Federal Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (Federal EMPP): Processing Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) applications

This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.

Federal Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (Federal EMPP) applicants who have met the eligibility requirements of the Federal EMPP public policy are issued Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) coverage once their application has been created in the Global Case Management System (GCMS). Officers have to create an IFHP application for Federal EMPP applicants with the following parameters:

Eligibility Group: Overseas Resettled Refugee

Effective Date: The issue date of the IMM1017 Medical report

Valid to Date: 2 years from the issue date of the IMM1017

Example (IMM1017 issued on 2021/10/15):

Effective Date: 2021/10/15

Valid to Date: 2023/10/15

Create an IFHP coverage and generate an IFHP certificate

  1. Find client in GCMS, Search screen: enter ID under UCI.
  2. Verify addresses.

    Note: If there is no address, the officer will not be able to finalize the IFHP application because the system will stop halfway through the process. If the address that is selected has a To Date, the address has expired and the officer will not be able to complete the application.

  3. Create the IFHP application
    • Click on the Associations tab.
    • Click New - Under Category/Case: enter IFHP and click OK.
    • Under Rec’d Date: enter the date IMM 1017 created.
    • Save (Ctrl+ S). This will create XI**** application (prospective IFHP application).
    • Click on this application - Rec’d Via: mail.
    • Correspond Lang: English or French (use same language as form used for application).
    • Request type: New IFHP coverage.
    • Add a Note if necessary.
  4. Promote the application
    • Click Go to Search (at the top of screen) in order to search for client and making sure that client has only 1 ID.
    • Click Search.
    • Click Refresh a few times until complete. When complete, scroll down and make sure that correct ID is highlighted.
    • Click Promote Application (top of screen). This will make the X disappear and the prospective application becomes real.
    • Click OK.
    • Click Go to Application. This will lead you to the IFHP application.
  5. Enter IFHP application details and decision
    • Click Details.
    • Click IFHP.
    • Under Eligibility, enter info on
      • Eligible Group – Overseas Resettled Refugee
        • For IFHP eligibility purposes, in order to issue correct coverage in GCMS the eligibility must indicate this group, even though Federal EMPP clients are processed under the economic class
      • Effective Date – The issue date of the IMM1017
      • Valid to Date – 2 years from the IMM1017 issued date
        • For families, preferable to use same validity dates
      • Fill in decision (approved/refused) under Final.
      • Save (Ctrl + S).
  6. Generating IFHP documents – Approved application: IFHP Certificate
    • Click Correspondence.
    • Click Outgoing. By default, status will state Generate. This will produce the certificate.
    • Go to the bottom section and use Preview (in box Correspondence Attachments) to see the IFHP Certificate.
    • Print 1 copy. (Note: applicants must have a copy of this document as proof of coverage for the immigration medical exam (IME) and other medical services covered under the IFHP pre-departure medical services (PDMS).
    • Change the Correspondence Outgoing status of the application from Generate to Sent.
    • Save (Ctrl + S). The system will set App Status to “Closed” and App Status Reason to “Approved”.
    • Search > Identifier to verify that the application is closed and approved.

      Note: The Correspondence status of the application must be set to Sent in order for the coverage to become effective.

  7. Processing offices should send the EMPP IFH coverage letter along with IFHP Certificates stating that the applicants’ Immigration Medical Examination costs are covered through the IFHP.
  8. The Panel Member Guide outlines the procedures to be followed by Panel physicians related to ID documents. Panel Physicians should contact their responsible Regional Medical Office if there are any questions regarding IME procedures. IRCC accepted flexibility in ID documents for EMPP candidates.

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