News results

Showing 51 - 60 of 1029 results

Les Entreprises Antoine Stabile & fils inc. has been fined $25,000 for violating the Species at Risk Act

| Environment and Climate Change Canada | news releases

On December 14, 2023, at the Longueuil courthouse, Les Entreprises Antoine Stabile & fils inc. pleaded guilty to one count of violating prohibitions under the Emergency Order for the Protection of the Western Chorus Frog (Great Lakes / St. Lawrence–Canadian Shield Population) (the Emergency Order), in contravention of the Species at Risk Act.

Partners working with municipalities across Canada to contribute to national conservation network, supporting nature and halting biodiversity loss

| Environment and Climate Change Canada | news releases

Today, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, announced almost $1.1 million to support local conservation action. This investment recognizes the vital contribution that local green spaces make, not only to the health and well-being of Canadians and the natural environment, but to national and international conservation targets as well.

Canada invites applications for funding to protect freshwater ecosystems

| Environment and Climate Change Canada | news releases

Today, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, announced the launch of a call for proposals for projects aimed at protecting and restoring water quality and ecosystem health in the Great Lakes, the Lake Winnipeg Basin, and Lake of the Woods. This call for proposals follows the historic investments announced for fresh water in Budget 2023. Led by the Canada Water Agency, these Freshwater Ecosystem Initiatives advance priorities under Canada’s strengthened Freshwater Action Plan by investing in partner-led projects that will have a positive and measurable impact on fresh water and Canadians.

Minister Guilbeault reaffirms Canada’s commitment to global climate action and continues to push for a strong outcome at COP28

| Environment and Climate Change Canada | news releases

Over the past two weeks at COP28, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, alongside Catherine Stewart, Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change, Michael Bonser, Canada’s Chief Climate Negotiator, and Jean-François Tremblay, Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate Change, with the support of a strong and diverse Canadian delegation, have worked to advance cooperation and positive solutions at all levels, with the objective of responding to the consequences of a changing global climate.

Canada participates in large-scale global enforcement operation aimed at disrupting wildlife and forest crimes

| Environment and Climate Change Canada | news releases

In October 2023, Environment and Climate Change Canada enforcement officers participated in Operation Thunder 2023, a month-long global operation involving 133 countries. Led by INTERPOL and the World Customs Organization, the operation aimed to identify, disrupt, and dismantle criminal and organized crime networks involved in trafficking wild plant and animal species.

Canada and United States announce renewed commitment on climate and nature ambition

| Environment and Climate Change Canada | news releases

Canada and the US hold shared interests of increasing climate ambition to secure a globally competitive net-zero North American economy. Both countries work together to enhance aligned policies on climate change, while delivering economic growth, especially in integrated sectors.

At COP28, momentum increases for the Global Carbon Pricing Challenge

| Environment and Climate Change Canada | news releases

Today at COP28, the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, and Catherine Stewart, Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change, convened a high level event with carbon pricing Champions working together to advance the global conversation on carbon pricing

Government of Canada announces new economic incentive to reduce methane emissions from beef cattle

| Environment and Climate Change Canada | news releases

Today, Environment and Climate Change Canada published a draft fourth protocol under Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Offset Credit System. This new draft protocol, Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Beef Cattle (REME protocol), will incentivize farmers to implement changes that would reduce enteric methane emissions from their beef cattle operations with an opportunity to generate offset credits that they can sell.

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