Note: it is not a continuous line; there is a space in the line between each of the columns.

The next line is Potassium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of potassium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Calcium followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of calcium. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed, in columns 2 and 3 by placeholders for the amount and percent Daily Value of iron. Each amount placeholder is followed by mg in lowercase and each percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule below the iron information that spans the width of the table.

On the next 3 lines is the percent Daily Value legend and footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The first linestarts with an asterisk followed by the letters DV equal sign Daily Value, forward slash, asterisk followed by the letters VQ equal sign valeur quotidienne.   On the next line is an asterisk followed by5 percent symbol or less is a little,  15 percent symbol or more is a lot .  On the next line is an asterisk followed by 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 30.5(B) are the same as in Figure 30.1(B) except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed font
  • 6 point type except as indicated in the description of additional specifications below
  • Thin rules are 0.25 point
  • Thick rules are 2 point

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification.

  • Nutrition Facts/Valeur nutritive heading: 9 point bold type with 10 point leading
  • Serving of stated size: Per HM1: baseline shift of minus 3 points compared to Nutrition Facts baseline on first line ; Per HM2: 6 point type with 10 point leading on second line ; 
  • Outside of the table, to the right of and in line with HM2 (MM2) and MD2 (MM2), there is a thick curly bracket with the word or pointing to alternate text. The alternate text is enclosed in a box, and is separated into three columns. Left justified at the top of the first column is Per, forward slash, par. On the next line down under the Per information there is a blank cell with no information. There is rule below this cell that spans the width of the first column. At the top of column 2 and left justified is HM1, forward slash, MD1 and stacked directly below it is open parenthesis MM1 close parenthesis.   There is a rule below this information that spans the width of column 2. At the top of column 3, and left justified, is HM2, forward slash, MD2 and stacked directly below it is open parenthesis MM2 close parenthesis. There is a rule below this information that spans the width of column 3
  • Calories: 7.5 point bold type with 12 point leading
  • Amount/Teneur and Percent DV/VQ subheading with asterisk: 11 point leading on the first line 
  • Nutrients: 7 point leading where there is no rule; 9 point leading where there is a thin rule and 11.5 point leading where there is a thick rule
  • Footnote: 12 point leading where there is a thick rule above

Figure 30.6(B)

Follow Figure 30.5(B) except:

  • Amount/% DV subheading: 10 point leading where there is a rule above
  • Calories: 11 point leading
  • Nutrients: 8 point leading where there is a thin rule above and 10.5 point leading where there is a thick rule above
  • Footnote: 11 point leading where there is thick rule above

Linear Format – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 31.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 16.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 31.1(E)

There are 4 lines of text within the table. Left justified on the first line is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold followed by Per HM, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories, also in bold. Right justified on the same line is the percent Daily Value legend, starting with percent symbol, followed by equal sign percent symbol Daily Value, followed by an asterisk.

Left justified on the second line is Fat, Carbohydrate, Fibre, Sugars and Protein, all in bold and followed by a placeholder and lowercase g for the amount of each nutrient.

Left justified on the third line is Sodium, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by lowercase mg. This is followed by Potassium and Calcium, both in bold, and followed by a placeholder for the amount and percent daily value in parentheses for each nutrient. The amount placeholders are followed by lowercase mg and the percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.

Left justified on the fourth line is Iron in bold followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by lowercase mg. This is followed, in parentheses, by a placeholder for percent Daily Value of iron followed by percent symbol. Right justified on the same line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, with a little in bold followed by 15 percent symbol or more is a lot, with a lot in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 31.1 (E) are the same as in Figure 16.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Percent Daily Value legend and footnote: 6 point type

Figure 31.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 16.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 31.1(F)

There are 4 lines of text within the table. Left justified on the first line is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold followed by pour MD, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories, also in bold. Right justified on the same line is the percent Daily Value legend, starting with percent symbol, followed by equal sign percent symbol valeur quotidienne, followed by an asterisk.

Left justified on the second line is Lipides, Glucides, Fibres, Sucres and Protéines, all in bold and followed by a placeholder and lowercase g for the amount of each nutrient.

Left justified on the third line is Sodium, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by lowercase mg. This is followed by Potassium and Calcium, both in bold, and followed by a placeholder for the amount and percent daily value in parentheses for each nutrient. The amount placeholders are followed by lowercase mg and the percent daily value is followed by a percent symbol.

