Argus by Lucidea - Profile
This profile was completed by the software vendor at CHIN's request and does not reflect the views or opinions of CHIN. It is presented for information only and does not indicate approval or accreditation by CHIN. Inclusion of specific products does not mean that CHIN recommends the software, but that members of the community expressed interest in learning about these products.
This information was accurate as of April 2024. For more information or to request updated information, please contact the vendor directly.
Product name
Vendor name
Vendor overview
Website URL
Head office
Suite # 1115
13560 Maycrest Way
Richmond, British Columbia
Canada V6V 2W9
Year founded: 1988
Telephone number: (604) 278-6717
Fax number: (604) 278-9161
Contact person: Brad Luedke
Canadian/North American office
Suite # 1115
13560 Maycrest Way
Richmond, British Columbia
Canada V6V 2W9
Year opened: 1988
Telephone number: (604) 278-6717
Fax number: (604) 278-9161
Contact person: Brad Luedke
Product overview
Product description
Argus is a flexible Web-based collections management system platform for museums and galleries, built to enhance curation, and to significantly expand outreach and access via the Web, enriching the experience for both in-person and virtual visitors. It provides for standard museum collections management processes as well as for requirements that are unique to each institution. Unlike traditional collections management platforms, fully Web-based Argus enables museums to easily offer public portal access to objects and exhibits and provide more in-depth documentation about each artifact – delivering content in context. Clients leverage efficient purpose-built workflows with minimal training required, and rest secure in the knowledge that Argus is built on sustainable, cutting edge technology that will remain relevant as collections and requirements grow.
Access from PCs, Macs, and mobile devices
Since Argus is completely web-browser-based, users can access it from any desktop or mobile device without having to install special software. Among other things, this means that you don't have to install or update each desktop with special software, training time is reduced, and most importantly, museum staff members have the flexibility to work in the system while they do their daily work in galleries, warehouses, or other offices (e.g., doing inventories, updating the condition of objects, mounting exhibits, etc.) using the same interface they would use if they were at their own desks. And if it is more convenient to work using a tablet or a smartphone than a PC or Mac, they can do so.
A complete system
Unlike some other systems, Argus is "complete". It includes all the modules needed to describe and maintain your collection as well the search-only Portal and tools to adapt the application to your ever-changing needs.
Digital files of all types accommodated
Unlike other systems, when an image is attached to a record, Argus renders the associated derivatives (e.g., thumbnails, images for reports, images for alternative displays) on the fly. This saves on disk storage because the image is only stored once. It also saves staff time because you only have to create one image file.
In addition to adding images to catalog records to support online viewing, images can be added to process-related records (e.g., conservation, acquisition, lexicon, etc.) in support of specific processes.
When text-based documents (native digital or OCR'ed) are attached to records, the full text of those documents is searchable. This is useful for retrieving information only found in condition reports, deeds of gift, oral history transcripts, and other important documents related to the collection.
Data entry screens for various levels of authority
Argus can be implemented with "Views", which you can think of as "custom data entry screens" where you can control not only which fields are viewable and editable, but also the layout, and any help text. Our clients use this feature to provide different staff user groups with screens specific to their tasks, and also to support users who may need more restricted or guided access when working with the data, such as volunteers or interns. Custom data entry screens means less training time, greater consistency in data entry, and maximum efficiency in completing data entry tasks.
Search-only access
The read-only Portal can be implemented in multiple ways. Some customers implement it for in-house use, providing access by other departments (e.g., education; marketing and communications) so that they can do their own research; other customers implement it for public access. In either case, the Portal is highly configurable and includes features that make browsing and researching easy for users.
The Argus portal is seamlessly integrated with the backend. You specify which fields and images will be accessible online, you can highlight different collections or subsets of collections, and the best part is that there is no need to export or "publish" data online; or store your data in a separate database. Instead, Argus dynamically searches the data in your catalog and updates and filters information in real-time as you add, edit, or delete records.
Customers who use the Portal for public access have told us that the statistics they gather from the Portal help them understand what their users browse and search. They use those statistics to make decisions related to events, exhibits, and processing their collection backlog.
Search capabilities
With Argus you can search easily and quickly. There are multiple ways to search, including Google-like searching, advanced searching with Boolean operations, saved search strategies, and saved lists.
