About the Committee

The Military Grievances External Review Committee, formerly the Canadian Forces Grievance Board, is an administrative tribunal with quasi-judicial powers, independent from the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Forces (CF). It was founded in March 2000 in accordance with legislation enacted in December 1998 that contained amendments to the National Defence Act (NDA).

The Committee plays a distinctive role with regard to the Canadian Forces' grievance review process. It conducts unbiased, objective and transparent reviews of grievances with due respect to fairness and equity for each individual member of the CF, regardless of rank or position. Its role within the military grievance review process is unique because the Committee ensures the rights of CF personnel are considered fairly and impartially, in the best interests of both parties concerned, thus balancing the rights of the grievor against the legal and operational requirements of the CF.

Only the Committee has the statutory mandate to submit findings and recommendations to the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS).

Operating Context

Throughout its history, the Committee has established a reputation for producing quality findings and recommendations, based on thorough analysis and independent review. It is proud to have the support and appreciation of both the Canadian Armed Forces and the decision-makers at the Final Authority stage in the grievance process.

In order to continue to flourish as a high-performing, modern center of excellence in the independent review of military grievances, the Committee – a micro-organization of fewer than 50 employees – must constantly focus on its human resource capacity, its infrastructure and its operation processes.


The Committee's internal operating context reflects the strength of its processes and corporate knowledge. At the grievance review level, the organization has robust, agile processes flexible enough to withstand the fluctuations in the volume of referred grievances. In terms of human resources, the Committee deals with staff turnover like any organization. It must remain competitive and at the forefront of best practices and trends in talent acquisition, onboarding employees, and, above all, in employee retention.

The Committee enjoys a positive workplace environment. Employees have expressed satisfaction with the work-life balance, which continues to improve thanks to an excellent virtual environment that promotes mobile, collaborative and remote working.


As a demand-driven organization, the Committee does not control the volume of grievances referred for its independent review. Additionally, the Committee does not have any control over the process of Governor in Council member appointments, which do not necessarily proceed in harmony with organizational timeframes and requirements.

By adopting a continuous improvement philosophy, the Committee benefits from being an organization capable of achieving results and adjusting to a changing environment. It has proven resilient at dealing with uncertain situations and staying the course.

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