News results

Showing 281 - 290 of 680 results

Expand your businesses horizons in Israel: an armchair discussion with Parliamentary Secretary Fillmore

| Global Affairs Canada | media advisories

Andy Fillmore, Member of Parliament for Halifax and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Canadian Heritage and Multiculturalism, will meet with the business community of Halifax, Nova Scotia, on behalf of the Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of International Trade Diversification, to highlight Canada’s trade diversification strategy and the benefits they will see under a new modernized Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement (CIFTA).

Parliamentary Secretary Alghabra to announce CanExport SME funding with Signifi Solutions in Mississauga and with M1 Composites in Laval

| Global Affairs Canada | media advisories

Omar Alghabra, Member of Parliament for Mississauga Centre and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Trade Diversification, will make CanExport small and medium enterprise (SME) funding announcements with Signifi Solutions in Mississauga, Ontario, and with M1 Composites in Laval, Quebec, on behalf of the Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of International Trade Diversification, highlighting how trade diversification benefits the economy and leads to good jobs for for middle-class Canadians.

Parliamentary Secretary Poissant to announce CanExport SME funding with Automacad in Candiac

| Global Affairs Canada | media advisories

Jean-Claude Poissant, Member of Parliament for La Prairie and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, will make a CanExport small and medium enterprise (SME) funding announcement with Automacad in Candiac, Quebec, on behalf of the Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of International Trade Diversification, highlighting how trade diversification benefits the economy and leads to good jobs for middle-class Canadians.

Minister Gould to announce CanExport SME funding with Burloak Technologies in Oakville

| Global Affairs Canada | media advisories

The Honourable Karina Gould, Member of Parliament for Burlington and Minister of Democratic Institutions, will make a CanExport small and medium enterprise (SME) funding announcement with Burloak Technologies in Oakville, Ontario, on behalf of the Honourable Jim Carr, Minister of International Trade Diversification, highlighting how trade diversification benefits the economy and leads to good jobs for for middle-class Canadians.

Foreign Affairs Minister to visit Washington, D.C.

| Global Affairs Canada | media advisories

The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs, will hold meetings with United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, May 15, 2019.

UPDATE: Media registration opens for Women Deliver Ministerial Forum

| Global Affairs Canada | media advisories

The Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister of International Development and Minister for Women and Gender Equality, is hosting the Women Deliver Ministerial Forum as part of the Women Deliver 2019 Conference, held from June 3 to 5, 2019, in Vancouver, British Columbia.

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