CollectionSpace - Profile
This profile was completed by the software vendor at CHIN's request and does not reflect the views or opinions of CHIN. It is presented for information only and does not indicate approval or accreditation by CHIN. Inclusion of specific products does not mean that CHIN recommends the software, but that members of the community expressed interest in learning about these products.
This information was accurate as of October 2020. For more information or to request updated information, please contact the vendor directly.
Product name
Vendor name
Vendor overview
Website URL
Head office
1428 W. Peachtree St., NW
Atlanta, GA
United States 30309
Year founded: 1936
Telephone number: (800) 999-8558
Fax number: (404) 892-7879
Contact person: Megan Forbes
Product overview
Product description
CollectionSpace is an open-source, web-based collections management system for museums and more. From cataloging and loans to inventory and media handling, CollectionSpace is used to manage the day-to-day activities of the curators, collections managers, and others who work with objects, artifacts, specimens, and more.
Disciplines supported
- Art
- Anthropology
- Herbaria
- Botanical Gardens
- Bonsai Gardens
- Design Materials
- Local History and Material Culture
- Public Art
Product launch date
The first pre-production release of CollectionSpace was in 2010. We release one to two public versions per year; information on our most recently release can be found on our website.
Product history
CollectionSpace has had the same goal since its inception: to design, develop, and share a platform for collections information management that supports traditional collections management activities; enables the integration of emergent and dynamic new technologies into the information ecologies of museums; and is an effective and affordable alternative to one-off applications developed in-house and proprietary offerings.
Future development
The technical roadmap for CollectionSpace is available online.
Demo version
The full application is available online for testing and trying. Potential implementers can also contact LYRASIS for a "Try Before You Buy" sandbox, which provides a private sandbox for evaluation.
Support methods
Implementers that host with LYRASIS have a variety of options for support. During the onboarding and data migration process, staff are in close contact via email and the project management platform Basecamp. After implementation, the online ticketing system Zendesk is our primary form of communication, although support staff may also be contacted by phone and email.
Implementers who choose to self-host can access our wiki for documentation or ask for community support via our talk list,
Support language(s)
Support availability and hours
The program team is available during normal business hours, both Eastern and Pacific times, Monday through Friday.
Support fees
Support fees for implementers that host with LYRASIS are rolled into the cost of annual hosting, which is a sliding scale based on an organization’s operating budget.
For users that self-host, there are no support fees, although we limit the amount of support we provide before recommending that a user or implementer take his/her query to a service provider.
Client support network
The CollectionSpace community is comprised of a wide variety of museums and other collecting organizations. Staff at each of these organizations participates in program governance, and provide assistance to one another via email and the program wiki. A partial list of CSpace community members is available.
Implementers that host with LYRASIS receive virtual training for all staff as part of their startup costs. Additional training for new features and functionality is provided at no additional cost.
For users that self-host, training materials are freely available via the CollectionSpace program wiki, including a user manual and screencasts.
System updates and maintenance
CollectionSpace has between 1-2 major public releases per year, and may have smaller maintenance releases more often. Implementers that host with LYRASIS receive all new upgrades at no additional cost.
All updates and new versions are freely available to self-hosting users under the terms of our open-source license.
CollectionSpace is open-source software and thus is free to download and install. There are no annual licensing fees, nor are there any additional costs per user.
Implementers who choose to host with LYRASIS pay an annual fee based on the operating budget of their organization. Annual costs include upgrades, support, ongoing maintenance, 500GB of digital media storage, and more.
Maintenance costs
New releases of CollectionSpace are freely available.
Maintenance is included in LYRASIS’ annual hosting fees.
System specifications
Operating systems supported
CollectionSpace is a web-based application, installed on a server and accessed over a network via a browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. CollectionSpace may be used on computers, laptops, or tablets with Apple, Microsoft, Linux, or Android operating systems.
Underlying database
The underlying database is PostgreSQL (Postgres), an open-source, object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) with an emphasis on extensibility and standards compliance.
CollectionSpace may be accessed via any device (including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones) capable of running a modern web browser, and with access to the internet or a cellular connection.
