What can Canadian businesses do to help?

Businesses big and small are encouraged to help welcome refugees.


Hire newcomers

Connect with newcomers to hire or provide mentoring opportunities through your local service provider organization.

When you hire a newcomer, consider:

  • Encouraging other employers in your community to do the same
  • Providing training on language, digital skills, and soft skills
  • Helping them build professional networks
  • Supporting and recognizing organizations that employ newcomers


We partnered with the Immigration Employment Council of BC to create a toolkit for employers designed to increase employers’ knowledge of culturally sensitive hiring and retention practices and boost their ability to create more inclusive workplaces.

We have also created the Employer’s Roadmap to hiring and retaining internationally trained workers, which offers different ways to hire and retain internationally trained workers, including helpful tips, practical tools and useful resources.

Share what your business is doing

Let us know what your company is doing to welcome refugees to Canada. If you want to highlight your announcement here, send us the details of your corporate donation to IRCC.COMMConsultations-ConsultationsCOMM.IRCC@cic.gc.ca

Use the hashtag #WelcomeRefugees to join the conversation on social media.

On social media


How your workplace can #WelcomeRefugees

  • Organize a training event and/or social events to celebrate diversity and promote cultural exchange.
  • Invite a refugee to learn more about your workplace.
  • Mentor a newcomer, either informally or set up a mentoring program.
  • Host a welcoming community event for newcomers by giving money, staff time and space.
  • Diversify your corporate social activities by giving money to community organizations that help newcomers.
  • Celebrate the diversity within your business and your community and host a multicultural food festival.

Canada's Humanitarian Tradition: Hala

Bombings and violence drove Hala out of Syria and towards her exciting new beginning in Canada.

Find out where the refugees are going

Learn which communities and service provider organizations across Canada are welcoming refugees.

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