Left justified on the fourth line is Fer, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by lowercase mg. This is followed, in parentheses, by a placeholder for percent daily value or iron followed by a percent symbol. Right justified on the same line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, with peu in bold followed by 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup, with beaucoup in bold.

This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 31.1 (F) are the same as in Figure 16.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Percent Daily Value legend and footnote: 6 point type

Figure 31.2(E) and (F)

Follow Figures 31.1(E) and (F) except:

  • Serving of stated size: 6.5 point type
  • Calories: 7 point type
  • Nutrients: 6 point type
  • Leading for all: 7 point

Simplified Linear Format – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Figure 32.1(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 16.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 32.1(E)

There are three lines of text within the table. Left justified on the first line is the heading Nutrition Facts, in bold, followed by Per HM, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories, also in bold.

Left justified on the second line is Fat, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat and lowercase g. Following on the same line is Carbohydrate, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Protein is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

Left justified on the third line is the footnote which says: Not a significant source of other nutrients. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 32.1 (E) are the same as in Figure 16.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point
  • Calories: 7.5 point
  • Footnote: 6 point regular type

Figure 32.1(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 16.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 32.1(F)

There are three lines of text within the table. Left justified on the first line is the heading Valeur nutritive, in bold, followed by pour MD, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories, also in bold.

Left justified on the second line is Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat and lowercase g. Following on the same line is Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Protéines is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

Left justified on the third line is the footnote which says: Source négligeable d’autres éléments nutritifs. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 32.1 (F) are the same as in Figure 16.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

  • Serving of stated size: 7 point
  • Calories: 7.5 point
  • Footnote: 6 point regular type

Figure 32.2(E)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 32.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 32.2(E)

There are three lines of text within the table. Left justified on the first line is the heading Nutrition Facts, in bold, followed by Per HM, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories, also in bold.

Left justified on the second line is Fat, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat and lowercase g. Following on the same line is Carbohydrate, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Protein is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

Left justified on the third line is the footnote which says: Not a significant source of other nutrients. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 32.2 (E) are the same as in Figure 32.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed or normal width font
  • 6 point type except for heading and calories

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification

  • Calories: 7 point
  • Leading: 7.5 point leading

Figure 32.2(F)

Text equivalent below

Note: Same format specifications as in Figure 32.1(E) except as otherwise indicated.

Long Description – Figure 32.2(F)

There are three lines of text within the table. Left justified on the first line is the heading Valeur nutritive, in bold, followed by pour MD, open parenthesis MM close parenthesis, followed by Calories, in bold, and a placeholder for the amount of Calories, also in bold.

Left justified on the second line is Lipides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of fat and lowercase g. Following on the same line is Glucides, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Protéines is next, in bold, followed by a placeholder for the amount of protein followed by a lowercase g.

Left justified on the third line is the footnote which says: Source négligeable d’autres éléments nutritifs. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

The format specifications for Figure 32.2 (F) are the same as in Figure 32.1 (E), except as otherwise indicated by the text shown around the table. This text is described below.

Specifications applied to the whole table include:

  • Condensed or normal width font
  • 6 point type except for heading and calories

Additional specifications are shown around the table with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification

  • Calories: 7 point
  • Leading: 7.5 point leading

Presentation of Additional Information – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Including all optional elements that may be declared in the Nutrition Facts table

Figure 33.1(E) See tables to sections B.01.401 and B.01.402 for wording alternatives

Text equivalent below

Note: Other than the order of presentation, the use of indents and the presentation of footnotes, follow the format that is specified in the applicable figure of this Directory.

Long Description – Figure 33.1(E)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts in bold. The next line is Serving Size, followed by HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. Stacked below on the next line is Servings Per Container followed by a placeholder for the number of servings. There is a rule below the Servings Per Container that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. This is followed by open parenthesis number symbol placeholder and letters lowercase k, uppercase J, close parenthesis. Right justified on the same line is the subheading Amount in bold. There is a thick rule under Calories information that ends after the amount placeholder in parentheses; it does not span the width of the table. Outside the table, on the right side and in line with the subheading Amount, there is a curly bracket followed by the word or, followed by Amount Per Serving, in bold.