Hardware requirements
Client recommendation
Since the client side of CollectionSpace is a standard web interface, the requirements for the client are relatively light. Clients need only a reasonably up-to-date web browser running under an operating system like Windows 10 or Mac OS X. Because the CollectionSpace front-end runs in JavaScript within the browser, a faster client computer with more memory will yield better performance. The speed of the JavaScript interpreter in the client browser will also impact some aspects of performance.
Server recommendation
For users who self-host, we strongly recommend installing CollectionSpace on a dedicated Ubuntu 16.04.x LTS server. Most of our development and testing of CollectionSpace has taken place on Ubuntu 16.04.x LTS servers. That said, as far as we know, the CollectionSpace server runs fine on Mac OS X, Windows 7, and several other flavors of Linux.
Staff requirements
The client side of CollectionSpace may be managed by existing museum staff with little to no technical expertise. Moderate to advanced levels of expertise are required on the server side for organizations wishing to self-host.
Plug-ins and/or modules available
A number of web-based applications (or "webapps") have been developed that connect to CollectionSpace and perform specific tasks. Webapps may interact with the CSpace API or connect directly to the database. Any CSpace implementer or service provider can write additional webapps to support specific tasks. All existing webapps are freely available; some have been accepted into the core CollectionSpace code and are supported by the program team, others have been developed by individual implementers and would need to be adapted for general use. Examples of popular webapps include our CSV import tool and our public browser.
Third-party requirements
The client side of CollectionSpace must be accessed via a modern web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Custom reports are written via the open-source application JasperReports. The server side has a number of third-party requirements, all of which are listed on the CollectionSpace program wiki.
CollectionSpace was designed to be interoperable with third-party applications. All data in the system is available via native API. CollectionSpace implementers have integrated with digital asset management systems, online public browsers, content management systems, and another third-party applications.
The CollectionSpace user interface generally follows WCAG. UI components are presented to users in ways they can perceive, and all functionality is operable via keyboard. Users can take advantage of browser-based accessibility features, such as the ability to zoom in at the page level, or install plug-ins to change standard displays to high-contrast.
CollectionSpace is highly configurable. Fields and procedures may be hidden, added, renamed, and modified. Depending on the internal IT capabilities of the implementing organization, these changes may be done in-house or with the assistance of a service provider.
Web integration capabilities
Cloud functionality
CollectionSpace is a web-based application. It may be installed on a server hosted by the implementing institution, on a cloud server (e.g. Amazon) managed by the implementing institution, or a cloud server managed by LYRASIS.
- Server location
- LYRASIS hosting utilizes Amazon Web Services. Servers are primarily located in the United States, but can be located in other countries as needed to fulfill local requirements.
- Security protocols
Application Access: For both LYRASIS-hosted and self-hosted CollectionSpace implementations, user accounts are created, inactivated, or deleted by the site administrator. Application role-based privileges are also assigned by the site administrator.
Server Access: For LYRASIS-hosted implementations, access is by secure shell (SSH) on a non-standard port. Direct root access to servers is not allowed; LYRASIS staff must connect to the server with their own keys, then use the `sudo` utility to access superuser functionality. Per-user public-private keypairs are used for authentication; SSH password authentication is denied by sshd configuration. Access to production servers is limited to LYRASIS Technical Lead and System Administrator. Access for terminated employees is revoked as part of the exit procedure checklist. Database connectivity is restricted to private network only, with user access configured per database. All transmissions by staff into and out of the server environments are encrypted. All settings are standardized and enforced across all servers by Ansible.
- Typical or average uptime
- For LYRASIS-hosted implementations, LYRASIS provides the service twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week (24x7). Client agrees that from time to time the Service may be inaccessible or inoperable for any reason, including, but not limited to: (i) equipment malfunctions; (ii) periodic maintenance procedures or repairs that LYRASIS may undertake; or (iii) causes beyond the control of LYRASIS or which are not reasonably foreseeable by LYRASIS, including interruption or failure of telecommunication or digital transmission links, hostile network attacks, network congestion, and other failures.
- Back-end maintenance procedures and downtime
- Same as above.
Browsers supported
CollectionSpace is regularly tested with the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge.
Web-based access for data entry
All end user functionality is accessible via the web.
Web publishing platform
Implementers may publish information to the web via our public browser plug-in. This webapp connects to an implementer’s existing content management system (e.g. WordPress, Drupal, etc.) so that users may add their own branding and themes to the browser.
