Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP): Pre-departure services provided by the International Organization for Migration (IOM)
This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) provides pre-departure services to Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP) applicants (similar to resettled refugees) who are seeking IOM assistance, as indicated by the applicant on the Pre-arrival facilitations form.
Support provided at no cost to the applicant (covered by IRCC):
- interpretation services during an interview with an IRCC officer, if required
- travel to attend a selection interview with an IRCC officer (for selected cases only)
- Travel to complete the immigration medical exam (for selected cases only)
- EMPP-specific Canadian Orientation Abroad (COA)
Support provided under the Immigration Loans Program (ILP) for IOM services:
EMPP applicants will pay a fee to receive the following services from IOM. This can be covered under the Immigration Loans Program (ILP) – Transportation loans or paid for directly by clients before they enter Canada. The type of services that may be covered include:
- facilitating application for exit permits (and, in some cases, applying for a waiver of exit fees)
- arranging transportation and accommodations when an applicant is required to appear at a government office for exit permit processing
- assembling travel documents, including documents for transit countries and entry into Canada
- finalizing a transportation loan for an applicant (where applicable)
- arranging for travel to Canada, with accommodation and meals provided until clients’ first port of entry in Canada
- ensuring the most direct route is taken, using a Canadian carrier or reliable non-Canadian carrier that has signed an agreement to provide reduced migrant fares
- arranging an operational escort for travel when needed (when pre-approved by IRCC)
- assisting during the travel journey when unforeseen circumstances are encountered in transit
Note: The costs related to the pre-departure medical services (PDMS), including Immigration Medical Exams (IMEs), are covered under the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) for Federal EMPP-eligible clients.
Note: IOM does not provide biometric-related services to Federal EMPP applicants. See Biometrics for Federal EMPP for more information.
Note: EMPP applicants who choose to use travel services provided by IOM have the option to pay for these services directly. They are not required to access an ILP Transportation Loan to access these services. Officers should verify local IOM offices’ payment processing capacity if applicants wish to pay for travel services directly without a loan.
IOM services requested by EMPP applicant
If an applicant indicates on the Pre-arrival facilitations form that they require IOM services to assist them, the officer should
- follow the Immigration Loans Program (ILP) for EMPP applicants
- refer to the general procedures on transportation loans for further information: Transportation loans
- refer applicants to IOM for EMPP-specific Canadian Orientation Abroad (COA) unless they opt out of receiving this service
- ask IOM to inform IRCC once the EMPP candidate has completed Canadian Orientation Abroad
- ensure EMPP applicants receive the IMM5801 Invitation to Pre-arrival Settlement Services letter from IRCC, which encourages them to register for services and directs them to the IRCC web pages Pre-arrival services: Prepare to live in Canada. The web pages provide additional information about the services available to them.
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