eHive by Vernon Systems - Profile
This profile was completed by the software vendor at CHIN’s request and does not reflect the views or opinions of CHIN. It is presented for information only and does not indicate approval or accreditation by CHIN. Inclusion of specific products does not mean that CHIN recommends the software, but that members of the community expressed interest in learning about these products.
This information was accurate as of October 2020. For more information or to request updated information, please contact the vendor directly.
Product name
Vendor name
Vernon Systems
Vendor overview
Website URL
Head office
Auckland, New Zealand
Year founded: 2008 (product release date)
Telephone number: +64 9 815 5599
Fax number: +64 9 815 5596
Contact person: Paul Rowe
Product overview
Product description
eHive is a web-based collection cataloguing system aimed at small museum and private collectors. It makes cataloguing and publishing of your collection easy and affordable. Content can be accessed via our APIs and WordPress plugins.
We take care of the hosting, server maintenance, software upgrades, and backups.
Disciplines supported
There are seven different Object Record types in eHive to accommodate different types of collections: archives, archaeology, art, history, library, natural science, and photography and multimedia.
Product launch date
November 2008. The product is regularly enhanced and releases are detailed on the site.
Product history
eHive is the product of extensive research and consultation with the culture and heritage sector. The system was originally designed to meet the collection management needs of smaller organisations and individuals, and to provide a viable avenue for online publishing. These days a growing number of larger institutions using other collection management systems have chosen to also use eHive as a platform for publishing their collections online.
Future development
- Provide multi-user, multi-level security.
- Add detailed person record cataloguing screens.
Demo version
Yes. A free account is available.
Support methods
eHive support is primarily provided via the ticketing system and forums on our Customer Support Portal. We offer online training and group workshops.
Support language(s)
Support availability and hours
9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. New Zealand time, Monday to Friday. Agents on call in UK and South African time zones.
Support fees
Support can be purchased at a per hour rate.
Client support network
Yes. The eHive Customer Support Portal.
Yes. The minimum length online session is one hour.
System updates and maintenance
System updates and/or maintenance are applied automatically at no cost as part of the annual subscription.
eHive accounts are available on an annual subscription basis covering use of the software, storage and ongoing development. The amount of storage you use determines the level you need to purchase. Additional storage is available beyond Level 4.
Pricing options can be viewed on the eHive website.
Maintenance costs
Software upgrades are applied automatically at no additional cost.
System specifications
Operating systems supported
eHive is Software as a Service (SaaS). It can be accessed by any computer or device able to connect to the internet via any modern web browser.
Underlying database
Relational database. MySQL.
eHive is Software as a Service (SaaS). It can be accessed by any computer or device able to connect to the internet.
Hardware requirements
eHive is Software as a Service (SaaS). It can be accessed by any computer or device able to connect to the internet.
Staff requirements
eHive can be maintained by existing museum employees. The system is maintained by Vernon CMS.
Plug-ins and/or modules available
No. All eHive functionality is included in the yearly subscription.
Third-party requirements
No. There are no third-party requirements.
eHive includes a public API for bespoke integration with other products. WordPress plugins are provided for building public online collection sites.
eHive meets WCAG 1.0 Level-AA accessibility standards.
Custom public websites can be developed using eHive's WordPress plugins or API.
Web integration capabilities
Cloud functionality
eHive is entirely cloud-based.
- Server location
- eHive is hosted through Amazon Web Services in the Virginia availability zone.
- Security protocols
- No response.
- Typical or average uptime
- 99.9%
- Back-end maintenance procedures and downtime
- Zero downtime for backups and upgrades.
Browsers supported
- Internet Explorer 10.0 and above
- Firefox: latest version
- Chrome: latest version
- Safari 7.0 and above
- Edge 38.14393 and above
Web-based access for data entry
Yes. Data can be entered through a web browser with no restrictions.
Web publishing platform
eHive does publish collection data to website. Collection data can also be accessed through the API and WordPress plugins. The API is not open source.
Linked open data functionality
User groups and security
User profiles
eHive has just one login per account. Multiple users can use this one login to access the database and simultaneously edit records. They cannot be modifying the same objects simultaneously.
User groups
No. eHive has just one master login with no restrictions. Development to support multi-user accounts is almost complete and is due for release in January 2021.
Visitor profiles
No. eHive has just one master login with no restrictions, although public users have read-only access to any published records.
There is no practical limit to the number of computers that can access eHive simultaneously.
Audit trails and/or edit history
No. eHive does not have an audit log.
Offline access
No. eHive is a cloud-based service and requires an internet connection.