All data in CollectionSpace is available via native API, so implementers are also free to develop their own web applications for publishing or connect to existing tools.
Linked open data functionality
CollectionSpace does not currently support linked data, but there is no impediment to it doing so if an implementer wished to design and support the development of this functionality.
User groups and security
User profiles
Each user or user-type may be assigned a distinct role in CollectionSpace. These roles are created and maintained by the system administrator. Multiple users can be logged in and editing at the same time. Multiple users editing the same record may result in data loss.
User groups
CollectionSpace uses role-based security to manage permissions. Administrators create roles with different levels of permissions and assign those roles to users. For example, an administrator can create roles with restricted permissions for interns or volunteer users. By default, there is an “admin” role and user with full permissions.
Visitor profiles
By default, there is a “read-only” role and user available.
CollectionSpace is web-based and may be accessed via any number of workstations.
Audit trails and/or edit history
CollectionSpace keeps track of only the time and user of last edit made to a record. The current CollectionSpace user interface does not provide an audit trail. Implementers may design reports that provide some of this functionality.
Offline access
CollectionSpace cannot run or access data without an internet or cellular connection.
Privacy features
CollectionSpace leverages the industry standard TLS/SSL protocol supported by all modern web browsers to ensure all passwords and information transmitted over the Internet remains private and secure. TLS/SSL must be configured and enabled at deployment time.
Data migration and stability
Import formats
Data may be uploaded via CollectionSpace’s RESTful API, via a CollectionSpace-specific XML format, or using our CSV Import Tool. Data has been successfully migrated to CollectionSpace from a wide range of collections management systems.
Export formats
Data can be exported via the CollectionSpace API or reports. JasperReports, the open source reporting engine used by CollectionSpace, can output data in a wide variety of formats.
For users hosting with LYRASIS, each day there is a full backup of their database, the files of which are kept in AWS S3 cloud storage and secured in a data center not used for production servers. In addition, AWS RDS snapshots are done on a regular basis. LYRASIS maintains 14 days of backup copies and backup/restore protocols are in Ansible Playbooks. Clients transmit data to LYRASIS through an HTTPS-encrypted private drop website, via encrypted external media, or (in special cases of bulk transfer) SFTP.
Implementers who self-host are responsible for their own backup protocols.
Standards and schemas
Metadata schemas
CollectionSpace does not include any specific standards-based exports. Implementers may create such exports via JasperReports.
Data content standards (cataloguing rules)
CollectionSpace is based on the Spectrum documentation standard, which maps to Dublin Core, CDWA, CCO, and the CIDOC CRM. Extensions to support domain-specific practices are based on the standards of those domains, e.g. DOCAM for variable media and Darwin Core for specimens.
Vocabulary standards
Implementers may import any desired vocabularies to CollectionSpace. The application can ship with Chenhall’s Nomenclature by default.
Local terminology lists
CollectionSpace provides many places for implementers to add local lists, whether short pick lists (via drop-down menus in the UI) or larger controlled vocabularies. Lists and vocabularies may be multi-lingual.
CollectionSpace does not hold certifications or accreditations from any museum or cultural heritage associations. These certifications generally are available only for a fee, and are often out of the reach of non-profit and open-source programs.
Data entry and content
Media upload/linking
Media can be uploaded and stored in CollectionSpace or linked from an external source. Uploading is a simple process, just click on the file and upload. Images may be batch uploaded via an external webapp.
Media formats supported
CollectionSpace supports over 100 major file formats via ImageMagick, an open-source media processing application. Supported formats include JPGs, TIFFs, all Microsoft office suite file types, PDFs, and a variety of audio and video file types.
Data entry features
- Copy and paste
- Yes
- Search and replace
- No, although implementers have installed browser plug-ins to address this functionality.
- Spellcheck
- Yes, via browser.
- Bulk cataloguing
- No
- Batch edit
- Yes, in some instances.
- Batch location change
- Yes
- Duplicate record search
- Yes
- Template record
- Yes
- Date selection and formats
- Yes
- Mandatory fields
- Required fields can be configured, but not via the UI.
- Others
- No response.
Spreadsheet editing view
No, although users may export data into CSV via our ad hoc reporting tool, edit, and then re-import via our CSV Import Tool.
