National Adaptation Strategy

Adaptation means creating safe and secure communities in this time of change. Building strong resilient communities means managing the risks to our health, well-being, and livelihoods.

Canada's first National Adaptation Strategy is a shared vision of what we want our future to look like.

Building strong and resilient communities for future generations requires action across five interconnected systems:

National Adaptation Strategy approach and priorities

Climate change impacts each community and region in different ways. The National Adaptation Strategy is based on a set of guiding principles that ensures we reach our goals and objectives in a fair, inclusive, and equitable way:

The Strategy lists near-term targets, medium-term objectives, and long-term goals. A comprehensive national strategy helps us mobilize resources, identify gaps, and tailor the most effective local solutions. By measuring our progress, governments can adjust their approach to adaptation as required and respond to emerging issues.

Guiding principles
Long description for guiding principles figure

A pyramid divided into five sections stacked on top of one another and an arrow pointing from bottom to top. The widest section at the bottom has a symbol of a list and is labelled “Action Plans” with a description which reads, “Action plans outline immediate priorities, enable accountability, and focus on investments for the next five years”. The section above it has a symbol of a target and arrow and reads, “Near-term targets identify key priorities for immediate action, driving whole-of-society effort”. The next section, the third from the bottom, shows a symbol of a pathway with the words, “2030 Objectives”. The description reads, “Medium-term objectives outline key milestones needed to make progress toward the goals”. The section above this, fourth from the bottom shows a flag with the words, “2050 Goals” with the description “Long-term goals set specific transformational direction in each of the NAS Systems”. The last section at the very top of the pyramid shows a pair of binoculars and the word “Vision” with the description, “A shared vision to set long-term, overall direction for climate change resilience in Canada.

In the top left corner, a section titled “Guiding Principles” with four symbols above and the words below which read, “Guiding principles ensure we achieve that vision in a just and equitable way”. The first symbol of two stylized Indigenous people represents the first principle which is to “Respect jurisdictions and uphold Indigenous Peoples’ rights”. The second symbol is of weigh scales representing justice for the second principle which is to “Advance equity and climate and environmental justice”. The third symbol shows a hand protecting a plant which represents the third principle which is to “Take proactive, risk-based measures to reduce climate impacts before they occur”.  The fourth symbol shows a stylized graph with a heart, a leaf and an arrow suggesting positive upward movement. This represents the fourth principle which is to “Maximize benefits and avoid maladaptation”.

Climate risks in Canada

Explore major climate risks and solutions


Flooding is the most common natural disaster in Canada. Learn about how flooding can impact you and why you need to be prepared.


Wildfires can cause extensive damage and put lives in danger. Learn more how you can be better prepared.


Explore how climate-informed infrastructure decisions can better protect communities to withstand climate impacts and provide reliable services in a rapidly changing climate.


Learn about the reciprocal relationship between Canada’s forests and climate change as well as mitigation and adaptation strategies for the forest sector.

Get prepared

Across Canada, we face a varying number of hazards. Find out about risks in your region and how to prepare.

Extreme heat 

Learn about the health risks of extreme heat. Follow these tips to protect yourself and your loved ones from the health impacts of extreme heat.

Nature-based solutions

Through the use of nature-based solutions, we can work to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change while supporting biodiversity. Learn more about Canada’s nature-based climate solutions.

Indigenous and Northern communities

Supporting Indigenous climate leadership and co-developing solutions with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples is central to advancing reconciliation and self-determination.

Agriculture and Food

Learn about the potential impacts of climate change on agriculture in Canada.

Aquatic ecosystems and fisheries

Canada’s marine ecosystems are undergoing significant changes in part due to climate change. Learn more on how these changes impact our fisheries.

Government of Canada Adaptation Action Plan

Learn how the Government of Canada is implementing the National Adaptation Strategy to achieve climate resilience from coast to coast to coast.

Adaptation strategies and actions in Canada

Provincial and territorial adaptation strategies and programs

Provincial and territorial adaptation strategies and programs

Provincial and territorial governments in Canada are responsible for and set the direction for climate change adaptation measures in their respective jurisdictions. Many have developed stand-alone climate change adaptation plans or strategies and have made investments to support adaptation decision-making and on-the-ground action.

Indigenous organizations strategies

Indigenous organizations strategies

First Nations, Inuit, and Métis are leaders and drivers of climate action. They are addressing climate change in ways that reflect their distinct nationhood, cultures, and knowledge systems. Many Indigenous governments, regions, and communities are advancing efforts to monitor, assess, and understand climate change impacts. They are also working to develop climate change strategies and action plans to address the unique needs of their communities and natural environments.

Municipal adaptation strategies

Municipal adaptation strategies

Cities and communities are actively planning for climate change risks by developing adaptation strategies that inform city planning and infrastructure investment decisions, encouraging action by homeowners and businesses, and putting in place measures to advance local action (e.g., land-use by-laws, policies and zoning regulations, public health measures).

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