You can search across many fields, or all fields, or on a specific field. You can search precisely or broadly, and you don't have to know field names. When you retrieve more records than you want to review, you can further limit the search. Search field choices can be changed on the fly.
Saved lists are popular with customers because you can create a list of records to use for a specific purpose (e.g., candidates for an exhibit; objects that need conservation review; objects that need to be moved to a different location, etc.) and save the records in an identifiable list for future use.
Saved searches allow customers to save search criteria and recall at any point always with current results.
Argus has an easy-to-use report writer that is used to create reports, export data in CSV format, and create ad-hoc reports. In addition, Web Reports are used for "forms" such as loan agreements, deeds of gift, and receipts. Argus comes with a set of predefined reports, and new reports can be added. There is no limit to the number of reports or forms that can be created.
Import and export capabilities
Argus also comes with an Import/Export user interface that guides you through importing data or exporting data, without IT or vendor assistance. Data can be easily imported from a spreadsheet. Standard export formats are available, including CSV and XML.
Capabilities for working efficiently
Argus has multiple capabilities that help staff save time and work efficiently. For example:
- Data entry screens can be specific to your collection, with drop-down lists that use your vocabulary, and fields that are filtered based on collection type.
- Authority tables and the hierarchical lexicon are used to control the terms that are used, standardizing vocabulary and reducing errors in data entry.
- Batches of records and images can be loaded from spreadsheets in support of travelling exhibits and other intake processes.
- Global change tools can be used to add, delete, modify, and change terms in many records (a few or hundreds) with a single operation.
- The Update Locations Wizard helps you record the movement of many objects at once.
- The Assign Objects Wizard helps you to create many object records at the same time and link them to an existing Activity (e.g., accession; loan; exhibit, etc.).
- The Update Activity Wizard helps you copy data values or linked objects from one Activity (i.e., incoming loans) to another (i.e., accessions).
Integrate with other software
Argus also includes a Web Services API (application programming interface) that allows you to integrate Argus with third-party software (e.g., your website; membership software).
Social media integration
Argus' built in social media capabilities enable staff to send links to colleagues and peers, or post information about objects on Facebook, Instagram, X and empower visitors to share information about your collection with their friends.
Search engine integration
Argus can be configured to allow for descriptions of your objects to be retrieved through a third party search engine. Argus' built-in configuration tool makes it possible for Google to index your data; people who don't even know your museum exists will discover you and your collection through Google.
In summary, Argus is a highly configurable and powerful system that will enable you to meet today's challenges as well as those you will encounter in the future.
Disciplines supported
Art, History, Archaeology, and Natural History.
Library and Archives collections are supported through Argus' companion products, SydneyEnterprise and ArchivEra.
Product launch date
Originally released in the 1980s on a DOS platform, Argus has evolved significantly. Argus was rewritten in its entirety and released in 2012 as a .NET SQL application. New features and enhancements are released every year. The current version is v4.4.1.
Product history
Argus originated as a collections management system. It began with a character-based interface, then moved to a Windows interface, and the current product is a completely Web browser-based product that can be used from PCs, Macs, tablets, and smartphones.
Future development
Our downstream features list currently includes:
- AI integration and enhanced searching
- Multiple IDP support for SSO environment
- Enhanced report filtering
- Report calculation fields
- Sub-report enhancements
- Security enhancements
- Improved WCAG 2.1 AA compliance
Demo version
We can arrange for guided (hands-on) demos.
Support methods
Customers contact the Help Desk by email or by phone. When appropriate, Help Desk staff may ask to view the customer's desktop or server, to answer a question or fix a problem.
Support language(s)
Support availability and hours
Lucidea distinguishes itself through its emphasis on quality support and services to clients. Support is available to organizations that subscribe to our SaaS service or that have software maintenance contracts with us. Emergency support is available 24/7, and the Help Desk is staffed Monday-Friday from 3:30 a.m. through 8:00 p.m. EST, excluding major holidays. Customers are encouraged to contact our Help Desk when they have problems or need information. Unlike some of our competitors, we do not limit the number of support calls that any one customer can make, nor do we limit who within a given organization can contact the Help Desk.
Support fees
Support is provided to all customers that either subscribe to our SaaS service or have software maintenance contracts with us. There are no additional fees for support.
