The Canadian Coast Guard plays an essential role in ensuring the safety of mariners and the protection of Canada’s marine environment. This is why providing Canadian Coast Guard personnel with the vessels they need to continue to deliver these critical services to Canadians through the National Shipbuilding Strategy is a priority for the Government of Canada.
Since 1965, the Canadian Coast Guard College in Sydney, Nova Scotia, has been providing internationally recognized training to personnel of the Canadian Coast Guard.
Canada and the United States have a long history of working together to help mariners in need and manage the coastlines and shared waterways that run along the borders between the two countries.
Sarnia, Ontario – The Canadian Coast Guard advises the public that an Environmental Response exercise will be conducted on the St. Clair River, near Walpole Island, Ontario, on May 17, 2022.
The Canadian Coast Guard’s seasonal search and rescue stations in Cap-aux-Meules, Havre-Saint-Pierre, Kegaska, Québec City, Rivière-au-Renard and Tadoussac have now resumed operations. Our six vessels of Saint-Lawrence sector have been launched on Thursday, March 31st, and have now reached their respective base.
La Garde côtière canadienne avise les résidents de Midland, en Ontario, et des environs, que le NGCC Griffon effectuera des opérations de déglaçage dans la région le 6 avril 2022 ou aux alentours de cette date.