How to get a police certificate – Madagascar

If you need to give your fingerprints for a police certificate, this isn’t the same as giving your biometrics (fingerprints and photo) for an application.

Name of the document you need

Bulletin no.3

Police certificate and IRCC requirements

You must provide a police certificate when you apply for

  • permanent residence
  • citizenship
  • some temporary residence programs

Check your application package or instructions for details.

How to apply

  • Apply for an Extrait de Casier Judiciaire (bulletin no. 3) with
    • your passport or
    • Carte d’Identité Nationale (CIN) and
  • Certificat de Résidence
  • Pay the applicable fees

Applications should be addressed to

  • Le Grieffier en chef du Tribunal de Première instance in Antananarivo or
  • The Tribunal where you were born.

If you’re a foreign national living in Madagascar, you must submit a request to the Tribunal de Première Instance in Antananarivo.

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