Opening Remarks for The Hon. Marco E.L. Mendicino P.C., M.P., Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship to the Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (AGRI) - May 22, 2020

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Mr. Chair and members of the committee, good morning. 

Thank you for this opportunity to appear and answer questions about measures to support temporary foreign workers in Canada’s agricultural and agri-food sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

In partnership with other departments and agencies, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship has taken a number of important measures to sustain this critical component of Canada’s economy.

To mitigate the negative effects of travel restrictions on Canada’s productivity and food security, the Government has added targeted exemptions to facilitate the admission of temporary foreign workers who are making important contributions to our country, especially now.

The permit program under which most temporary workers come to Canada is administered jointly by my department and Employment and Social Development Canada.

The full operation is a collaboration with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and other departments, as well as industry stakeholders and provinces and territories.

IRCC is principally responsible for the issuance of work permits to Temporary Foreign Workers, and the supporting regulatory framework is under my purview through the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations.

Temporary Foreign Workers


Agri-Food Pilot


Mr. Chair, we have made exceptions to the travel restrictions to allow foreign workers to enter Canada because we recognize their vital importance to our economy, including food security for Canadians and the success of Canadian food producers.

Thank you, Mr. Chair and committee members, and I am happy to answer questions.

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