Destination Canada Mobility Forum: Attend as an organization representative

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Organization representatives participate in the Destination Canada Mobility Forum on behalf of

About the forum

The Destination Canada Mobility Forum 2025 will focus on

Participation is free, but you need to register. We’ll send you more details about the event after we confirm your registration.

Dates and locations of the Forum

The 20th edition of the forum will take place

Candidates and exhibitors will have access to the online platform until June 30, 2025.

Helping you find the right candidates

The forum is an opportunity to reach a large number of qualified and motivated candidates who are looking for information about immigration programs and settlement services across Canada.

You can provide support to employers in your province and territory by posting job positions on their behalf.

Candidates may include those who

How to participate

For the forum in Paris and Douala, we’ll provide a booth free of charge.

For the online edition, we offer access to a digital platform with a space for virtual booths and technical support before and during the forum.

We will ask you to provide feedback on the candidates and inform us of any hires made as part of the Destination Canada Mobility Forum.

Once you submit your registration

We’ll contact you to complete your registration and set up your virtual booth. By registering, you’ll receive updates including a detailed schedule and training on how to use the virtual platform.

Please note that participation is not intended for recruitment agencies, lawyers, or immigration consultants.


Registration is now closed.

If you have any questions, send an email to

Are you interested in participating to the 2025 edition of the Destination Canada Mobility Forum?

To participate as an exhibitor complete the registration form (PDF, 256 KB)

To avoid problems opening our forms

  1. Clear your browsing history (cache) before downloading a form.
    • When we update our forms, if you don’t clear your history, your browser may still open the old forms.
  2. Open the file in Acrobat Reader 10 (or higher) on your computer (not on a tablet or mobile phone)

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