Canada Invests in Climate Change Adaptation to Keep Communities Safe in Southern Ontario and Across Canada


On January 23, 2025, Julie Dabrusin, Parliamentary Secretary to the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, along with Member of Parliament Bardish Chagger, announced over $4.5 million in funding for nine projects in southern Ontario or with national reach under Natural Resources Canada’s Climate Change Adaptation Program (CCAP).

These projects aim to enhance knowledge and skills among professionals, businesses and communities in southern Ontario and across Canada to adapt to a changing climate through the development and delivery of tools, resources and training.

The funding announced today comes from a total investment of $39.5 million, announced on November 14, 2024, through the CCAP and the Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities (CRCC) Program to reduce climate change risks and build more resilient communities across the country in support of the National Adaptation Strategy (NAS). 

NRCan is funding the following nine projects under the CCAP:

Project Name: Accelerating Climate Change Education for the Next Generation of Professionals
Recipient: University of Waterloo
Reach: National
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Funding from the CCAP: $870,000
Project Summary: This project will accelerate the integration of climate change adaptation knowledge and skills into professional degree programs in Canada, including engineering, accounting, architecture and planning, by designing and integrating new climate change adaptation curriculum into University of Waterloo programs and establishing a national forum for integrating adaptation curriculum into other programs.

Project Name: Guidelines for Integration of Climate Data in Electricity System Planning and Design
Recipient: McMaster University
Reach: Ontario
Location: Hamilton, Ontario
Funding from the CCAP: $721,750 
Project Summary: This project will produce a series of reports supported by associated workshops, decision guides and job aids designed to support practitioners in Canada’s electricity sector to incorporate climate change data and analysis into their work.

Project Name: Integrating Adaptation Considerations into Municipal Water and Infrastructure Long-term Planning
Recipient: Canadian Water Network
Reach: National
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Funding from the CCAP: $699,070
Project Summary: This project will build the capacity and knowledge of urban water management professionals by adapting international guidance, principles and practices into guidance tailored for Canada. It will also enhance access to adaptation resources, tools and approaches by convening professional networks nationally and internationally to foster peer-to-peer learning.

Project Name: Accelerating Climate Adaptation: Equipping Decision-Makers in Communities with Leading Equitable Adaptation Practices
Recipient: Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement
Reach: National
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Funding from the CCAP: $539,316
Project Summary: This project will identify climate change adaptation actions that are working for communities, including assessing how they are successfully moving from adaptation planning to action and taking equity considerations into account.

Project Name: Corporate Climate Adaptation and Community Impact: An Intersectional Approach
Recipient: UN Global Compact Network Canada
Reach: National
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Funding from the CCAP: $523,274
Project Summary: This project will analyze and address the intersectional impacts of corporate adaptation actions on local communities. This includes identifying barriers, drivers and enablers of effective corporate adaptation actions for community climate resilience and exploring intended and unintended outcomes of these actions within diverse local communities.

Project Name: Prioritizing Climate Adaptation Investments Across the Ontario Electric Sector
Recipient: EPRI International Inc.
Reach: National
Location: Calgary, Alberta
Funding from the CCAP: $450,000
Project Summary: This project will provide detailed guidance on how to assess the costs and benefits of climate impacts and adaptation in the electric sector to support the prioritization of adaptation investments for energy companies, using Ontario as a case study.

Project Name: Building Disaster Resilience Across Canadian Business Supply Chains: A Co-produced Innovation Tool for Understanding, Planning and Investing in Climate Change Adaptation
Recipient: University of Waterloo
Reach: National/International
Location: Waterloo, Ontario
Funding from the CCAP: $300,000
Project Summary: This project will map, co-develop and test multi-hazard adaptation and disaster-risk reduction tools with Canadian businesses for recognizing, planning and investing in disaster resilience along supply chains in Canada and abroad.

Project Name: Building Capacity through Professional Development Opportunities for Canadian Landscape Architects
Recipient: Canadian Society of Landscape Architects
Reach: National
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Funding from the CCAP: $230,000
Project Summary: This project will build the capacity of landscape architects across Canada to integrate climate change adaptation in their professional practice through the development of tools, training and communication resources tailored specifically for the profession.

Project Name: Climate Hazard and Response Tool (CHART) – Piloting a Climate Risk Prioritization Program for Low-Rise Residential Buildings
Recipient: Climes Group Engineering Inc.
Reach: National
Location: Kitchener, Ontario
Funding from the CCAP: $229,860
Project Summary: This project will develop a climate change adaptation decision support tool and training program to enhance the climate resilience of low-rise residential buildings. The tool will be used by energy advisors to identify vulnerabilities in building systems and suggest climate change adaptation measures for building owners.

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