Privacy features
Yes. Objects can be made private so that they can only be accessed with the administration password.
Data migration and stability
Import formats
Yes. eHive can import via XML or Excel formats. Bulk imports are run by Vernon Systems staff against a test server first.
Export formats
Users can export to XML, comma separated text files (CSV), Excel, and PDF formats.
eHive is a web-based system. Daily backups are run on the system, with separate copies kept in the data centre and remotely.
Standards and schemas
Metadata schemas
- Dublin Core
- CDWA Lite
The Object fields are based on the Spectrum standard.
Data content standards (cataloguing rules)
- Spectrum object fields
Vocabulary standards
Taonga Māori Thesaurus, plus other vocabulary lists imported on request.
Local terminology lists
eHive has dedicated Pick List fields (authority controlled fields) for which clients can create their own terms. The terminology lists are not multi-lingual.
- CDWA Lite
Object fields are based on the Spectrum standard.
Data entry and content
Media upload/linking
You can drag and drop multiple images on the object image upload page.
Media formats supported
You can upload images in JPEG, TIFF or BMP formats, or non-transparent GIF or PNG formats. Each image should be less than 20 MB.
eHive provides access to high resolution images using the IIIF image standard.
Data entry features
- Copy and paste
- Yes, including copying the current record to a new record.
- Search and replace
- No. Bulk deletion or addition of tags only.
- Spellcheck
- Uses the spellcheck built into your web browser. Most common browsers support spellcheck in the selected default language for the browser.
- Bulk cataloguing
- No
- Batch edit
- No
- Batch location change
- No
- Duplicate record search
- No
- Template record
- Yes. Copy current record option.
- Date selection and formats
- No date selection option. Dates can be entered in any format.
- Mandatory fields
- No
- Others
- No response.
Spreadsheet editing view
Geographic mapping
Google Maps pin for the organisation's location, but not for individual object records.
Multilingual fields
No. eHive supports Unicode but is not multi-lingual.
Barcodes can be printed by exporting to Excel and printing via Word mail merge. A barcode reader can be used anywhere in the system where object records are selected.
Data can be exported to Excel, from which labels can be printed using Word mail merge.
Search and reporting
Types of search supported
- Boolean queries
- Yes
- Query any field
- Yes
- Sort query results
- Single level
- Saving search results
- Saving search query only (a browser bookmark).
- Filter search results
- Yes
- SQL-based search
- No
- Export search results
- Yes. Users can export search results to XML, comma separated text files, Excel, and PDF formats.
- Free-text (Google) searches
- Yes
- Search result views
- Record summary and lightbox (thumbnail images) modes.
Multilingual searching
Report styles included
Multiple PDF formats, Comma Separated Values, raw data exports.
Report customization
No, but data can be exported to Excel to use with Word mail merge.
Report program
eHive has built-in reporting.
Museum functions
Collections management function overview
eHive manages collection cataloguing and conservation activities in detail. The system includes tracking of current and historic locations. Summaries of other processes such as loans and exhibitions can be recorded. Common image file formats are supported. Web and PDF file links can also be added to catalogue records for other related digital data.
Accession number duplicate checking. Dozens of registration specific fields including tables for registrarial comments and other identifiers for the objects.
Record individual acquisitions or acquisition lots with details about the acquisition (source, method, date, notes etc.).
Inventory management
Note completeness of an object. Update current location.
Internal tracking
Record current location and retain location history.
External shipments
Catalogue non-accessioned objects (loans, considered items). Text field for recording loan details.
Dedicated screens for archaeology, archives, art, history, library, natural science, and photography objects. Create pick lists to standardise terminology. Link PDF documents.
Record detailed condition, completeness and treatment detail at object level. Link PDF condition reports.
Curatorial research
Retain histories of curatorial comments and research notes.
Publications and printed material
Simple bibliography history on each object record.
Rights management and reproduction
Record current and historic rights information on each object record. Assign standard licences to the whole collection and override at object level. Override public access settings for images and documents at the image/document file level.
Risk management and valuation
Record valuation histories. Record risk details and significance information.
Record exhibition histories at object level.
Loan management
Record simple loan summaries at object level.
Plan deaccessions of individual objects. Record details of approved deaccessions.
Digital asset management
Link image files. eHive generates standard derivative sizes. Panning and zooming of high resolution images using the IIIF image standard.
Additional features and functions
- Create communities to connect objects from different museums based on a common theme.
- Use our WordPress plugins to build your own website.
- Share your records and images with third-party systems with the eHive API.
- Share your data with cultural hubs using the Open Archives Initiative standard.
Page details
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