S-MUSEUM by SKINsoft - Profile
This profile was completed by the software vendor at CHIN's request and does not reflect the views or opinions of CHIN. It is presented for information only and does not indicate approval or accreditation by CHIN. Inclusion of specific products does not mean that CHIN recommends the software, but that members of the community expressed interest in learning about these products.
This information was accurate as of January 2023. For more information or to request updated information, please contact the vendor directly.
Product name
Vendor name
Vendor overview
Website URL
www.skinsoft.fr (French version)
www.skinsoft-lab.com (English version)
Head office
5, rue du Château Rose 25000 Besançon, France
Canadian/North American office
1455 Drummond Street, Montreal, QC H3A 1N5, Canada
- Year founded:
- 2008
- Telephone number:
- +33 (0)9 52 42 30 38
- Email:
- geoffroy.rigoulot@skin-soft.org
- Contact person:
- Geoffroy Rigoulot (senior manager)
Product overview
Product description
SKINsoft is a twenty-first century web-based IT research lab. The core of its business is collections management and publication in various cultural environments. Thanks to its desire to promote heritage using contemporary tools, SKINsoft extends its know-how to various sectors such as museums, libraries, archives, archeology and even cinema.
Our solutions are now technologically unique in the business world: they are the fruit of scientific research, developed in concert with business and cultural heritage management professionals.
S-MUSEUM is the initial product developed by SKINsoft. This latest generation web software makes it possible to manage any type of heritage collection more closely, and publish them on any platform (web portals, mobile applications, virtual 3D museums, etc.).
Very mobile and user-friendly by nature, the application offers highly advanced features for managing every aspect of a collection in a user-friendly, intuitive interface: inventory, documentation, conservation, proofing, management, etc. Entirely modular, the application is adaptable to all needs.
S-MUSEUM is part of an application suite developed by SKINsoft, which includes complementary modules that can be combined freely, based on the needs expressed.
Core applications:
- S-MUSEUM: web-based application developed specifically for contemporary cultural museums, foundations, and institutions.
- S-COLLECTION: web-based application dedicated specifically to managing corporate and private heritage collections.
- S-MOVIES: web-based application for managing audiovisual collections.
- S-ARCHEO: web-based application dedicated to the management and tracking of preventive and programmed archeology operations.
- S-FOUNDATION: web-based collections management application adapted to the needs of cultural foundations and institutes.
- myEXPO: independent web-based application for managing exhibitions and related projects.
Complementary modules:
- SKIN-Web: publication of collections on a web interface (public or private).
- SKIN-Libris: library collections management.
- SKIN-Archive: definitive archives management.
- SKIN-Heritage: heritage management and movable/immovable asset management.
- SKIN-DAM: digital resource management.
- SKIN-Reporter: standalone mobile application, synced with one of the primary applications. It is dedicated to proofing, managing movements, and creating condition reports.
Disciplines supported
S-MUSEUM is a multi-task application. It enables the management of all types of collections and therefore meets the needs of a wide range of cultural institutions: museums (art, history, natural sciences, etc.), film libraries, archive centres, or libraries.
Product launch date
2010. The latest version of the application is from 2022.
Product history
Since its launch, S-MUSEUM quickly won over several institutions, such as:
- Musée Rodin (Paris, France)
- Musée des arts décoratifs (Paris, France)
- Museo Botero (Colombia)
- Musée universitaire de Louvain / Musée L (Belgium)
- Asian Film Archive (Singapore)
- Fine Arts Museum of Sherbrooke (Canada)
- Royal BC Museum (Canada)
Future development
The S-MUSEUM application is the result of continually listening to professionals' expectations. Progressive by nature, it regularly integrates functional updates to benefit each user, in order to keep pace with the needs of each. The next major version of the application is set to be launched in 2023.
Demo version
Demonstration sessions can be organized at the convenience of interested institutions.
Support methods
SKINsoft offers its clients various forms of assistance: email, telephone (hotline), Skype, online support platform and live assistance with the SKINsoft business teams, or in-person interview. There are designated advisors on the SKINsoft team for each project, for a quality partnership from beginning to end.
