About the National Seniors Council

Seniors are the fastest-growing demographic group in Canada. The Government of Canada commits to address the challenges and opportunities emerging from this reality.

In 2007, the Government of Canada established the National Seniors Council (NSC). The NSC reports to the Minister of Labour and Seniors and the Minister of Health. The NSC advises Ministers on matters related to the health, well-being and quality of life of seniors.

To inform its advice, the NSC:

  • takes into account the views of seniors, experts, organizations and groups that provide seniors’ programs and services, and other relevant stakeholders and interested parties
  • undertakes activities such as commissioning research, convening expert panels and roundtables and holding consultative meetings
  • consults, using a comprehensive and collaborative approach, with federal departments, other levels of government and advisory bodies involved in seniors-related efforts
  • examines the policies, programs and services that have an impact on the lives of seniors

Since its inception, the NSC has examined a number of topics related to seniors, including:

  • social isolation
  • labour force participation
  • volunteering
  • low income among seniors
  • elder abuse

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