Claiming refugee protection (asylum) at the border when you enter Canada

Canada offers refugee protection (asylum) to individuals in Canada who have a well-founded fear of persecution or who may face a

If individuals feel they could face one of these risks if they go back to their home country, or, if individuals are stateless, unable to return the country where they normally live, they may be able to seek protection in Canada as a refugee.

The following sections explain the process for claiming refugee protection (asylum) at a Canadian port of entry. The process is different for persons making a claim from within Canada.

If you are not a refugee, but wish to come to Canada, learn what options are available.

You should only apply for refugee protection if you have a well-founded fear of persecution or are at risk if you return to your home country. Do not apply only as a means to extend your stay and employment in Canada. If you are found to not need Canada’s protection, you may be removed and not permitted to return.


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