Support language(s)
SKINsoft services are offered in English and French. The application is available in various languages.
Support availability and hours
SKINsoft can adapt to any client's time zone, thus remaining accessible during local business hours.
Support fees
The support fees are included in the annual fees set out in the maintenance agreement. Any contract extension is possible, with specific services.
Client support network
SKINsoft maintains a close relationship with each of its clients, remaining at their disposal.
SKINsoft also plans to open an office in Montreal in 2023 to ensure the presence of staff in the North American zone.
There are training sessions with every installation. Additional sessions can also be planned as needed, online or on site.
System updates and maintenance
The S-MUSEUM application includes preventive, corrective and evolutionary maintenance. Feature and performance updates are offered every 9 to 12 months and done via remote maintenance.
The price is based on several variables: the size of the institution concerned and its collections, the number of expected users, the number of sites expected to use the application, and different complementary modules, etc.
Maintenance costs
The annual maintenance cost is proportional to the license cost. SKINsoft hosts some of its clients who have an annual membership.
Additional fees
Based on the nature of the institution's needs, SKINsoft offers a comprehensive user assistance service with the maintenance agreement. Any contract extension is possible, with specific services.
System specifications
Operating systems supported
All client workstation operating systems are covered by the S-MUSEUM application (Windows, Mac OS, Linux). Because it uses a web browser, it can adapt to all environments without affecting performance.
Underlying database
The application depends on contemporary technologies.
S-MUSEUM is a responsive application, compatible with both desktop computers and mobile devices, such as tablets.
Hardware requirements
For optimal use of the S-MUSEUM application, an application host server with enough RAM is required, and clients' workstations must be connected to the Internet and have a browser.
Staff requirements
The client does not need to have qualified IT staff on site; the SKINsoft teams can intervene remotely, with the necessary access.
Plug-ins and/or modules available
S-MUSEUM is part of an application suite consisting of modules that can be combined freely, making it possible to better meet the client's needs. All of these modules were developed on the same application base by SKINsoft. They are interoperable.
Third-party requirements
No third-party products are needed to use the application.
S-MUSEUM and the complementary modules of the SKINsoft suite are natively interoperable and can therefore be interfaced with other third-party tools via web services, and thus be integrated into the client's existing IT architecture.
S-MUSEUM natively benefits from the accessibility features of web browsers: management of contrast and character size, adaptation of the screen interface, etc. Special attention is given to the simplicity, legibility, and ergonomy of the different interfaces.
The S-MUSEUM application offers various customization options for users with regard to the interface, the information displayed, or the fields entered.
Web integration capabilities
Cloud functionality
The S-MUSEUM solution is completely web-based and can be used on any workstation that has a web browser and is connected to the Internet.
Installed on a virtual machine, the application does not need to be deployed on client computers. Users can access all of the application's features from a workstation equipped with a browser, using a wired or mobile connection (4G key, Wi-Fi).
Server location
The server can be located within the client institution or at a local specialist's office.
Security protocols
SKINsoft strives to ensure optimal security. The technical team performs incremental back-ups on various servers and provides clients with the data to perform an internal back-up should they wish to do so.
The application is protected through various mechanisms, such as the implementation of user accounts (encrypted and limited access, different accounts and passwords, etc.), filtering rules or the implementation of logs to save the different activities on the server (user connection, etc.).
SKINsoft is also working on the long term to ensure compliance with the international information systems security standards ISO27001.
Typical or average uptime
The application is available 24/7 (outside maintenance operations).
Back-end maintenance procedures and downtime
Performed in the background and/or outside local business hours.
Browsers supported
All recent web browsers are compatible with S-MUSEUM. Applications all perform to the same level whether used on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.
Web-based access for data entry
Because the application is web-based, any user with a user name and password can connect from a browser and access all or part of the features, based on their user profile. The S-MUSEUM admin area makes it possible to manage user profiles and carefully configure their access rights to the features and fields.
Web publishing platform
The SKINweb module makes it possible to carefully select the data to be posted online and manage the entire editorial portion of the site.
Several forms of web publication may be considered: collections web portal, virtual exhibits, real-time 3D virtual tour, etc. SKINsoft considers each project and offers custom solutions to fit every need.
