Settlement logic model
IRCC Settlement Program logic model
Management and engagement
Departmental services
Program management and engagement
- Accountability framework
- Policies
- Program design and implementation strategies
- Pilot projects (includes SDI)
- Communication products
- Calls for proposals
- Contribution agreements
- Project monitoring
- Performance reports
- Function guidance
- Private sector engagement
- OGD engagement
- PT partnerships
- Grant to Quebec
- International engagement
Immediate settlement
- Consistent and responsive Settlement Program delivery
Program delivery
Enabling services
Provisions of support services
- Care for newcomer children
- Transportation
- Translation
- Interpretation
- Crisis counselling
- Provisions for clients with disabilities
Immediate settlement
- Access to IRCC –funded settlement services is facilitated
Intermediate early and late adaption
- Clients access services that meet their needs
Ultimate integration
- Successfully integrated and settled clients benefit Canada
Assessment of needs and referrals
- Needs assessments
- Settlement plans
- Referrals to IRCC and non-IRCC settlement services
- Linkages in information and orientation and employment related services
- Language assessments and referrals
Immediate settlement
- Increase understanding of client settlement needs and appropriate linkages to other services
Intermediate early and late adaption
- Clients access services that meet their needs
Ultimate integration
- Successfully integrated and settled clients benefit Canada
Direct services
Provision of information
- Group, individual and family orientation
- Provisions of information in language training
- Provisions of information in community connections activities
Immediate settlement
- Clients increase knowledge of life in Canada
Intermediate early and late adaption
- Clients make informed decisions about life in Canada
Ultimate integration
- Successfully integrated and settled clients benefit Canada
Provision of language services
- Formal language training classes
- French/ English
- Literacy
- General
- Finding a job
- Citizenship focused
- Informal language learning sessions
Immediate settlement
- Clients improve official language skills
Intermediate early and late adaption
- Clients use an official language to function in Canadian society
Ultimate integration
- Successfully integrated and settled clients benefit Canada
Provision of employment-related services
- Work placements
- Networking
- Mentoring
- Employment counselling
- Resume matching/ screening
- Preparation for licensure
- Employment-specific language training
Immediate settlement
- Clients acquire knowledge, skills, and connections to prepare for the Canadian labour market.
Intermediate early and late adaption
- Clients participate in the Canadian labour market
Ultimate Integration
- Successfully integrated and settled clients benefit Canada
Building community connections
- Targeted matching with established newcomers or Canadians
- Cross-cultural interactions and related activities
Immediate settlement
- Clients increase participation in communities and social networks
Intermediate early and late adaption
- Clients are connected to communities and institutions
Ultimate integration
- Successfully integrated and settled clients benefit Canada
Indirect services
Building community connections
- Individual Canadians’ engagement
- Private sector support delivery of settlement services
- Community partnerships
- Employment partnerships
- Other public institutions (schools, police, etc.)
Immediate settlement
- Partners deliver responsive and coordinated settlement and community services
Intermediate early and late adaption
- Communities foster welcoming environment for immigrants
Ultimate integration
- Successfully integrated and settled clients benefit Canada
Sector capacity building
- Tool development
- Competency development training
- Umbrella organizations
- Conferences
- Best practice activities
- Outcome measurement capacity
Immediate settlement
- Partners deliver responsive and coordinated settlement and community services
Intermediate early and late adaption
- Communities foster welcoming environment for immigrants
Ultimate integration
- Successfully integrated and settled clients benefit Canada
Page details
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