Client support network
No, although customers are encouraged to meet one another at professional meetings and we facilitate this.
Training is included as part of the initial implementation package. Training is recorded and made available to customers. Customers can also order additional training sessions as needed. For additional training sessions, the cost varies based on the number of hours required.
System updates and maintenance
System updates and enhancements are available to all customers that either subscribe to the SaaS service or that subscribe to the Software Maintenance plan. Updates and enhancements are generally released twice a year. Each release includes new features/functionality, as well as any security patches or updates.
Pricing varies based on several parameters, including the number of users supported. There is no charge for search-only users. Both subscription and perpetual license pricing is available. The cost of software maintenance (including support and updates) is included in all subscriptions.
Maintenance costs
Software maintenance is included for institutions that either subscribe to the SaaS service or that run Argus on their own servers using subscription pricing. The cost of software maintenance for perpetual license clients varies based on several parameters, including the size of the license.
Additional fees
Data conversion and implementation services (e.g., configuration, training, custom report building) vary based on the services required.
System specifications
Operating systems supported
See enclosed technical specifications.
Underlying database
Microsoft SQL Server 2014, 2016 or 2017, 2019 or 2022.
PCs, Macs, tablets, smartphones (using browsers).
Hardware requirements
LucideaCore 4.4.1 is an ASP.NET 4.8 based application that provides access to any modern browser through your Intranet or the Internet.
LucideaCore Application Server
The LucideaCore Application Server is where the main functionality of the system resides. All client operations are performed on this server.
- Processor: 32 or 64-bit, four cores
- RAM: 4 GB
- Hard Disk: 80 GB (plus storage for images if applicable)
- Windows 2016, 2019 or 2022
- .NET Framework 4.8
Database Server
The Database Server can be one of the following DBMS.
- Microsoft SQL Server 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 or 2022
Full-Text Indexing features from each DBMS are used to provide full Keyword searching. Features of each DBMS can be used to create automated backups, re-indexing, and re-keywording.
The database server configuration settings in MS-SQL Server will allow the user to specify the collation scheme (sort order). The LucideaCore system does not require that any specific collation scheme be selected. For example, if you intend on using Chinese, German, French, or Arabic text in your database, you can choose to sort by any one of these character sets. You can also choose to have case-sensitive, accent-sensitive, kana-sensitive, or width-sensitive collation.
Staff requirements
Argus does not require a dedicated member of staff to maintain it. Many of our customers subscribe to our SaaS service, in which case our staff maintains the server/operating environment. For those customers who run Argus on their own server, we recommend that a staff member with some level of experience with systems be assigned to manage the server.
Plug-ins and/or modules available
Argus Premier is sold as a complete package, with all modules included. Argus Standard excludes support for the following: barcoding, site management (archaeology), advanced conservation, search engine Integration and the Web Services API. All of these are Lucidea products.
Third-party requirements
Argus includes a RESTful API.
Argus's Portal is both Section 508 and WCAG compliant.
Argus is highly configurable. It comes with a Design Suite that enables you to configure the database (adding new fields, removing and/or modifying others), and change the look to match your organization's needs. During implementation we configure Argus for customers and train them in the use of the Design Suite. Once trained, customers can either make configuration changes themselves, or contract with Lucidea for changes to their configuration.
Web integration capabilities
Cloud functionality
Argus is 100% web-browser based. Customers can choose to either subscribe to our Software as a Service (SaaS, Cloud-based) or run it on their own servers.
Server location
British Columbia, Canada and Massachusetts, USA.
Security protocols
Lucidea is SOC II compliant.
Typical or average uptime
Over 99.7%.
Back-end maintenance procedures and downtime
Daily backups kept for 30 days.
Browsers supported
- Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox 47 or later
- Edge
Web-based access for data entry
Yes. Everything is done using a browser.
Web publishing platform
Argus includes a public Portal. Customers decide which records and which fields within records are included in the Portal. They also determine the format of the displays and reports that are available from the Portal.
A Web services API is also available.
Linked open data functionality
This is not currently available.
User groups and security
User profiles
Each user with data entry privileges or application management privileges has a login. Users can be assigned to as many or few groups as needed. The system is designed to support multi-user access, so multiple users can be logged in at once and can be editing at the same time.