Left justified on the next line inside the table, is Total Fat in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of total fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Total Fat is Saturated and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of saturated followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Saturated there is a plus symbol followed by Trans and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is Omega-6 Polyunsaturated and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of omega-6 polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Omega-6 Polyunsaturated is Omega-3 Polyunsaturated and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Omega-3 Polyunsaturated is Monounsaturated and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of monounsaturated followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the monounsaturated information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Total Carbohydrate in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of total carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 6 points on the next line under Total Carbohydrate is Dietary Fibre and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of dietary fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 12 points on the next line under Dietary Fibre is Soluble Fibre and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of soluble fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 12 points on the next line under soluble fibre is Insoluble Fibre and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of insoluble fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 6 pointson the next line under Insoluble Fibre is Sugars and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 6 points on the next line under Sugars is Sugar Alcohols and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugar alcohols followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 6 points on the next line under Sugar Alcohols is Starch and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of starch followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the starch information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the subheading Amount in bold. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a rule under the amount and percent daily value subheadings that spans the width of the table. Outside the table, on the left side and in line with the subheading Amount, there is a curly bracket and the word or, followed by Amount Per Serving, in bold.

The next line inside the table, is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iron followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin A followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin A followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin A followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin A information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin C followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin C followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin C followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin C information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin D followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin D followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin D followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin D information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin E followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin E followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin E followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin E information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin K followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin K followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin K followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin K information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Thiamine followed by a placeholder for the amount of thiamine followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of thiamine followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the thiamine information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Riboflavin followed by a placeholder for the amount of riboflavin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of riboflavin followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the riboflavin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Niacin followed by a placeholder for the amount of niacin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of niacin followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the niacin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin B6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B6 followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B6 followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin B6 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Folate followed by a placeholder for the amount of folate followed by the symbol µ, a lowercase g and the letters DFE. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of folate followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the folate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin B12 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B12 followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B12 followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin B12 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Biotin followed by a placeholder for the amount of biotin followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of biotin followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the biotin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Pantothenate followed by a placeholder for the amount of pantothenate followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of pantothenate followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the pantothenate  information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Choline followed by a placeholder for the amount of choline followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of choline followed by a percent symbol.  There is a thin rule under the choline information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Phosphorous followed by a placeholder for the amount of phosphorous followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of phosphorous followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the phosphorous information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iodide followed by a placeholder for the amount of iodide followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iodide followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the iodide information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Magnesium followed by a placeholder for the amount of magnesium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of magnesium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the magnesium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Zinc followed by a placeholder for the amount of zinc followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of zinc followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the zinc information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Selenium followed by a placeholder for the amount of selenium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of selenium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the selenium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Copper followed by a placeholder for the amount of copper followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of copper followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the copper information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Manganese followed by a placeholder for the amount of manganese followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of manganese followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the manganese information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chromium followed by a placeholder for the amount of chromium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chromium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the chromium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Molybdenum followed by a placeholder for the amount of molybdenum followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of molybdenum followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the molybdenum information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chloride followed by a placeholder for the amount of chloride followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chloride followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the chloride information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little, and stacked below is, 15 percent symbol or more is a lot. The terms ‘a little’ and ‘a lot’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

There is text around the exterior of the Nutrition Facts table image with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

Outside the table, on the right side and in line with the Omega-6 Polyunsaturated and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated information within the table, there is a curly bracket followed by the word or, followed by a box which contains an alternative representation of the information. It reads: Polyunsaturated followed by a placeholder for the amount of polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g. Polyunsaturated is indented by 6 points. On the next line and indented by 12 points is Omega-6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-6 followed by a lowercase g. On the next line and indented by 12 points is Omega-3 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-3 followed by a lowercase g.

There is a note with an arrow pointing to the Iron line which says: If the available display surface is not adequate to accommodate any additional information beneath the mandatory declaration of potassium, calcium and iron, the remaining information may be moved to the upper right, enclosed by a box with a 0.5 point rule that shares its left rule with the table.

There is an arrow pointing to Dietary Fibre to indicate a 6 point indent and an arrow pointing to Soluble Fibre to indicate a 12 point indent

Figure 33.1(F) See tables to sections B.01.401 and B.01.402 for wording alternatives

Text equivalent below

Note: Other than the order of presentation, the use of indents and the presentation of footnotes, follow the format that is specified in the applicable figure of this Directory.