Linked open data functionality
The application supports linked data, as well as the uniform resource identifiers (URI), particularly in the harvesting of data from national and international data reservoirs (e.g. VIAF, Getty, ULAN, etc.).
User groups and security
User profiles
S-MUSEUM enables administrators to create as many user profiles as necessary. These profiles are very carefully configured, with access rights that can be very precisely limited. Each profile is also protected by an identifier and password specific to the user. Moreover, it is also possible for several users to work at the same time and on the same project.
User groups
The application access rights can be configured by one or more administrators and applied either individually (per user profile) or collectively (per group).
Visitor profiles
User/visitor groups can be configured to have read-only rights.
Being web-based, S-MUSEUM can be accessed from any computer connected to the Internet. The simultaneous use of the application by several users does not have any impact on performance.
Audit trails and/or edit history
S-MUSEUM offers access to a dashboard that lists all changes made by users.
Offline access
The SKINsoft application suite also includes SKINreporter, a tablet-based module, making it possible to work offline and remotely.
Privacy features
S-MUSEUM integrates very thorough rights management, allowing admins to make certain fields and features inaccessible, and limit access to an authorized public.
Data migration and stability
Import formats
The SKINsoft team can support various import formats and migrate data from past or modern collections management systems. Moreover, all users have access to a data import tool in the application.
Export formats
The application enables the export of documents in Excel, PDF, CSV, JSON, XML and MARC formats; it can also export data in specific formats for integration into third-party tools.
SKINsoft manages back-up procedures or provides the client institution with the means to manage them itself.
Standards and schemas
Metadata schemas
S-MUSEUM is a powerful application: it enables the configuration of all data schemas, regardless of the client institution's specifications, as well as the import/export of all format types.
Data content standards (cataloguing rules)
S-MUSEUM can be adapted to the specific standards used locally or specific environments, etc.
Vocabulary standards
Possibility of importing/syncing all types of vocabulary in the application (complex, multilingual, etc.)
Local terminology lists
S-MUSEUM can easily be adapted to the specific needs of each institution, which can therefore choose thesauri and vocabularies that are existing, controlled, national, local or specific to their context. The admin area of the thesauri provides all authorized users with the opportunity to enhance, amend (create, delete, correct, add a term description) and classify terms at as many levels as needed and with no limits to the number of new terms that can be added. Moreover, the application enables the management of relations between terms (synonyms, associated terms, parent terms).
Internationally, the S-MUSEUM application is Spectrum 5.0 compliant. It is also validated by the Service des Musées de France.
Data entry and content
Media upload/linking
The S-MUSEUM application natively integrates a comprehensive and transversal media management tool.
It enables the syncing of a remote DAM and the importation of media into the local DAM based on several loading methods.
Media formats supported
Data entry features
The fields available in the S-MUSEUM application are very diverse and offer various entry methods based on the context.
Copy and paste
Find and replace
Bulk cataloguing
Batch edit
Batch location change
Duplicate record search
Template record
Date selection and formats
Mandatory fields
No response.
Spreadsheet editing view
Geographic mapping
Multilingual fields
Search and reporting
Types of search supported
S-MUSEUM supports several types of queries. Users can perform full-text searches, which are similar to a Google search, advanced searches, which provide extremely accurate results thanks to various search criteria, or federated searches.
Boolean queries
Query any field
Sort query results
Saving search results
Filter search results
SQL-based search
Export search results
Free-text (Google) searches
Search result views
Multilingual searching
Report styles included
Yes. The default reports, such as search results or object lists, are presented in the form of an Excel or PDF export.
Report customization
Yes. Reports can be configured and updated.
Report program
Yes. The report creation tool is integrated into S-MUSEUM.
Museum functions
Collection management function overview
S-MUSEUM covers all museum needs, from collection documentation to management.
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Inventory management
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Internal tracking
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
External shipments
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Curatorial research
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Publications and printed material
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Rights management and reproduction
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Risk management and valuation
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Loan management
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Digital asset management
Supported by S-MUSEUM.
Additional features and functions
No response.
Page details
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