News results

Showing 111 - 120 of 152 results

Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME)

| National Research Council Canada | backgrounders

The universe is expanding, and the rate of expansion is accelerating. The discovery of dark energy was made in the 1990’s and was surprising to astronomers, who expected to find that the cosmic expansion would slow down as gravity pulls the matter in the universe back in on itself, much as a ball thrown in the air would eventually reverse course and fall to the ground.

New Canadian telescope will map largest volume of space ever surveyed

| National Research Council Canada | news releases

A Canadian effort to build one of the most innovative radio telescopes in the world will open the universe to a new dimension of scientific study. The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science, today installed the final piece of this new radio telescope, which will act as a time machine allowing scientists to create a three-dimensional map of the universe extending deep into space and time.

Official opening of Canada’s newest and largest radio telescope to map the cosmos

| National Research Council Canada | media advisories

The Honourable Kirsty Duncan, Minister of Science, with representatives from the National Research Council of Canada, the University of British Columbia, McGill University, and the University of Toronto are launching Canada’s newest and largest radio telescope, the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment also known as CHIME.

A partnership supporting the U.S. Coast Guard’s heavy polar icebreaker acquisition program

| National Research Council Canada | backgrounders

In February 2017, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC), the United States Coast Guard (USCG) and the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology Directorate (S&T), finalized a partnership to support the U.S. Coast Guard’s heavy polar icebreaker acquisition program.

The National Research Council teams with United States Coast Guard and Department of Homeland Security to advance icebreaking technology

| National Research Council Canada | news releases

Today, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) hosted dignitaries from the United States Coast Guard (USCG), United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology (S&T) Directorate, and United States (U.S.) Navy to discuss and showcase progress made on the testing and evaluation of design models for the U.S. heavy polar icebreaker acquisition program.

The National Research Council of Canada teams with United States Coast Guard and  Department of Homeland Security to advance icebreaking technology

| National Research Council Canada | media advisories

The National Research Council of Canada (NRC), United States Coast Guard, and the United States Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate will showcase ongoing research relating to the U.S. heavy polar icebreaker acquisition program next week, at the NRC’s facility in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.

Successful first step for land selection in Winnipeg

| National Research Council Canada | news releases

The National Research Council of Canada (NRC) is building an advanced manufacturing research and development and demonstration facility in Winnipeg.

Importance of attosecond research

| National Research Council Canada | backgrounders

For the first time ever, physicists from three continents have been able to completely measure and describe the quantum-mechanical wave function of an ionized electron by using attosecond science techniques.

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