Long Description – Figure 33.1(F)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Valeur nutritive in bold. The next line is Portion, followed by MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. Stacked below on the next line is Portions par contenant followed by a placeholder for the number of servings. There is a rule below the Portions par contenant that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. This is followed by open parenthesis number symbol placeholder and letters lowercase k, uppercase J, close parenthesis. Right justified on the same line is the subheading Teneur in bold. There is a thick rule under Calories information that ends after the amount placeholder in parentheses; it does not span the width of the table. Outside the table, on the right side and in line with the subheading Teneur, there is a curly bracket followed by the word or, followed by Teneur par portion, in bold.

Left justified on the next line inside the table is Total des lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of total fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Total des lipids is saturés and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of saturated followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Saturated there is a plus symbol followed by trans and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line is polyinsaturés oméga-6 and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of omega-6 polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under polyinsaturés oméga-6 is polyinsaturés oméga-3 and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under polyinsaturés oméga-3 is monoinsaturés and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of monounsaturated followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the monounsaturated information that spans the width of the table.

The next line, is Total des glucides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of total carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 6 points on the next line under Total des glucides is Fibres alimentaires and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of dietary fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 12 points on the next line under Fibres alimentaires is Fibres solubles and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of soluble fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 12 points on the next line under Fibres solubles is Fibres insolubles and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of insoluble fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 6 points  on the next line under Insoluble Fibre is Sucres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 6 points on the next line under Sucres is Polyalcools and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugar alcohols followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 6 points on the next line under Polyalcools is Amidon and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of starch followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the starch information that spans the width of the table. The next line is Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholestérol in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the subheading Teneur in bold. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol valeur quotidienne in bold followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. There is a rule under the teneur and percent valeur quotidienne subheadings that spans the width of the table. Outside the table, on the left side and in line with the subheading Teneur, there is a curly bracket and the word or, followed by Teneur par portion, in bold.

The next line inside the table, is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine A followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin A followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin A followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin A information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine C followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin C followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin C followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin C information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine D followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin D followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin D followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin D information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine E followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin E followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin E followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin E information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine K followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin K followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin K followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin K information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Thiamine followed by a placeholder for the amount of thiamine followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of thiamine followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the thiamine information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Riboflavine followed by a placeholder for the amount of riboflavin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of riboflavin followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the riboflavin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Niacine followed by a placeholder for the amount of niacin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of niacin followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the niacin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine B6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B6 followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B6 followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin B6 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Folate followed by a placeholder for the amount of folate followed by the symbol µ, a lowercase g and the letters ÉFA. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of folate followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the folate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamine B12 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B12 followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B12 followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin B12 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Biotine followed by a placeholder for the amount of biotin followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of biotin followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the biotin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Pantothénate followed by a placeholder for the amount of pantothenate followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of pantothenate followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the pantothenate  information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Choline followed by a placeholder for the amount of choline followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of choline followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the choline information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Phosphore followed by a placeholder for the amount of phosphorous followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of phosphorous followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the phosphorous information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iode followed by a placeholder for the amount of iodide followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iodide followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the iodide information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Magnésium followed by a placeholder for the amount of magnesium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of magnesium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the magnesium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Zinc followed by a placeholder for the amount of zinc followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of zinc followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the zinc information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sélénium followed by a placeholder for the amount of selenium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of selenium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the selenium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cuivre followed by a placeholder for the amount of copper followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of copper followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the copper information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Manganèse followed by a placeholder for the amount of manganese followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of manganese followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the manganese information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chrome followed by a placeholder for the amount of chromium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chromium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the chromium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Molybdène followed by a placeholder for the amount of molybdenum followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of molybdenum followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the molybdenum information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chlorure followed by a placeholder for the amount of chloride followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chloride followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the chloride information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, and stacked below is, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

There is text around the exterior of the Nutrition Facts table image with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

Outside the table, on the right side and in line with the polyinsaturés oméga-6 and polyinsaturés oméga-3 information within the table, there is a curly bracket followed by the word or, followed by a box which contains an alternative representation of the information. It reads: Polyinsaturés followed by a placeholder for the amount of polyunsaturated followed by a lowercase g. Polyinsaturés is indented by 6 points. On the next line and indented by 12 points is oméga-6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-6 followed by a lowercase g. On the next line and indented by 12 points is oméga-3 followed by a placeholder for the amount of omega-3 followed by a lowercase g.