User groups
Yes, you can define security/access restrictions for users by groups and create as many groups as needed.
Visitor profiles
For self-hosted sites we recommend a database server and an application server. However, if necessary, a single server can be used for both. Argus is accessed by multiple users at the same time. Access is not restricted by workstation.
Audit trails and/or edit history
Argus by default tracks who created the record and when. It also tracks the last person to edit the record and when the record was last edited. Argus has the option of deploying the Audit module this tracks all changes to data including deletions along with all security changes.
Offline access
While the system doesn't include features for offline access, it does include easy ways to import and export data. Thus, for example, if a staff member is planning to inventory in a warehouse that doesn't have Wi-Fi, they can export a spreadsheet of data out of Argus, add data to the spreadsheet while inventorying, and then import the spreadsheet data back into Argus, with a batch load that will match and merge the new data into the database.
Privacy features
Record views can be set up to control what can be seen and/or edited by specific users or groups. In addition, the Portal can be configured so that only specific records and specific fields of data are accessible from it.
Data migration and stability
Import formats
Data and images can be imported from spreadsheets in CSV format. Customers can perform imports through the data mapping interface without help from IT or the vendor. Data import services are also available as a service from the vendor. Data imports of legacy data are part of the Argus implementation package. During the data migration, museum staff can decide whether data should have new field types (i.e., changing a text field to a vocabulary controlled or date field), and whether the field will be active or a read-only field.
Export formats
Argus provides exporting capabilities into standard formats such as CSV and XML through the export tool. Both data and images can be easily exported by museum staff without assistance from IT or the vendor.
Argus is available as a SaaS (vendor-hosted) solution or as a locally installed (self-hosted) on premise solution. For customers using our SaaS solution, data is backed up daily and kept for 30 days. We have data centers in both the United States and Canada. Customers can choose which center they would prefer.
Standards and schemas
Metadata schemas
Argus has a configurable database that enables customer to have exactly the fields they need. As such, customers may have any fields needed in order to meet any metadata schema requirements. Fields are configured as part of the implementation package, and moving forward, museum staff have access to the Design Suite tools which allow adding, editing or deleting fields in the database to ensure the database always matches the customer's requirements.
Data content standards (cataloguing rules)
As above, customers may have any fields they want in order to meet any required standards. In addition, Argus provides flexible workflows configured to meet the requirements of each institution, including configurable data entry screens and help text, and control over tasks and vocabulary terms.
Vocabulary standards
Part of the Argus implementation package includes migrating any vocabulary standard used by the customer in their previous database. New vocabularies can also be imported into Argus. The customer is responsible for any fees for acquiring a new vocabulary or thesaurus. Multiple vocabularies can be used in Argus, including locally developed vocabularies.
Local terminology lists
Yes, local terminology lists are supported. There is no limit to the number that can be created. Fields can be set to draw from specific controlled vocabularies. Argus is fully Unicode Compliant, so it supports any language and character set.
Not Applicable.
Data entry and content
Media upload/linking
Media files can be uploaded or linked from an external source. Text-based files become full text searchable when uploaded. Argus handles images in a special way, creating derived images of multiple sizes from a single linked or uploaded image.
Media formats supported
There is no limit on the number of files nor the type of files that can be uploaded or linked in the database. There is also no limit on the number of files or images that can be attached to a single record.
Data entry features
Data entry can be performed through original cataloging, importing records, batch updates, and copying and pasting records. All relevant documentation, images, and media files can be attached to the record.
Copy and paste
Yes, Argus' copy and paste feature enables staff to copy and paste any portion of an Activity, Object or Party record. Museum staff choose which record they would like to copy as well as which specific fields should be included in the copied record.
Search and replace
Yes, Argus has a replace feature that enables staff to make updates to individual records, groups of records or across the full database.
While Argus does not provide spellcheck directly, as a fully browser based system, museum staff can take advantage of browser spellcheck tools of their preferred browser in any language supported by that browser's spellcheck feature.
Bulk cataloguing
Yes, Argus has an import tool that enables museum staff to import sets of records from CSV, batch update tools to create new records based on other records (such as creating an Accession record from a Temporary Loan record), and a copy/paste record function for creating records.
Batch edit
Yes, Argus' batch update tools allow multiple records to be edited at once (such as Update Locations, Update Activity, Search and Replace, etc.)
