Health-care workers permanent residence pathway: COVID-19 program delivery – Intake and completeness

This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.

To be considered eligible for processing, applications must be complete.

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All applications made under the 2 public policiesare submitted to IRCC’s Humanitarian Migration Office in Vancouver (HM-V).

The temporary public policies are open until August 31, 2021, or until revoked by the Minister. Applications must be received on or before the date the public policies expire.

Note: To facilitate identification at intake, when sending in applications, applicants will label their envelopes as follows:

“Health-Care Worker – HCW” (if they intend to reside in a province or territory other than Quebec)


“Health-Care Worker Quebec – HCWQC” (if they intend to reside in Quebec)


Applicants are required to submit their complete application, including all mandatory forms, fees and supporting documents, to the intake office.

The application must be submitted in accordance with the requirements specified in section 10 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR).

If the application is incomplete, it will be returned as per section R12.

Following a positive completeness check, HM-V will send an acknowledgment of receipt to the applicant informing them that their file has been received and will create an application in the Global Case Management System (GCMS).

HM-V will associate one of the two special program codes with the application in GCMS:

“Health-Care Worker – HCW”


“Health-Care Worker Quebec – HCWQC”

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