Sponsorship agreement holder organizational assessment: After you submit

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How we process the assessment package

After you submit your assessment package, we’ll make sure it’s complete. If it’s complete, we’ll review it and complete the revalidation exercise.

For the 2022 assessment, we’ll follow up with you if

If we ask you for them, you’ll have 30 days to give us the missing documents and information.

In future assessments, if you don’t provide all the required information and documents, we’ll consider your template incomplete.

If you can’t or won’t complete the revalidation exercise

If you don’t complete the revalidation exercise, we won’t renew your sponsorship agreement when it expires.

If we decide not to renew your sponsorship agreement, you’ll still have to support all the refugees that have been approved for sponsorship under that agreement.

If you pass the revalidation exercise

If you pass the revalidation exercise, we’ll sign a new 5-year sponsorship agreement with you. We’ll then do an operating risk analysis to find out what risk management plan you’ll follow.

Doing an operating risk analysis

Operating risk analyses are based on

Each of these criteria has a level of operational risk. We’ll score the analysis based on these levels. This score will determine which risk management plan you’ll follow.

Risk management plans

There are 3 risk management plans

Each plan sets out how much we will monitor you and what requirements you will need to follow.

Plan A

In this plan

  1. We’ll randomly select cases from your sponsorship caseload for routine monitoring every quarter (4 times a year).
  2. You must submit an annual report on your organization and activities (this is already required under the agreement).
  3. We’ll tell you to complete extra Refugee Sponsorship Training Program (RSTP) training, as recommended in your assessment (if needed).

Plan B

In this plan

  1. You must include a settlement plan with each sponsorship application you submit.
  2. Before they arrive, we’ll randomly select some of your sponsorship cases to confirm that you can provide them with financial and settlement support when they get to Canada.
  3. We’ll randomly select cases from your sponsorship caseload for routine monitoring bi-monthly (6 times a year).
  4. You must submit
    1. an annual report on your organization and activities (this is already required under your agreement)
    2. biannual settlement reports about the refugees who have arrived in Canada
  5. We’ll tell you to complete extra RSTP training, as recommended in your assessment (if needed).

Plan C

In this plan

  1. You must include with each sponsorship application you submit
    1. a settlement plan
    2. proof you already have all the money needed to sponsor the refugee (for example, bank statements)
  2. Before they arrive, we’ll randomly select some of your sponsorship cases to confirm that you can provide them with financial and settlement support when they get to Canada.
  3. We’ll randomly select cases from your sponsorship caseload for routine monitoring every month (12 times a year).
  4. You must submit
    1. an annual report on your organization and activities (this is already required under your agreement)
    2. quarterly settlement reports about the refugees who have arrived in Canada
  5. We’ll tell you to complete extra RSTP training, as recommended in your assessment (if needed).

After being given a risk management plan

If you’re given plan A, you’ll follow it until the next assessment (for 5 years).

If you’re given plans B or C, you’ll have the chance to move to a lower risk plan after 2.5 years if we don’t find any other issues during checks and monitoring. You’ll then follow this new plan until the next assessment.

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