Batch location change
Yes, Argus' Update Locations tool allows museum staff to move a group of objects to one location or to multiple locations. If you are returning objects to their permanent location, the system can look to the last previous permanent location to auto-populate this data for you. In addition to adding detailed location data for the new location, and preserving the history of previous locations, this update tool will mark the updated location as 'current'. Additionally Argus has a Location App that allows locations to be updated individually or in bulk using barcodes.
Duplicate record search
Yes, during imports of data the system will check for duplicate records based on pre-defined unique identifiers. If a record already exists, staff can choose whether the imported data will add to or replace existing data in that record.
Template record
Yes, there are different templates available for different record types, and all templates are can be configured to match customer's requirements.
Date selection and formats
Yes, museum staff can choose which date format is followed. Multiple options are supported. Dates may be typed in or selected from a calendar picker. Additionally, Argus supports named dates, date ranges, and calculated dates (i.e., World War II, 1900-1950, -3 months).
Mandatory fields
Yes, Argus supports mandatory fields, which are defined by the museum staff and can be edited anytime. Unique identifiers (such as Object ID) are recommended as mandatory, but staff may make as many fields as they choose 'mandatory'. Mandatory fields must be filled in before exiting/saving a record or an error message will be received.
Any native digital text based file or OCR scanned files will become full text searchable upon being uploaded to the database.
Spreadsheet editing view
Argus provides the ability to design and modify the layout of the editing view, as well as the display view of a record in order to maximize efficiency for editing and viewing. Within certain batch update tools, the default edit design is similar to a spreadsheet. It is also possible to export data to a spreadsheet, edit it, and import it back in to add to or replace data in existing records.
Geographic mapping
In Argus, a site record can be configured to use Google Maps in order to display geographic information relating to the site. The coordinates for a Site Figure can be configured to represent a point, a line, or a polygon when being drawn on the map. The boundary for a site consists of one or more site figures. If multiple site figures are defined for a single site then each figure will be rendered on a single map.
Multilingual fields
Yes, Argus is fully Unicode compliant, so it supports any character set. This is true both of data entry text as well as for the labels of the fields for both the backend as well as the online collections portal. Multiple languages may be entered into one field if desired, and/or duplicate fields in multiple languages can be available.
Yes, Argus supports barcoding, QR codes and RFID. Argus can generate barcodes based on the pattern museum staff define, or Argus can accept existing barcodes (which can be typed in, scanned in, or imported in). Argus has barcode reports that can be used to print barcode labels. Customer is responsible for acquiring barcoding hardware for scanning.
Yes, Argus supports label printing through Crystal Reports. Staff can choose what fields they would like to have as part of their labels, and the report can match to print those fields onto a label.
Search and reporting
Types of search supported
Argus provides five categories of searching: basic, command, advanced, Boolean, saved searching. These types include Google-like keyword, exact, exists, phrase, range, starts with, ends with, greater or equal, greater than, less or equal, less than. Argus can search on 'named dates', for example, searching on a time period such as World War II. Through "Not exists" searches, museum staff can find records that have fields that do not contain data, to support data clean up initiatives.
Boolean queries
Query any field
Sort query results
Yes, single or multilevel as per museum staff preference.
Saving search results
Yes, Argus provides Saved Searches which include saving static lists or search results (and compiled search results lists from multiple queries), as well as saving search queries which provide dynamic results as the collection grows and changes. Security can be set on saved searches to restrict access to relevant staff members.
Filter search results
SQL-based search
Not provided through the application. However the application does support a command line search as well as an API for retrieval or records/data.
Export search results
Yes, search results can be exported using any of the available Reports in formats such as PDF, CSV, etc.
Free-text (Google) searches
Yes, keyword search is available on single or aggregate fields.
Search result views
Yes, multiple views of search results are available, and all are configurable to meet museum staff preferences. There are three general layouts of search results currently available: grid, columns of data, or stacked record by record.
Multilingual searching
Yes, search terms can be in any language (however, only terms that are in the database will be found – no auto-translation of search terms is available).
Report styles included
Yes, Argus has two reporting tools: Crystal Reports and Report Writer. These two tools print to CSV, PDF, Word, Excel and more. Crystal Reports facilitates complex reports with many options for formatting. The Report Writer prints simple reports to CSV or PDF, with minimal formatting options. Images and data from any field in the database can be included reports.