There is a note with an arrow pointing to the Fer line which says: If the available display surface is not adequate to accommodate any additional information beneath the mandatory declaration of potassium, calcium and iron, the remaining information may be moved to the upper right, enclosed by a box with a 0.5 point rule that shares its left rule with the table.There is an arrow pointing to Fibres alimentaires to indicate a 6 point indent and an arrow point to Fibres solubles to indicate a 12 point indent.

Bilingual Presentation of Additional Information – Infants Six Months of Age or Older but Less Than One Year of Age

Including all optional elements that may be declared in the Nutrition Facts table

Figure 34.1(B)

See tables to sections B.01.401 and B.01.402 for wording alternatives

Text equivalent below

Note: Other than the order of presentation, the use of indents and the presentation of footnotes, follow the format that is specified in the applicable figure of this Directory. The order of languages may be reversed from the order shown in this Figure.

Long Description – Figure 34.1(B)

Left justified at the top of the table is the heading Nutrition Facts and stacked below it is the heading Valeur nutritive. Both are in bold. The next line is Serving Size, followed by HM open parenthesis MM close parenthesis forward slash Portion followed by MD open parenthesis MM close parenthesis. The next line is Servings Per Container followed by a placeholder for the number of servings and stacked below on the next line is Portions par contenant followed by a placeholder. There is a rule below the Portions par contenant that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calories in bold followed by a placeholder, also in bold, for the amount of Calories per serving of the product. This is followed by open parenthesis number symbol placeholder and letters lowercase k, uppercase J, close parenthesis. There is a thick rule under Calories information that ends after the amount placeholder in parentheses; it does not span the width of the table. Right justified on the same line is the Amount subheading in bold. Stacked under this is Teneur. Outside the table, on the right side and in line with the subheadings Amount and Teneur, there is a curly bracket with the word or: and stacked below is Amount Per Serving followed by Teneur par portion, in bold.

Left justified on the next line inside the table is Total Fat, forward slash, Lipides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of total fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Total Fat, forward slash, Lipides is Saturated, forward slash, saturés and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of saturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Saturated there is a plus symbol followed by Trans, forward slash, trans and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of trans followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 6 points on the next line is Polyunsaturated, forward slash, polyinsaturés and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of polyunsaturated fat followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 12 points on the next line under polyunsaturated is Omega-6, forward slash, oméga-6 and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of omega-6 followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 12 points on the next line under Omega-6 is Omega-3, forward slash, oméga-3 and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of omega-3 followed by a lowercase g. Indented by 6 points on the next line is Monounsaturated, forward slash, monoinsaturés and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of monounsaturated followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule below the monounsaturated information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Total Carbohydrate, forward slash, Glucides in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of total carbohydrate followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Total Carbohydrate is Dietary Fibre, forward slash, Fibres alimentaires and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of dietary fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under dietary fibre is Soluble Fibre, forward slash, Fibres solubles and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of soluble fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under soluble fibre is Insoluble Fibre, forward slash, Fibres insolubles and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of insoluble fibre followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Insoluble Fibre  is Sugars, forward slash, Sucres and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugars followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Sugars is Sugar Alcohols, forward slash, Polyalcools and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sugar alcohols followed by a lowercase g. Indented on the next line under Sugar Alcohols is Starch, forward slash, Amidon and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of starch followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the starch information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Protein, forward slash, Protéines in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for amount of protein followed by a lowercase g. There is a thin rule under the protein information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Cholesterol, forward slash, Cholestérol in bold followed and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of cholesterol followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thin rule under the cholesterol information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Sodium in bold and right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the amount of sodium followed by mg in lowercase. There is a thick rule under the sodium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is the subheading Amount in bold. Right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol Daily Value in bold followed by an asterisk that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the Nutrition Facts table. Left justified on the next line is the subheading Teneur in bold and right justified on the same line is the subheading percent symbol valeur quotidienne followed by an asterisk.

