ARCHIVED – The Interprovincial Mobility of Immigrants in Canada

Appendix I - Movement by destination and category: Tables

Table 10: Movement of skilled worker class immigrants landed from 2000 to 2006 (2006 Tax Year)
Atlantic Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-
Alberta British Columbia
Atlantic 2,230 265 755 30 20 230 155
Quebec 200 77,210 5,220 120 40 1,610 1,235
Ontario 1,200 9,120 235,840 950 415 10,670 10,620
Manitoba 30 150 685 2,260 50 350 290
Saskatchewan 10 60 290 40 1,230 320 205
Alberta 105 365 2,515 60 105 26,165 1,505
British Columbia 205 1,380 8,415 235 135 3,240 53,790
Source: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB).


Table 11: Movement of family class immigrants landed from 2000 to 2006 (2006 Tax Year)
Atlantic Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-
Alberta British Columbia
Atlantic 2,160 50 275 5 5 140 90
Quebec 75 32,600 2,145 45 15 560 330
Ontario 230 1,255 158,125 265 95 2,145 2,225
Manitoba 10 25 275 3,975 25 325 190
Saskatchewan 15 20 110 25 1,275 210 85
Alberta 25 95 640 50 75 22,835 770
British Columbia 45 185 1,945 115 55 1,750 53,495
Source: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB).


Table 12: Movement of business class immigrants landed from 2000 to 2006 (2006 Tax Year)
Atlantic Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-
Alberta British Columbia
Atlantic 445 100 175 5 - 20 80
Quebec 55 3,515 2,440 25 - 195 3,545
Ontario 35 270 14,330 30 5 160 905
Manitoba - 10 75 275 5 10 25
Saskatchewan - 10 45 5 75 15 45
Alberta 5 10 130 - 20 1,360 245
British Columbia 20 110 855 25 20 195 15,445
Source: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB).


Table 13: Movement of live-in caregiver class immigrants landed from 2000 to 2006 (2006 Tax Year)
Atlantic Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-
Alberta British Columbia
Atlantic 65 5 5 - - - -
Quebec - 1,805 50 5 - 70 15
Ontario 10 25 8,145 20 5 90 55
Manitoba - - 5 245 5 15 10
Saskatchewan - - 10 - 190 10 15
Alberta 5 - 25 - 15 3,940 35
British Columbia 5 - 70 10 5 95 5,100
Source: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB).


Table 14: Movement of refugee class immigrants landed from 2000 to 2006 (2006 Tax Year)
Atlantic Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-
Alberta British Columbia
Atlantic 1,115 95 580 20 10 475 70
Quebec 45 22,610 4,050 50 20 1,145 430
Ontario 110 670 64,245 300 165 2,445 590
Manitoba 5 60 645 2,800 15 1,135 115
Saskatchewan 5 35 495 25 1,070 385 100
Alberta 20 115 430 35 55 7,635 130
British Columbia 15 65 515 40 20 495 7,735
Source: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB).

Appendix II – Provincial nominees landed over 2000 to 2006: Tables

Table 15: Movement of provincial nominees landed from 2000 to 2006 by province of nomination and province of residence (2006 Tax Year)
  Province of Residence in 2006 TY PNs found by province of residence in the 2006 tax year Retention rate
Atlantic Atlantic 1,405 49.0%
Quebec 50
Ontario 640
Manitoba 10
Saskatchewan 10
Alberta 95
British Columbia 645
Territories 10
Total 2,865
Manitoba Atlantic 45 79.6%
Quebec 65
Ontario 955
Manitoba 10,560
Saskatchewan 65
Alberta 730
British Columbia 825
Territories 20
Total 13,265
Saskatchewan Atlantic - 83.9%
Quebec -
Ontario 40
Manitoba 5
Saskatchewan 935
Alberta 90
British Columbia 45
Territories -
Total 1,115
Alberta Atlantic 5 92.8%
Quebec 5
Ontario 20
Manitoba 5
Saskatchewan 5
Alberta 960
British Columbia 35
Territories -
Total 1,035
British Columbia Atlantic 5 93.5%
Quebec 5
Ontario 35
Manitoba 10
Saskatchewan 5
Alberta 30
British Columbia 1,585
Territories 20
Total 1,695
Grand Total   19,975  
Source: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB).


Table 16: Movement of provincial nominees landed from 2000 to 2006 by province of nomination (2006 Tax Year)
Province of Destination Atlantic Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-
Alberta British Columbia
Newfoundland and Labrador 55 5 160 5 - 25 255
Prince Edward Island 235 5 245   5 25 200
Nova Scotia 415 15 80     5 110
New Brunswick 700 25 155 5 5 40 80
Manitoba 45 65 955 10,560 65 730 825
Saskatchewan -   40 5 935 90 45
Alberta 5 5 20 5 5 960 35
British Columbia 5 5 35 10 5 30 1,585
Source: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB).


Table 17: Movement of provincial nominees landed from 2000 to 2006 by province of destination (2006 Tax Year)
Province of Destination Atlantic Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskat-
Alberta British Columbia
Atlantic 1,335 45 305 15 15 50 330
Quebec 10 55 10 5 - - -
Ontario 40 5 665 185 5 40 45
Manitoba 15 50 630 10,435 30 580 625
Saskatchewan - - 45 - 965 80 30
Alberta 5 5 15 10 10 1,085 30
British Columbia 20 5 35 30 10 25 2,025
Source: Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB).

Appendix III – Net interprovincial migration rates: 2000 to 2006 (Statistics Canada figures)

Table 18: Net interprovincial migration for provinces, 2000 to 2006
Year N.L. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Total
Net number of migrants
2000 -4,884 -62 -1,393 -1,748 -11,233 23,292 -4,188 -8,301 24,397 -14,783 290,505
2001 -3,914 268 -1,946 -1,914 -6,388 10,622 -5,025 -8,600 24,614 -7,278 280,408
2002 -3,187 65 -256 -164 -4,228 5,065 -2,733 -7,431 17,883 -5,216 281,873
2003 -1,103 224 142 -1,277 218 -5,074 -3,162 -4,590 10,254 4,055 255,565
2004 -2,651 -259 -1,594 -867 -3,297 -8,222 -3,153 -6,027 19,348 7,551 269,727
2005 -4,497 -237 -3,679 -2,708 -6,834 -14,500 -9,298 -9,737 44,968 7,434 292,172
2006 -3,964 -591 -3,060 -3,574 -12,915 -32,318 -7,658 -2,856 58,166 10,221 358,516
Source:  Statistics Canada, Demography Division.

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