Geographic mapping
CollectionSpace can capture georeferenced data via its geographic location authority. This data can be exported to a variety of mapping tools; current integrations include Google Maps and the Berkeley Mapper.
Multilingual fields
CollectionSpace is Unicode compliant using the UTF-8 encoding for all data. Fields may contain multiple languages, and users may search across languages. Many fields may be repeated to include multiple languages.
CollectionSpace is integrated with two webapps for barcoding and barcode printing. The webapps can be updated to align with different hardware combinations.
Printable labels may be designed via JasperReports.
Search and reporting
Types of search supported
Users may perform keyword and advanced searches across all object, procedural, and authority records. In-record, authority terms are located via a predictive search interface.
- Boolean queries
- Yes
- Query any field
- Yes
- Sort query results
- Yes, single-level with limits.
- Saving search results
- No
- Filter search results
- Yes
- SQL-based search
- No
- Export search results
- Yes, search results may be exported.
- Free-text (Google) searches
- Yes
- Search result views
- Search results are displayed via a list.
Multilingual searching
Searching works across all languages and alphabets.
Report styles included
A list of reports included with the standard installation of CollectionSpace is available via the program wiki. Custom reports may be created via JasperReports. Search results may be exported to a CSV file.
Report customization
Any existing report may be customized via JasperReports.
Report program
CollectionSpace is integrated with JasperReports Library, an open-source reporting engine. JasperReports can use data from any kind of data source, and print or export a variety of formats including HTML, PDF, OpenOffice, and Microsoft Office.
Museum functions
Collections management function overview
CollectionSpace supports the day-to-day activities of museum collections staff, from cataloging and loans to exhibition planning and media handling. The web-based interface allows for collaboration among departments, while a relationship-based architecture increases connections among objects, procedures, and related media.
CollectionSpace supports the proper documentation of museum objects throughout their life cycle, from initial entry and acquisition to cataloging, loans, exhibitions, conservation, and if necessary, deaccession.
CollectionSpace has an Acquisition procedure that includes all fields recommended by the Spectrum documentation standard. Acquisition records may be linked to Intake forms, Cataloging record, Media records, and more. All personal names in the Acquisition record point to the Name authority.
Inventory management
CollectionSpace has a Location, Inventory, and Movement procedure that allows implementers to track current, past, and future locations of all objects in the collection or held by the museum (i.e. on loan or deposit). Locations are managed via a Storage Location authority, for which edit permissions can be limited, or the Organization authority for objects on loan or out for conservation. Custom reports allow implementers to create inventory lists by location.
Internal tracking
CollectionSpace’s Location, Inventory, and Movement procedure manages object movement within the museum, e.g. when objects are moved to exhibit spaces, or off the shelf for research or conservation.
External shipments
No response.
CollectionSpace has an extensive Cataloging procedure and a library of extensions that can be combined to support a wide range of collection type, including anthropology, botanical gardens, herbaria, local history and material culture, design materials, bonsai gardens, and public art. Data entry is controlled is many places by drop-downs and links to controlled vocabularies. Multi-valued fields and user-entered relationships allow for greater precision in data entry.
CollectionSpace includes procedures for both condition reporting and basic conservation.
Curatorial research
No response.
Publications and printed material
Print materials may be tracked via the Citation authority, and referenced throughout the application. Digital versions of bibliographic resources may be related to any cataloging or procedural record.
Rights management and reproduction
No response.
Risk management and valuation
Purchase prices, historic, and current valuations may be tracked via the Acquisition and Valuation procedures.
The planning process for permanent, temporary, and traveling exhibitions may be managed via the Exhibition procedure. Implementers may use the procedure to track work groups (e.g. curatorial, preparators), sponsors, venues, and object lists.
Loan management
CollectionSpace includes procedures for loans in and out that track dates, authorizations, object lists, and more.
CollectionSpace has an Object Exit/Deaccession procedure that allows implementers to track the disposition of objects and the deaccession approval process.
Digital asset management
Implementers may upload, store, and access images, documents, audio and video files, and more via the Media Handling procedure. In addition, integrations with existing proprietary and open source digital asset management systems exist, and new integrations may be created.
Additional features and functions
CollectionSpace is continually improving. Our community contributes time, expertise, and code. Members work together to define and develop new features and functionality. These improvements are then made freely available to the entire user community.
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