Report customization
Yes, museum staff can customize reports and easily create new reports either via Web Reports or Report Writer both are easy to use – museum staff can create or modify reports with no assistance from IT or the vendor.
Report program
Argus has two reporting tools: Web Reports and Report Writer both are built-in tools within Argus.
Museum functions
Collections management function overview
Argus is a comprehensive collections management system that is designed to enable museum staff to manage all processes and aspects of their collections. From accessioning to exhibitions, conservation to shipping, research to inventory, Argus provides fields, templates and workflows to ensure efficiency and accuracy.
Argus enables museum staff to track provenance, description, location, valuation, conservation, copyright information, and many other details about each object. The fields are configured to match requirements, and any relevant documentation and other media files can be attached. Further, relationships between objects, activities, and individuals or institutions (parties) can be tracked to ensure data is always present in its full context.
Yes, museum staff can track acquisitions in Argus with as much detail as is desired. Descriptive information, dates, individuals or institutions involved, costs, purchase or deeds of gift information can all be tracked and more.
Inventory management
Yes, Argus support inventory management. Searches and reports can be run on any criteria, such as based on locations, valuations, conditions, etc. In addition, since Argus is compatible with mobile devices, inventory tasks can be performed on the fly from warehouses or any location; staff can access from anywhere, not only from their desks.
Internal tracking
Argus can track locations with as much detail as the customer prefers (prefix and suffix patterns are defined by staff). Location histories are stored, permanent locations can be designated and updated, and searching and reporting is easily performed on current locations of objects. Batch update tools, such as the Update Locations Wizard, facilitates updating the locations or a batch of objects or boxes moving to one location, multiple locations, or back to permanent locations.
External shipments
Yes, you can track shipping with Argus. You can track the parties or institutions involved, the dates, costs, objects and/or boxes, locations, and any other data you would like to track.
Yes, Argus supports multidisciplinary cataloging. When cataloging a new record, once the record type is selected Argus will filter the available fields to show only the fields relevant to that collection. For customers with a wide variety of collections (e.g., paleontology, fine art, historical collections) this ensures they have all the fields they need as they catalog, without having to scroll past fields not relevant for that collection type. Further, Argus supports multiple controlled vocabularies and museum staff can control to which fields they should apply.
Yes, Argus allows museum staff to track information about conservation, including condition reporting and treatment reports, costs, locations, and descriptions in as much detail as desired.
Curatorial research
Yes, Argus allows for supporting and tracking in-house research. The many search options and tracking of relationships between objects, activities and parties supports viewing the full context of an object, activity or party. Research can be added to records, documents can be attached, and metadata about the research can be tracked such as the author, dates, and any other desired details.
Publications and printed material
Yes, Argus allows you to link publications and printed materials to object records, including bibliography tracking, lists of archival materials, etc. The Portal also facilitates searching of additional databases, since the external search feature allows a search to be passed through to any selected databases that museum staff think might have relevance to their portal users.
Rights management and reproduction
Yes, Argus provides rights and reproduction management so that museum staff can track copyright, intellectual property rights, right to reproduce, etc. Through the Portal, visitors can submit requests to museum staff regarding rights and reproduction requests (or other requests).
Risk management and valuation
Yes, Argus allows for tracking of valuation, appraisals, insurance policies and other risk management data. Like all fields, this data is subject to security permissions so it can be restricted to be viewed or editable by only certain staff members.
Yes, Argus can track data and tasks related to Exhibitions. Exhibitions are managed with their own record, and then linked to the objects that are part of that exhibition. An individual object may be part of many exhibitions and that history can be accessed from the object record. Working lists for creating exhibitions is available through the Saved Lists feature.
Loan management
Yes, Argus offers loan management, including generating forms and contracts, as well as tracking any data and tasks related to incoming or outgoing loans.
Yes, it is possible to track deaccessions in Argus, including data about the parties or institutions involved, linking objects that are part of the deaccession, legal steps and any other data that is required.
Digital asset management
Argus has an API that allows the customer to work with any Digital Asset Management System. The Argus API (Web Services API) offers two-way CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality. The API gives access to any field in the database, and the Argus Design Suite tools allow for creation of new fields in the database or modification of fields in the database to meet any integration requirements with a DAMS.
