When to submit a police certificate

Different programs have different times for when you have to send in your police certificate(s).

If you’re an Express Entry candidate

You have 60 days to submit your police certificate. Avoid delays by starting your police check as soon as you’re in the pool.

Get more detail about police certificates for Express Entry.

If you’re an International Experience Canada (IEC) candidate

In most cases you’ll need to provide a police certificate when you submit your work permit application.

Get more detail about police certificates for International Experience Canada.

If you’re applying for citizenship

You need to submit a police certificate for the following citizenship applications:

If you’re applying to another immigration program

Check the instruction guide for the program you are applying for.

How long is a police certificate good for?

How long your police certificate is good for depends on what immigration program you are applying to.

Check the instruction guide to find out when your police certificate needs to be issued.

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