After you apply


We aren’t accepting new applications from community sponsors

We’ll only process applications received on or before November 28, 2024.

Learn more about this pause.

Processing your application

The Resettlement Operations Centre in Ottawa (ROC-O) will contact you at 2 stages during processing:

  1. ROC-O will send an acknowledgment of receipt letter to you as the sponsor once they make sure the application is complete and the file has been created. This letter will include the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) file number (also called the G number).

    ROC-O will return an incomplete application to the party that submitted it (either the sponsor or the refugee).

  2. ROC-O will send you an approval or refusal letter once an officer makes a decision on your sponsorship undertaking. The approval letter will include a link where you can find processing times for your application.

Sponsor-referred cases

If ROC-O approves your Undertaking to Sponsor, they will send the refugee application to the responsible visa office abroad for consideration by a visa officer.

The visa office will tell you if they approve or refuse the refugee application. The sponsoring group will generally receive a Notification of Arrival Transmission at least 10 business days before the refugee arrives in Canada. The notice will tell you when the refugee will arrive in Canada.

Visa office-referred cases

Refugees usually arrive in Canada between three and six months after ROC-O approves a sponsorship request. In some cases, refugees are ready to travel sooner. The sponsoring group will generally receive a Notification of Arrival Transmission at least 10 business days before the refugee arrives in Canada.

Refugee Sponsorship Training Program

The Refugee Sponsorship Training Program, which is funded by the Government of Canada, can help you prepare for what to expect when refugees arrive in Canada.

Change of information

It is up to you to keep your application up-to-date.

With any updated information you submit, include:

  • the IRCC file number (the G number),
  • a contact name, and
  • a phone and/or fax number.

If your address or telephone number changes after you apply, you must tell us.

Groups of Five and Community Sponsors: use this Web form.

Choose “sponsor” in the drop-down menu for relationship to applicant. Choose “change of address” in the drop-down menu for application type.

If you sponsored someone through the special program for Afghan refugees, you can:

  • use the crisis situation web form (including if you move or change your telephone number)
  • call us at 1-888-242-2100 (if you’re in Canada)

It’s important for us to know where you are and how to reach you throughout the process.

Sponsorship Agreement Holders: email the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program.

If any information about the refugee you want to sponsor changes, you must tell the responsible visa office right away.

Sponsorship group representatives should provide a signed copy of the IMM 5476 Use of a Representative (PDF, 648 KB) form if you did not include one with your application.

Withdrawing your application

If you wish to withdraw your sponsorship undertaking after you have submitted your application, you must e-mail ROC-O and tell them why you want to withdraw.

Case Status Enquiries

Resettlement Operations Centre in Ottawa (ROC-O)


  • the application is still in Canada; and
  • we have not met the estimated in-Canada processing times,

You can email the Resettlement Operations Centre in Ottawa (ROC-O)

Canadian visa offices abroad


  • the application has been sent to the responsible visa office abroad (as shown in their online case status or via confirmation letter from ROC-O), and
  • the visa office has not met the estimated processing times,

You can use the IRCC Web form to ask about the status of the Application for Permanent Residence.

If you sponsored someone through the special program for Afghan refugees, you can:

  • use the crisis situation web form (including if you move or change your telephone number)
  • call us at 1-888-242-2100 (if you’re in Canada)

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