Additional features and functions
As mentioned in the product description, Argus comes with a Portal which can be used for internal read-only access, and/or for public access. The Portal comes with functionality that supports search and discovery for users unfamiliar with the collection (browse, facets for narrowing/broadening search, display based on query). The Portal is also designed to facilitate a dynamic, up-to-date reflection of the collection, without requiring staff time or effort to maintain it. As such, once parameters are set as to which records and which fields are permitted to be shared on the Portal, the Portal is updated in real-time with any records that match that criteria. In addition, portions of the collection can be highlighted through query-based filters—such as what has been added to the collection recently, what is currently on exhibition, previous exhibitions, etc. The Portal can be a separate website, embedded into an existing website, or be a pop-up Portal or tab from a link or search box. The Portal comes with a design tool that enables museum staff to make changes without assistance from IT or the vendor.
In addition to the Argus Portal, data from the Argus database can also be utilized through the API in any non-Argus website or application.
Updated information (April 2024)
Argus Enhancements – Post-January 2018
There are 4 enhancements: Audit Trial, Image Zoom, Crowdsourcing, and a Mobile App.
Now Available:
Audit Trail: Allows auditing of changes to records (edits, additions, deletions, linked/unlinked) and changes to user privileges. Audit information will only be accessible to permissioned/authorized users.
The audit trail provides a complete history of the record lifecycle from creation to deletion. In addition, there is a complete history of all changes to user privileges.
Image Zoom: Allows users to zoom and pan images, even low resolution, within both the Portal and the Data Entry screens.
Image zoom allows users to get up close and detailed with zooming or panning for photos, drawings, and fine text that would otherwise be illegible. It enables them to inspect images in much greater detail, including expanding them to full screen.
Crowdsourcing: Argus administrators and museum staff can interact with users from within the collections management system or Portal, and augment content with reviews, opinion, and feedback - while keeping control of permissions and security.
Crowdsourcing enriches curation by capturing knowledge in people's heads as it is exchanged, offering it in context with "documented" knowledge, both internal and external—enriching the visitor experience and increasing visitor engagement.
Mobile Location Update Tool: Museum staff can update the location of collection items from a mobile device (iPhone or iPad) while working with/moving items. Capabilities include barcode scanning (location and object), metadata display, location information display, queue up a batch of objects for location change.
Mobile functionality allows staff to easily update location information on the fly without needing to be at the desktop. This tool is purpose-built with a focus on streamlined workflow for moving objects and updating locations.
2020 Addendum:
Alerting and reminders, both push and pull. Set up both complex and simple alert queries, and accommodate both “pull” and “push” scenarios—with alerts that users can subscribe to, and alerts you send proactively. People can be notified when new things come into the collections and staff can be reminded of review or restriction dates.
Request management; new toolbar actions. Users can mark a request as complete right from the toolbar, and can also disable any of the notifications, for example, to minimize back and forth emails.
Image annotation; new field types. New field types enable text color choice and shape of callouts, making it easier to see annotations and watermarks on any image background.
Copy and paste templates in KmBuilder.
Download attachments directly from hit list. No longer have to go into the record.
Context-specific support for social media linking. Generate the link once, but mobile users go to mobile portal, PC users go to desktop version, or you can drop them off at a specific collection of materials or an exhibit.
New theme (old theme still supported) for a fresher look.
2024 Addendum:
Record Security Code: This feature allows record level security to be applied to groups of records by setting the security code (a code table value) for those records. The security code can be set or updated through all normal data entry operations (such as CSV Import, Batch Update, etc...).
One Click Portal Printing: This portal feature allows Administrators to set a default report to print when a user clicks print, therefore making the portal easier to use.
Saved Search Management: Administrators can now update the ownership of all saved searches in the database as needed (convenient when managing staff changes). This includes a new notes field that is available for all saved searches so staff can add notations as to what/why/how they are used.
Amazon S3 compatibility: Clients now how the option of storing large files in Amazon S3, all encryption for access is managed within Argus.
Showcase: Staff members can create a showcase with manually curated content including audio, images, and videos. A showcase page allows users to experience a vertical, ordered view.
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