There is a rule under the teneur and percent valeur quotidienne subheadings that spans the width of the table. Outside the table, on the left side and in line with the subheadings Amount and Teneur, there is a curly bracket and the word or: and stacked below is Amount Per Serving followed by Teneur par portion, in bold.

The next line is Potassium followed by a placeholder for the amount of potassium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for percent Daily Value of potassium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the potassium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Calcium followed by a placeholder for the amount of calcium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of calcium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule below the calcium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iron, forward slash, Fer followed by a placeholder for the amount of iron followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iron followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the iron information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin A, forward slash Vitamine A followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin A followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin A followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin A information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin C, forward slash Vitamine C followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin C followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin C followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin C information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin D, forward slash, Vitamine D followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin D followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of Vitamin D followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin D information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin E, forward slash, Vitamine E followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin E followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin E followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin E information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin K, forward slash, Vitamine K followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin K followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin K followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin K information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Thiamine followed by a placeholder for the amount of thiamine followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of thiamine followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the thiamine information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Riboflavin, forward slash, Riboflavine followed by a placeholder for the amount of riboflavin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of riboflavin followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the riboflavin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Niacin, forward slash, Niacine followed by a placeholder for the amount of niacin followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of niacin followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the niacin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin B6, forward slash, Vitamine B6 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B6 followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B6 followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin B6 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Folate followed by a placeholder for the amount of folate followed by the symbol µ, a lowercase g and the letters DFE, forward slash, and the letters ÉFA. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of folate followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the folate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Vitamin B12, forward slash, Vitamine B12 followed by a placeholder for the amount of vitamin B12 followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of vitamin B12 followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the vitamin B12 information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Biotin, forward slash, Biotine followed by a placeholder for the amount of biotin followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of biotin followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the biotin information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Pantothenate, forward slash, Pantothénate followed by a placeholder for the amount of pantothenate followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of pantothenate followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the pantothenate information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Choline followed by a placeholder for the amount of choline followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of choline followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the choline information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Phosphorous, forward slash, Phosphore followed by a placeholder for the amount of phosphorous followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of phosphorous followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the phosphorous information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Iodide, forward slash Iode followed by a placeholder for the amount of iodide followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of iodide followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the iodide information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Magnesium, forward slash, Magnésium followed by a placeholder for the amount of magnesium followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of magnesium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the magnesium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Zinc followed by a placeholder for the amount of zinc followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of zinc followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the zinc information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Selenium, forward slash, Sélénium followed by a placeholder for the amount of selenium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of selenium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the selenium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Copper, forward slash, Cuivre followed by a placeholder for the amount of copper followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of copper followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the copper information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Manganese, forward slash, Manganèse followed by a placeholder for the amount of manganese followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of manganese followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the manganese information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chromium, forward slash, Chrome followed by a placeholder for the amount of chromium followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chromium followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the chromium information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Molybdenum, forward slash, Molybdène followed by a placeholder for the amount of molybdenum followed by the symbol µ, and a lowercase g. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of molybdenum followed by a percent symbol. There is a thin rule under the molybdenum information that spans the width of the table.

The next line is Chloride, forward slash, Chlorure followed by a placeholder for the amount of chloride followed by mg in lowercase. Right justified on the same line is a placeholder for the percent Daily Value of chloride followed by a percent symbol. There is a thick rule under the chloride information that spans the width of the table.

The next two lines is the percent Daily Value footnote that was referred to at the beginning of the table description. The footnote starts with an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol or less is a little,  15 percent symbol or more is a lot and on the second line is an asterisk followed by the statement: 5 percent symbol ou moins c’est peu, 15 percent symbol ou plus c’est beaucoup. The terms ‘a little’, ‘a lot’, ‘peu’ and ‘beaucoup’ are in bold. This is the end of the Nutrition Facts table.

There is text around the exterior of the Nutrition Facts table image with arrows pointing to the areas addressed by the specification. This text is described below.

There is an arrow pointing to Polyunsaturated to indicate a 6 point indent and an arrow pointing to Omega-6 to indicate a 12 point indent.

A forward slash must appear between English and French terms with a space before and after the forward slash. For example, in this image, the arrow points to the Dietary Fibre line

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