ARCHIVED – Formative Evaluation of the Pre–Removal Risk Assessment Program

3.0 Profile of PRRA Applicants

Since program inception, in June 2002, a total of 36,356 PRRA applications have been received.[note 14] Each year, the volume of applications received has increased significantly, from 5,300 in 2003 to 12,300 in 2006 (for further discussion on application volumes, see Section 4.3.2).

As described in Section 1.2.1, there are two categories of PRRA applicants: failed refugee claimants (FRCs) and non-refugee claimants (NRCs). The majority of PRRA applications have been received from FRCs. As shown in Table 5, the proportion of FRC cases concluded accounts for 88 percent of the total volume since program inception. Failed refugee claimants accounted for 85 percent (696 of 816) positive PRRA decisions from 2002 to 2006.

Table 4. Cases Concluded, From Failed Refugee Claimants versus Non-Refugee Claimants

Year FRCs NRCs Total
Applications **
Number Proportion of Total (%) Number Proportion of Total (%)
2002* 1,630 85 290 15 1,920
2003 5,686 87 885 13 6,571
2004 6,422 88 911 12 7,333
2005 6,628 89 840 11 7,468
2006 8,698 90 932 10 9,630
Total 29,064 88 3 858 12 32,922

* 2002 data is for approximately 6  months.
** Based on concluded cases (which excludes waived applications, cases opened in error, and not eligible to apply for PRRA cases)

By geographic origin, since program inception, the largest proportion of PRRA applicants has been from Asian (23 percent) and South American (15 percent) nations (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Geographic Origin of PRRA Applicants

Geographic Origin of Pre-removal risk assessments Applicants

Just over 60 percent of all applications have been received from 20 countries (Table 6). Since program inception, the highest number of applications has been received from Pakistan (8.9 percent) and Mexico (7.2 percent).

Table 5. Application Volumes, by Source Country (2002-2006)

Rank Country Number of Applications Received % of All Applications Acceptance Rate (%)
1 Pakistan 3,320 8.9 2.42
2 Mexico 2,677 7.2 2.65
3 Costa Rica 2,045 5.5 0.82
4 Argentina 1,869 5.0 0.57
5 Hungary 1,524 4.1 1.55
6 India 1,272 3.4 0.40
7 Sri Lanka 1,157 3.1 3.98
8 Peru 940 2.5 1.31
9 Portugal 927 2.5 0.00
10 Jamaica 890 2.4 0.26
11 Colombia 808 2.2 12.91
12 Nigeria 745 2.0 1.53
13 St. Vincent and the Grenadines 743 2.0 0.74
14 Israel 732 2.0 3.14
15 Philippines 687 1.8 0.52
16 United States 680 1.8 1.67
17 China 678 1.8 8.95
18 El Salvador 625 1.7 0.81
19 Turkey 583 1.6 3.87
20 Albania 512 1.4 7.32
Total 23,141 63.0  


14. This includes 834 applications that were received after the 15-day deadline.

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